General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing Back To Being 9PLASM and Finding a New Hero To Play With :D

Going Back To Being 9PLASM and Finding a New Hero To Play With :D in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    Well i've dropped the noob thing.. Really wasn't helping me at all and i've gone back to my old name and started to play properly and really try. I genuinely think if i try i can get really good at this Game so what the hell lets start a fresh and leave all the noob nonsense where it belongs.

    In my quest for new heroes to play i've discovered Disruptor. I actually like this hero and his abilities and i was just curious how other people have found this hero when playing with him or against him. I guess what i really want to know is if Disruptor is a reasonable hero for amateur style players? i found him quite easy to play with but i felt like my abilities didn't help that much in the late game and i wasn't really contributing to the fight as much as i could have been.

    P.s i'd like to apologize to the people on this blog if i have offended anybody by how some of my previous blogs and comments have been phrased or worded. I genuinely don't mean to cause offence or p**s anybody off so sorry if i have done so. So sorry an all and hope we can move on from all the 'I'M A NOOB' crap.

    Miku Plays

      You should try Legion Commander or Troll Warlord.. both heroes rely on the buff of their skills to increase their right click power :D

      :) Baby Bushkin :)

        I've seen a lot of the professionals use Legion Commander lately and she seems great. Troll Warlord i haven't actually played with and haven't played against him that much.. he's genuinely never picked in the games i'm in but he might be worth a go :D thanks :) @HatsuneMiku

        kanye went to uni

          man i feel like such a jerk now...

          if you like disruptor then play disruptor. the vast majority of heroes in dota can have a significant impact provided you play them right. i think hes a medium skill cap hero but even if he was extremely high skill cap you should still play him if you like him.

          i think if you want to get better, the bigger thing you should focus on would be overall decision making, like when to go in or stay back, when to fight, when/where to farm, when to place what wards, etc., not what hero you should play

          kanye went to uni

            but if you want to ignore all that i reckon abbadon's a great hero to learn, he will do well without too much skill but can also do a lot more with skill, and can be played in any role

            :) Baby Bushkin :)

              No don't feel like a jerk, i was acting like a right t**t i was just trying to find my feet on here and went about it the wrong way. To be honest the 'I'M A NOOB' started as a joke between me and some lad in a deathmatch and i changed the name, then after losing 5 matches in a row it stuck and i started running with it. Essentially it became my excuse for sometimes having off days which is pretty childish of me. So i've changed it and decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and accept if i wanna be better then i've gotta work for it :)

              Funny you should mention i tend to play random draft quite a lot to stop me always picking the same hero and having some variety and Abbadon comes up quite a lot. Also i've seen him be picked by i think it was Team Tinker in one of their latest games and he was pretty boss so if he's good enough for them then he's good enough for me haha no harm in giving him a go. @WeWereReady

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Play Terrorblade.

                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  @Critalus i think you've told me to play Terrorblade before haha i do like the look of him. Might give him a go



                    Miku Plays

                      ^ LC clears your TB every 18s

                      Game is hard!

                        Why don't you stick to razor? amazing hero


                          I kinda love death prophet... :-D its so forgiving!

                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                            I like to have a change once in a while, more to the point that i always do best in the mid with razor but others players don't seem to agree when i want to mid with razor so i started playing with other heroes. I haven't forgotten him and yes you are totally correct he is an awesome hero but i need to learn how to play with different heroes :)


                              how about meepo? meepo is fun!

                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                Now i have a dislike with Meepo, you see i can't really pick him because i talk so much smack about him, i'd look like a right hypocrite but saying that i see him get picked (recently) quite a lot, never use to see him get picked so i might have a look at him and see but i've got this feeling i really won't enjoy it but it's a good suggestion all the same pal :)


                                  templar cutie ofc

                                  bum farto

                                    Hatsune no phase please, we talked about this

                                    Miku Plays

                                      m(__)m forgive me Mr.Axe.. i just cant feel tranqs yet, it will take time before it becomes a routine to me.

                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                        Oh lordy i am awful with Templar Assassin

                                        bum farto
                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            The fastest way to improve for you is to not play support. You want to get a feel for mechanics like last hit or twitch gaming in the middle of fights as a core hero. The skills you get will transition over to when you try support roles later on; not wasting any of the few last hits you get, initiation timing and etc.

                                            Epic Sax Guy

                                              136 kills in a 50 min game?

                                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                It's harder for me because my lucky heroes are major supports like Jakiro, Rubick, Enigma, Lich, Lion and Bane... literllay all my good heroes play in the supporting role :-/


                                                  Play templar mid. One of favorite heroes recently. Gotta thank waga and them russian streamers for my new found love for the hero. She's pretty fun to play and you can 1 v 5 the game if you snowballed enough.


                                                    also don't get discouraged if you feed with her at first. Just keep practicing and you can watch high mmr streams on if ypu want to know how they play her. Oh and don't buy blink first cause it might lose you the game if you won't snowball with it and you will severely lack damage if your blink rotations failed.

                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                      She's really not the hero for me but i always draw her in deathmatch so i really should at least try and get a basic understanding haha