General Discussion

General DiscussionIs There Any Skill To Playing With Kunkka Or Is He Another Noob Pick?

Is There Any Skill To Playing With Kunkka Or Is He Another Noob Pick? in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I've played two games now with KUNKKA and I love it. Winning both games with a reasonably good score for a noob which i am. I was wondering if people think that there is a certain degree of skill needed to play with Kunkka or is he just another NOOB choice for people who can't play that well?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He is one of the hardest heroes to play actually. But he looks easy when you just crit and win a teamfight with a single hit.

      Game is hard!

        who cares, you uninstalled, remember?


          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

            High feel required.

            :) Baby Bushkin :)

              I found him quite easy to play with and if you play properly with him farming isn't an issue. My only genuine problem is his ultimate i found that i only used it not more than 4 times in a 50 minute game.. it deals so much damage but you have to time it perfectly. I clearly didn't uninstall so please get of my forum. I get the impression he is becoming a noob choice due to his build and his damage output.

              me, government hooker

                rush divine rapier is best

                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                  Best thing about Kunkka is his ultimate imo. And then his cleave attack late game is really good.


                    Not really that hard to make torrent+boat combo with x, needs kinda more luck/predicting to do it without it, tho

                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                      that's what i found really. most of his abilities rely on excellent combo timing or in the noobs case (my case) blind luck haha


                        just go into bot mode and practice it 20 min and u can hit every single combo with any x length

                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                          I take it you're a fellow Kunkka fan haha :) thank you for the tip. its much appreciated


                            kunkka is fairly hard to play

                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                              i thought he was at first because of timing his abilities right but if you play right with him and you don't play greedy or silly you can seriously whoop some ass


                                What do you consider a 'noob pick'?

                                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                  I think i would consider a noob pick to be a hero that doesn't require any work or effort to play with like Drow Ranger or Huskar, heroes that people always pick


                                    There are no Noob picks, the skill cap on every hero is higher then the skill of the best players. Kunkka isn't that easy to learn. you need to learn to do things like casting torrent from out of the enemy's vision so they don't juke the second that they see your cast animation, or knowing when the next creep wave is going to arrive in lane so that you can use it to get a second tide bringer proc when you go in for a kill, or waiting for your team mates to stun/slow/immobilize the other team before throwing out a boat/torrent so that your spells will hit. these are just some examples there is a lot of other things you need to get down to play the hero he is not a viper or lich (drow and husker aren't easy if the other team doesn't feed as soon as you orb walk them).

                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                      I find Drow and Huskar to be in the top 5 easiest heroes to play with. And i'm a noob and i play with other noobs so there are noob picks haha if you're not a noob yourself you can't comment on that point. Only we know the heroes we pick but i'm gonna train with Kunkka because i really like him


                                        Kunkka 3 Rapier + 1 Daedalus = GG lol


                                          Support Kunkka is best Kunkka.

                                          [DFG] Whale King

                                            I agree with number 12. There are no heroes that are just "noob picks". Some heroes can do better than others with an incompetent players, that doesn't mean a very adept player can't stomp as that same hero. There are some insanely good WK players despite it being considered one of the easier heroes in the game. It just happens to be that being an extraordinarily talented Invoker may be more difficult that extraordinarily good WK. That being said, both players would do extremely well in their games.

                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                              That's a fair comment i guess


                                                Torrent is a sick disable. X-mark is an effective way to troll your teammates. 9/10

                                                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                  I just played and lost with him.. I'm gutted haha

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I find kunkka really hard actually. Sure spamming tidebringer is easy but he has 3 skill shots otherwise.

                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                      I think if you have good timing you'd play Kunkka great but my timing still needs work and my combo still needs some work so i need a hell of a lot more practice with him.