General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa Stone Gaze

Medusa Stone Gaze in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Hello Dotoboff, Stone Gaze has a cast time of 0.5secs. Is it possible to stun/silence her to cancel her ultimate? does silencer ulti stops dusa ulti?


      its cast time not channeling so yea u just stop her from casting it once the stun/silence is over she can cast it again
      silencer ulti does not stop her ulti

      Riguma Borusu

        Yup, can be done, but you need something like hex or telekinesis, else you'll probably not get it in time, because once it's through, it's over.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          It has a long cast time but doesn't have a cast animation, she will be just sitting there so it's not always easy to tell when she is casting.

          Miku Plays


            isnt it similar to sks ulti though, once the cast time has been stopped ult will be on cd?

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              No it's like SF ulti.

              Miku Plays

                owowo... i see

                Im thinking nerfing the dusa ult a bit by making it sk ulti, its pretty strong since it pierces bkb, other than that just running away is the best choice but a siege situation is a different story.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Well, I've certainly seen Medusa players abuse the ult by casting it in the middle of a fight where there are tons of other sounds and visuals around - you simply don't hear or see it coming, even though you should expect it. Otherwise it's pretty apparent, you see those lines from the animation and you hear that terrible sound. In the middle of the fight? Well, you just hope you're lagging really bad, because your hero isn't gonna move for a while :|

                  Still, I don't think it's OP at all, unlike Black Hole, Ravage, Berserker's Call or RP, you can avoid it by... looking away... I think that really compensates it heavily. Obviously you need some coordination to pull it off every time, but still, the fact that it is so avoidable is balancing its strength.


                    "abuse" ... typical normal skill

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Even if they don't petrify it's still a 6s 50% movement and turn rate slow if they just look at you for a little bit. You're also forcing the enemy to not fight, so your team can go aggressive on them while stone gaze is going. Can also combo it with echo stomp or berserker call for easy stoning.

                      Don't think it needs a nerf though, since it helps her not being completely useless in midgame, and often works as an escape too while afk farming since she's very immobile and easy to catch (just like song for naga who also needs to farm a lot, but does it faster). If anything just make the cast time longer like Song of Siren.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        Why nerf dusa?? omg, nerf TB and bat too? haha
                        I play the hero, you cant nerf her ult right now unless you strongly buff her stats gain or some other shit

                        Riguma Borusu

                          @lustmolch: Didn't try to understand what the poster meant because he feels superior... typical VHS. I think it's pretty obvious I didn't mean abuse in the real meaning of the term.

                          @Pomi: Yes, but turn rate and movement slows aren't really hard disables, you have the time to euls, forcestaff, hex if you can hit them, etc. Warlock's Upheavel is actually much more ridiculous than that spel and I don't see people asking for nerfs.

                          Dire Wolf

                            If you nerf her ult she'll be useless early and mid game. Her ult is only utility she has in early fights when her dmg is pathetic and she can't tank yet. But you can actually take fights with her around level 8,9,10 if her ult is up and it's a team thing.

                            It's not op anyway.


                              If it didn't have a cast time, Medusa blink initiations would be great.
                              If the hero was changed at all as far as the ultimate goes, it would probably be tweaked in order to scale better. Level 1 ult is nearly the same as level 3 ult.