General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Road to 8k MMR starts today.

My Road to 8k MMR starts today. in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    ^A god who goes around with a SnY in his inventory past the 1 hour mark, but doesn't have a bkb?



      Nothing fucking wrong with sny SF even lategame.

      Riguma Borusu

        So you still only read half the sentence.

        It's not that he has SnY, it's that he doesn't have a bkb against shackles, cask and ravage. The only candidate for a swap for bkb, out of all his items, is obviously SnY, he can't afford to drop anything else for it.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          @road to oblivion do u even play sf??? i don't think so... sooo u know what to do? right.... just look at my sf win percentage... only hero u know to play is legion, sven, and venge, baby heroes... BABY heroes my friend... and for the record @road to oblivion you're not that good compared to me... stat wise! You don't have invoker skills or sf skills, you don't have meepo skills either so... yeah i'm better than you... just admit it.. and quit hatin'... you'll only get misery if u hate on people. might as well quit dota if the only hero you know how to play is Legion Commander... not versatile at all... how will u grow?

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            In the game set on trial today, I must agree with Oblivion, BKB was pretty much a necessity. A 10 sec Magic Immunity would've raped.

            Riguma Borusu

              "@road to oblivion do u even play sf??? i don't think so... sooo u know what to do?"

              I watch competetive play, and high mmr players. They get BKB practically every game, all of them, unless they're just running over their opponents real hard or they don't have anything to get it against. You were up against shackles, ravage and cask and if your opponents weren't brain damaged, they'd get more CC for you, seeing you didn't get a bkb. But, hey, 1k MMR GOD is here.

              "just look at my sf win percentage..."

              At 1k, rofl.

              "only hero u know to play is legion, sven, and venge, baby heroes... BABY heroes my friend..."

              This is an empty statement though, I have more games of legion, higher winrate, up to 3.5k hidden mmr and up to 2.7k ranked, with a greater winrate than yours with SF. And also sf is an ez solo win hero if you're better than your opponents, most of my games are lc played in the most inefficient way possible. If you weren't shit you wouldn't be saying this, you don't even have a single fucking game in high skill.

              "nd for the record @road to oblivion you're not that good compared to me... stat wise! "

              As I said, you don't have a single game in high skill, and struggle to win ranked 1k. My god. You don't even get that you can't flat out compare stats in different brackets, right?

              "You don't have invoker skills or sf skills, you don't have meepo skills either so... yeah i'm better than you... just admit it.. and quit hatin'... you'll only get misery if u hate on people"

              Ah, so you're one of those "I am really good at very hard heroes but I am still stuck at 1k because teammates are holding me back!"

              The only thing there is to do in DotA is to win the fucking game. If you do that by picking hard to play heroes and excel at it, be my guest, but you have shit winrate in 1k fucking bracket and are talking shit. Why don't you just kill [] yourself.

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                Currently at 2290 mmr, all normal skills. My smurf Acct after 30 games at mostly all high skills and couple of VHS. What is easiest to 3K mmr, this acct or smurf?

                Riguma Borusu

                  Just ask CrazyQuinn, he's secretly a 5k player.


                    Who can't make it out of 1k


                      @road to oblivion don't cry, it's okay keep spaming legion, you'll get to where i'm at... :) you're doing a great job. But nontheless... kinda boring just to play 1 hero... might as well play with ur dick instead of playing legion all the time... and that's where u're good at "watching" watching us pro's play.. while u get all excited and mushy from the sidelines and smiling! There's CrazyQuinn! My IDOL!!! ask TripleSteal... He knows

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Riguma Borusu

                        CrazyQuinn, basically he says people are retarded there so it's hard to win because he can't play with his teammates properly, hence why he has sub 50% fucking winrate @ 1k I mean, when I started boosting this account from lik 1.5k or something, I struggled too, but that was only a few games before I got a grip on what I have to do. This guy, on the other hand, boasts about his 4k and 5k accounts, but can't win a fucking 1k game.

                        I mean, Shred played on my account, and as a 3.7-4.2k player he is he really stomped every game hard. He bought rapiers, splitpush the shit out of games, snowballed, rolled over the enemy team. That's what happens when you're really a VHS player but are playing against actual 1.5k shits. Hence why this guy is so full of shit.

                        "@road to oblivion don't cry, it's okay keep spaming legion, you'll get to where i'm at... :)"

                        1k? But I got out of it this month.

                        "you're doing a great job. But nontheless... kinda boring just to play 1 hero..."

                        Ye, gets tiring sometimes.

                        "might as well play with ur dick instead of playing legion all the time... "

                        Might as well play with your dick instead of boasting about accounts you never played on, rofl. I am not cocky, I am very realistic about my (mostly lack of) skills, but I am pretty resistant to bullshit.

                        "and that's where u're good at "watching" watching us pro's play.."

                        1k pro, mmmmkay

                        "while u get all excited and mushy from the sidelines and smiling! There's CrazyQuinn! My IDOL!!!"

                        I think you might be a bit psychotic.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          There's this old guy that lives in my city, he's martial arts master or some shit like Pai Mei. And he's legit, can beat the shit out of you. Anyway, some people believe that he can walk on water. Like actually walk on water using some chi, ki, energy, quas, wex shit or what not. So if people believe that shit, why can't OP believe that he's stuck in 1k?

                          I mean, son, if you have five 5k accounts you could demolish 1k with Bane Stats Master build every game. (BoT, Ghost, Mek, Aghs, Linken, Skadi). Point of the build is to have same str, agi and int the entire game.


                            @road to oblivion funny how players like u end up spamming 1 hero to get where u are haha! even singsing agrees with me! ROFL says OMG another wannabe, what'd you do to piss him off Quinn? I said, nothing maybe he has a sad life playing legion all the time hahaha!


                              @gg thanks for the advise! will keep that in mind...

                              Riguma Borusu

                                "@road to oblivion funny how players like u end up spamming 1 hero to get where u are haha! "

                                You mean, get from 1.5k to 2.7k in less than a month, and still retain 65% monthly ranked winrate? I am still a really bad player, just incomparable to how shit you must be.

                                "even singsing agrees with me! ROFL says OMG another wannabe, what'd you do to piss him off Quinn? I said, nothing maybe he has a sad life playing legion all the time hahaha!"

                                Okay, so you're actually psychotic, seems like making shit up is your forte.


                                  @road to oblivion now why would i make up shit? LOL! Unlike you who talks gibberish all the time, singsing is asking, how's your mom?

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    "@road to oblivion now why would i make up shit? LOL!"

                                    Because you're an insecure kid.

                                    "Unlike you who talks gibberish all the time, singsing is asking, how's your mom?"

                                    And have a terrible sense of humor/ability to comeback/argument anything.


                                      @road to oblivion sing sing said, why the hell is he even talking to you quinn, you're crazy, which means another mentally unstable autistic person is talking to you right now, haha! Nothing u can do road, he's indeed on his way to oblivion... talking to CrazyQuinn will drive you CRAZY hahaha!


                                        @road to oblivion it came to me just now.... You are definitely autistic haha! TUCKER says Hi!!! haha! playing 1 hero all the time, all those games using 1 hero... omg, what does your mother have to say about that? "son, are u playing legion again?" "Yes Ma" MAMA: wtf lscdakcnsdkfhen finhsmfl cnskhncmcd,****m dsamda, go wash the dishes now!!!!!

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          To be completely honest, you can't drive me crazy, but you can inspire me to feel more sorry for you.


                                            @road to oblivion I know coz u are crazy like me right? PLaying 1 hero to get to where u want... i think it's the other way around.. it is I who feels sorry for you.. I mean we, feel sorry for you.......

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              The only indication that I might be crazy is that I am actually replying to your gibberish.


                                                hey oblivion.

                                                u are falling prey to a troll.

                                                how do u not see this.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  It's okay, I am just bored atm.


                                                    haha! well i played legion it works 2 games straight... cool idea spamming legion but looks like the easy way out of 1k mmr... hmmm!




                                                      idc if its "easy"
                                                      if it gets the job done, then who cares?


                                                        so it seems...


                                                          well do u want to get out of 1k or not..?


                                                            no i want to stay in 1k mmr forever! din't u read the title of the thread. course i do!

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              It's so ez for this guy since he has 33% winrate over 6 games of lc.


                                                                faceless void is the answer to mmr grind.

                                                                he's fucking broken right now.

                                                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                  Can someone TL;DR this thread?


                                                                    TLDR: CrazyQuinn is a 2k mmr troll. He bought some 5k accounts, or just googled them, who knows, and screenshotted them.

                                                                    He thinks he can get to 8k.

                                                                    Now we are just lurking here cuz bored.


                                                                      @MARLAN yeah tried it works wonders, void is pretty as hell on this patch....

                                                                      @road to oblivion did you cum already? good! thanks to you I have legion now! legion is easy to use. I don't like easy but whatever works just so i can get out of this shithole...

                                                                      EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                        top kek

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          Yeah, I just came, thinking of all the juicy round shaped goodness my waifu Tresdin must be sporting bellow those piles of armor.

                                                                          Sadly I am in low priority right now so I might not be able to consume my marriage the way I like it.

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                            When that 700 game, player has higher MMR than the guy who has twice as many games :facepalm:

                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                              3rd LC win in a row... well waddaya know! Haha!


                                                                                it's piss easy to carry games in 1k to 2k:

                                                                                and you definitely got carried in your games, like a piece of dogshit you are. you're delusional and stupid for thinking that you even deserve anything beyond 2k currently.

                                                                                the only thing that stops you from improving is you, yourself and your shitty attidude.


                                                                                  before you criticize my hero picks; nothing stops you from "abusing" the game. If a certain hero is strong right now, just pick it. the winner is the one with the standing throne. you wont get a medal for humane and fair picks.


                                                                                    @kittyminati lol,ur so funny, i like the bad ass front though, haha! Keep hating! I dont care about u. If im dogshit then u are my shit! Get it?! My piece of shit that came out of my ass and posted on my thread...a retarded,autistic,idiot like wouldn't stand a match against me 1v1


                                                                                      Pre maglaro ka muna sa australian server bago ka mag sabi na malakas ang sea server hahaha bulok ang sea server


                                                                                        Oo mejo daming tt sa sea eh, sa aus maganda dahil respetado ang laro tsaka teamplay malakas.


                                                                                          4th straight win! grind it and grind it!


                                                                                            OP - how much did you grind so far? 100 mmr? so you're at 1.2k mmr now?


                                                                                              OP - after grinding and grinding, about 500 MMR in the last month, it takes shit like this to stop me. Seriously though, its days like this I wonder why I play DotA



                                                                                                I'm from SEA at 3.6k and even at this mmr pinoys are ruining the game. Their game sense are so bad.(Warding, ganking, map awareness etc) When they lose, they play the blame game and TT. Not generalising all pinoys but these are the ones i usually match with. And ohh don't bother arguing with them. Their comebacks usually don't make sense and there's always bobo putang ina mo. Lol.


                                                                                                  OP = 11 year old kid confirmed??