General Discussion

General DiscussionCan Anybody Tell Me the LOGIC Here? ( 4K MMR game )

Can Anybody Tell Me the LOGIC Here? ( 4K MMR game ) in General Discussion
S h e e p

    Mind = Blown Game
    Take a look at the exp difference
    Mind = Fucked

    Did Radiant just throw the fucking game??

    Until the last few mins, the exp graph actually favor toward dire
    The fact that Dire fucking persistently stay in the game

    One of the stupidest game ever, waste of my time.
    I do not recommend you to watch the game.


      It's easy to stay in the game when the enemy carry can't farm at all. 500 gpm on the winning team vs 633 on the losing team, that morph was a joke.


        I have a feeling the only thing that Morphling did was shotgun Silencer and then get killed by Void or Necro...

        Ples Mercy

          lich, bb and warlock did more damage than morph LeL

          S h e e p


            Everybody here has mmr of over 4k, they have some ideas of what they were doing.
            The fact that radiant had so much exp proves that they snowballed since the early game.

            But they werent able to to take tower with their advantage in exp and snowballed even more.
            Very Disappointing.

            You are partially correct. The morph actually spent most of his time farming as he wanted to out farm void in the late game.
            Dire has Necro, and i think that Necro did splendid job in delaying the game and anti carry his opponents.

            I feel that this match is fairly interesting, i just wanna share with you guys.
            thank you for comment

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Necro, Silencer and FV counter morphling

              Slardar Battlefury

              S h e e p

                @Fuck you Phoenix players

                During the early game, the radiant's support controlled and pressured the game heavily causing game to favor Radiant.
                Thats why the supports did more damage than morph.

                Just by looking at your game logs, i feel that you are very experienced in dota.


                  why not look at this (5k mmr game)

                  did Radiant just throw the fucking game?


                  (answer: no)

                  Until the last few mins, the exp graph actually still favor toward Radiant

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  S h e e p


                    Well done!

                    You just proved yourself as a 5k player

                    Oh Shit Waddup

                      Zenoth= R[A]T

                      Game is hard

                        psh rat dota can win any game. like this one




                          triple butterfly. literally standing in front of the enemy as their buildings fall


                            he's not 5k, he's around 5.7

                            bum farto

                              @Sano that's the 5K bracket still you lemon


                                morph is probably terrible and forgot to push when his team had the advantage and it dragged out till the dire's OP late game lineup started kicking in


                                  when people are brain dead u win games like this (4 carry lineup vs 2 carry )

                                  and ( 2 core vs 1 core)

                                  however when people managed to find their brains and ur team managed to lose their brains u can lose games like this
                         (1 core vs 4 )

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                           And look at this game, did Dire just throw the game. Well, yes they did and they did it really hard.


                                      Lol rat doto can win any fucking game



                                        Poor Moon :,(


                                        How did you beat them with such low tower damage? Did they just never defend against yours and Nature's Prophet's pushes? It looks like the mvp in that game wasn't a rat, but a creep.

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          i didnt read anything but the fact that Kevin said "everyone here is above 4k they have an idea of what theyre doing"

                                          please just stop if you think people in the 4k know their shit

                                          just stop




                                          "Everybody here has mmr of over 4k, they have some ideas of what they were doing."

                                          just no

                                          (they dont)

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                          road 5k

                                            well many people say that 3-4k is the trench, so the match that i chose to share is 4k game. which is pretty interesting.

                                            and i also get to know many interesting matches shared by these people.

                                            you guys are awesome! thank you

                                            PS: I'm Kevin

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