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General DiscussionPost your Solo ranked match rating

Post your Solo ranked match rating in General Discussion

    ^^when did valve actually didnt lie about something?

    MMr is BS because i stack with braindead people and have a party MMR of 4000+ while my solo is 3700

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    LL Poroksi

      Ye it must be very hard to win against people who "at this stage people just smash buttons have no coordination have no sense". Your enemy is as horrible as your team so if you are better than avg player at your bracket you will win games, that simple.

      Miku Plays



          4420(solo) 3958(party)

          Сука Spirit

            "It's not Elo-hell, it's Dunning-Kruger-Hell, you are so bad that you literally can't even understand how fucking bad you are."

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              @Proloksi; I understand you cannot understand how it is to get in team with people that have very low sense of what is happening in the game, but having a team-game rely on one person just doesn't feel alright to me...

              Maybe you are the kind of guy that can own 3k ladder, well I cannot own it, but that is the problem i am not playing with heroes that own shit...

              w/e As only few of the community actually share my pain I understand how this system must appear to be flawless.

              Quick maffs


                Poor suports they are always blamed with no reason at all


                Sometimes its actually your team fault, saying this doesnt mean that the players on your team are bad players, it means that they played badly.

                I know that a lot of people here ARE the reason why their team lost (i still remenber the battefury bkb pl blaming his team ) but that its not always true.

                My friend is the one playing lion that game, i dont think he is a bad player but in this game it WAS his fault. I am not insulting him by saying this, hell i think 95 % of my loses are my fault, there is no problem at all saying that. Sometimes there is no one to blame, sometimes your team just lost ( because of picks, because opponents were better ) and that happens too, but denying that in some games someone fucked up is stupid.

                You automatically assume that people are retarded for blaming their team when in some cases they are right, what you do its almost as bad as what they do.

                King of Low Prio

                  well yea if I brought my worst friend into my games he would prob screw up and feed but when doing solo MM you are generally getting similar skilled players

                  Quick maffs

                    I am getting so used to play this kind of low mmr matches that i am fucking getting worst on every game, i think that its the reason i have good kda but i still suck so hard.

                    wish i had time to solo queue and to play with my friends. oh well.


                      i can't find mine?

                      says i still have 5 solo calibration games left, is this why i cant find mine in console?

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                        8 wins 2 losses and 3100, didnt understand why x/


                          4 wins out of 10 - 3359 - OK i guess

                          For those who saying the system sucks/bad, give valve some credits - human made system always have flaws.

                          even laws today are abuse able, the system still young expect improvements later on.


                            3054... went 5-5 in the ten games
                            Never get anything but + or - 25ish

                            Harry hamburgerryg

                              startet on 3600, now i worked my way up to 3800. Is that good?

                              King of Low Prio

                                no it isnt you are still in the trenches


                                  that is relative and subjective, and not statistically accurate. Then again you may have another 3-4 terms for brackets lower than the trenches?

                                  3800 is most likely higher than average by a good margin.

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                                    started with 4066. Now at 4133

                                    Proud Boi

                                      4711 solo by spamming Jugger

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                                        Mind numbing but not as mind numbing as the guy that plays outworld devourer 2200 games.


                                          4650+ still try hard every min in ranked game

                                          Catboy Gene

                                            around 1700 and bottom 10%, trying to improve

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                                              4.3k ~


                                                really on 1700? thats weird, stats dont seem too bad

                                                Proud Boi

                                                  Maybe that's because having a win rate of 51-52% playing against retards isn't all the impressive.


                                                    ok I have no idea how the rating works.....mine is 2825. Good? bad? indifferent?

                                                    bum farto

                                                      @Noodle It's perhaps slightly under average but you can improve it with some effort and it should discourage you from continuing to play and trying to get better.


                                                        Are those percentiles in first post still actual / accurate ?


                                                          2886 I have no idea if that's good or not...


                                                            If it goes back through all of your dota game I am pretty happy with my ranking, I say I only got slightly decent in my last 100 ish games. before that I sucked mega balls. I was in super brown league.

                                                            Jerry Mice

                                                              Out of curiocity I tried my old account, after 10 games 8 win 2 loss, ended up 3650 lol
                                                              I have a new account with 4100 rating lol


                                                                OA*_Havoc Badger19 hours ago
                                                                @Noodle It's perhaps slightly under average but you can improve it with some effort and it should discourage you from continuing to play and trying to get better.

                                                                ... what a bunch of bullshit, 2.8k is the average, in fact from 2.5 upto 3.5 is the average and you will struggle to find players above that play solo queue or have played it.

                                                                In fact i find it funny how people here are posting 5K and 6K when most of you are averaged around or ( excepting the people that stacked like crazy previously before the MMR was introduced and padded their stats ) ..shit Ranked came out and suddenly theres pros poping around from every corner.. funny that most people's previously open Profiles suddenly turned to private.. i wonder why.


                                                                  How do you breed a black lion ?


                                                                    You dont, its like unicorns, sprouts from the earth at the end of Rainbow to the song of fairies being tickled by ultra smart chimps with lazorz.

                                                                    Hence the magic powers of a black lion.. also know for cooking good spaghetti


                                                                      really mapzor lol


                                                                        need suggestion to improve

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                                                                          @Noodle: I hope Havoc was kidding when he said "it should discourage you from continuing to play and trying to get better." Thats far from true if you have played only a few hundred games. You have only played 400 games. You will get better MMR for sure.

                                                                          Look at the typical graph pattern of MMR vs games given by Valve in It looks like the algorithm needs at least around 500 games for MMR to stabilize. It might be different for different people too. Also, I think, unless you have played all heroes to know which suit you well, you have not extracted the full potential MMR score from the game. And there are a lot of things in dota that you learn only by experience.

                                                                          One thing is, you get a net increase in 1000 MMR, if your average win-loss difference is 40 more than the present difference (assuming you get +-25 MMR per game). So if you try a new hero or a new meta and practice it in bots/normal until you have a good impact in the game, then try it in ranked, it will help you get some of those win-loss difference. Think of bots/normal as exercise and practice exams for the finals(ranked). Dont forget cramming guides and discussions with like minded people.

                                                                          BTW, I am in absolute trench of 2.2k MMR[all the drow/viper/riki/sniper picks]. I dont mind that as long as games are close. But there are at least a 100 heroes I have not tried properly. I have to learn to play them. As of now, last hitting, keeping up farm is the hardest for me. So I play heroes who are effective with minimal farm, like supports.


                                                                            Isomorphism, playing support might not help since your team mates are probably just as bad at farming just that they refuse to admit it. I got around it by playing heroes with high attack damage, fast animation or cheap nukes

                                                                            I remember the days of drow/sniper/riki/pudge instapicks, guilty of that myself especially with PA. looks like i was at 2.2k not so long ago or even much lower since i have even worse stats that you when i started a year ago


                                                                              "Isomorphism, playing support might not help since your team mates are probably just as bad at farming just that they refuse to admit it."

                                                                              lol Raziel. Maybe you are right. But I am trying to learn to zone out opponent carry so that even if my carry sucks, the opponent carry will be worse. Sometimes it's just impossible to help, but very often with the right lanes and good zoning out, it has worked in my favor.

                                                                              Also it is too early for me to speak, I dont think I have played even 30 ranked matches.

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                                                                                2k mmr. I'm not even shit as well. I get paired with russians. They either quit or they feed and lose. I always go postiive and have a great impact on pushing, yet 2k solo mmr. BS.

                                                                                Hulk the kitty

                                                                                  2392, 7 wins 3 losses, started playing dota 2 right after ti3 (my boyfriend was watching the tournament and I got hooked. I even stayed up until 6 a.m. to watch the final by myself even though I barely understood what was going on screen) , never played a strategy game before... I'm still a beginner so I hope in time I'll improve my skill and my rank :(


                                                                                    6 wins 4 losses 3683 now 3611.
                                                                                    Can't get pass 3800 since my teammates go full retard at 3800 mark.


                                                                                      I think mine is 2445. :| Been playing for about 6 months, so not really complaining.
                                                                                      I just hope KDR isn't a factor.

                                                                                      brastealer  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                        how to win solo mmr : dont rage at teammates for fail encourage them until the end, if you still lose then flame their whole family kappa

                                                                                        Aiming Up


                                                                                          playing for 8 months :)

                                                                                          Aiming Up

                                                                                            oh and my win/loss is: 9-6 on ranked


                                                                                              4550+, getting ONLY losses after. But I'm not surprised.

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