General Discussion

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Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion
casual gamer

    your team was snowballing in the early game, which sped up your itemization and let you become unstoppable later on.

    however, heart was definitely not a good choice over bkb in that game. Between cm root (which can be cast every few seconds) and cold snap/dblast, you would have found yourself in trouble if the enemy team managed to mount a comeback.

    while they do have bkb-penetrating stuns (curse, RP), skipping bkb is still potentially crippling


      ik, by the time I bought Heart the game was already won, we got mega creeps on them so I just clowned around. If we had been in any real danger of losing the game I would have farmed BKB right after Basher
      (poster below dont reply to my last game but to dispassionate's last game instead)

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      the realm's delight

        magina farma farma dada nahui ez game

        casual gamer

          Idk how you lost, looks like you easily could've won solo

          If I had to guess I'd say you wasted buyback and then got caught out and died

          ofc not having travels was possibly a factor

          edit: im retarded you had bkb

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          Bad Intentions

            the game was yours man! that blunder at the end of the game is a killer.. but you did your job as abadon, good items too.


              you,sf, bb carried the game. Nice job anyway.
              I guess it was a comeback, btw, that TA is horrible.
              Dunno by me, but i guess its better if u buy the meca, not for sf.

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              Tu tayta

                Seeing as everyone fed roughly the same, I guess there's nobody to blame but all of your team for picking such no gucci heroes against the FOTM Lesh and Blyatseeker

                I can imagine the rest of your not tanky at all teammates being slowly melted by Lesh and Antimage specially is a terribad pick against the latter mate!


                  seems u been in half of the fights and ratting whenever u are not in them based on the TD, but it seems all of your teammates did good especially qop, so might been an easy games

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                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      @Mekarazium, I'll skip AD game cause it ain't DotA. On Rubick game, you died way to much but still had good kill participation. Still lost to the mighty push.

                      And btw, I was skipped last time I commented here and I had an awesome game, so whoever comments next comment on that game please. I was fucking 10 sloted Storm. It's that 1:35h game, not 1:29h. Thanks.


                        seriously abyssal on storm is legit. my friend has gotten abyssal on TA many times and it works wonders.

                        have you ever done that on TA? shes your most played by far

                        edit: nvm ya i see you have before

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                        Big Dick Player

                          Typical bloodseeker game with a sweet humiliation dagon. smurfing I assume

                          Hide The Pain - Herald

                            Seems like a decent long game. Clash of the carries - TA PL vs JUG Spec.

                            Nice hero damage, GPM and Tower dmg. Big fan of the Ac pick up gg wp


                              well, you rolled them.

                              good hd, very nice gpm xpm

                              wp dude

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                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  Ez stomp.

                                  not much to say, you rekt them

                                  Edit: LOL too fast for you Utah

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                                    Can't say much seems Undying threw the game.


                                      nice job winning brood vs techies and stuff. HUGE PLEB EZ GAME


                                        Your team's draft was greedy as fuck but it looked like Dire couldn't pressure it enough, which lead to Naga getting out of control. But you should have had more CS for a 53 min game.

                                        Night 夜

                                          Looks like a fairly even game where one teamfight + ggpush mid ended the match.

                                          casual gamer

                                            easy win as carry (?) treant. I imagine you rushed aghs and used the eyes to farm both jungles, accelerating your farm far beyond what noobs could ever hope to match

                                            It probably shouldnt have worked, but gj I guess.

                                            I would go shadow blade or blink on carry tree, the hero is kinda sluggish and lacks in the gap closer department

                                            Night 夜

                                              [IGNORE THIS AS FAR AS ON THREAD GOES]

                                              ^ mid treant, actually. Don't really need mobility in normal bracket, just walk up to them, use seed/ult and punch them. It's hella fun running around in their jungle, just killing anyone who dares to go and try get some neutral camps.

                                              [IGNORE THIS AS FAR AS ON THREAD GOES]

                                              puni puni butt UWU

                                                ez game, dumpstered on a bad team comp and dumpstered on qop mid. overall solid!

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                                                    in response to "(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)(`・ω・´)" (dont comment on my dotabuff game)

                                                    i worked my way to a quick dagon and i ended up initiating very many fights which would usually cost my life. i stopped dedicated farming after about 20 minutes just to run around smacking squishy supports :3 and then like you said, naga went out of control :D


                                                      WW's heal should count towards hero healing.


                                                        Played a very smart Anti mage game, pushed towers effectively and helped to secure the win.

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                                                            Textbook WW game I guess. Your team just ran over them with the vision advantage after getting some kills.



                                                              Axe got his tranquil boots stolen by the BH on your team, 10/10 best moment of your life watching Axe curse in anguish.
                                                              Carry spectre

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                Despite their ability to kill you through BKB (wd ult, rupture, qop ult), you still snowballed heavily and won your team the game

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  Low deaths, got solar crest, very effective. Good job on not dying too much.

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                                                                      For Bad Intentions: I remember seeing those Veno builds in Dota1. Went for the super safe build, good considering the heroes you were against. To be honest, your enemies were outpicked, but you still had great impact, keep it up!

                                                                      Mekaninja: Yay! Undying...I hate reviewing Undy games, because often the stats don't match the impact of the hero :d
                                                                      Maybe the Hero Healing is a bit too low, considering the hero and the Greaves, but whateva, you won despite the Yolothrum.
                                                                      Dat Sky nick though.

                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                        huge impact as winter wyvern, you and void won the game.

                                                                        Gawr Gura

                                                                          With the amount of AoE magic damage, i don't think WW was that good of a pick because a proper Embrace can really throw a gank off balanced.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            you did pretty well for your self here havin the most assists on your team with a few kills to back it up even, however i think perhaps instead of going for aghs you should have worked towards bkb, most the enemy team was magic burst and lesh does not stand up very well to that, but either way WP! also dat invoker doe

                                                                            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                              No analysis of my game xD

                                                                              Anyways, good farm, went for divine, seems like you carried your team coz your team overall exp graph seems dreadful ggwp


                                                                                I'm gonna assume that Necro landed some game-winning Scythes in this one, that's the only explanation I have for winning with Necro when you have a kill + XP deficit. You could have died less times with better engaging and de-engaging.

                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                  Disconnected and terrible LC on team and still carried to victory by PA and her ridiculous DPS.


                                                                                  Best insight I can give because I'm a clueless retard. Good luck and have fun.

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                                                                                      You could have picked a carry. Lacking lategame but guys won anyways.


                                                                                        A silver edge would have been a nice pickup, just for the break imo,
                                                                                        even if they're already getting tons of detection for techies.
                                                                                        They had an abandoned hero though, and 4v5 vs a techies is deadly.
                                                                                        You guys needed a linkens, which mirana got, so that's nice. :)
                                                                                        You racked up a lot of kills this game, and carried fairly well.
                                                                                        Although I guess your lasthits as an sf is kinda meh~ ish.

                                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                                          well i cant say too much, you did good, farmed up some core items and then ganking.

                                                                                          I cant say anything on your decisions as it was a tournament game so it was probably all planned in the pick phase.

                                                                                          anyway gratz for winning

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            u did good with ur jugg, carried the team u got attack speed, mobility, killing potential, everything, good job


                                                                                              Nice game with invoker, very high hd and nice gpm. Gj man, very nice invo plays!

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                You did good, your teammates are quite ok, so I assume you are not playing with friends who are 1.5k mmr lower then you.

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                                                                                                    Too much support, too little action.

                                                                                                    Night 夜

                                                                                                      even tho the enemy team had more cs and kills, your team ended up with more gold. The power of love Track.