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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Too slow

    edit: meepo + sd is also very strong

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      I'm convinced if you play on EU you will lose mmr


        just read the edit, i hope ill be 3k before the end of the month lmfao
        thx man
        november ofc

        Haffy 2016 [*]


          depends on lane tho. if enemy carry would totally be pointless if he gets pressured just go duo top and rape him and drop tower around min 10 or even less if their heroes can out harrass you or even worse kill you just do the jungle lane rotation


            i dont know im new offlane doesnt exist haha

            i have 5 reports to use

              Golly it's chilly in here


                when you play all random and you get huskar into the enemies silencer pudge ck and enigma and your like well this is going to be horrible. Then the game ends in 24 minutes and your 18-0.


                  When you first pick AM then the enemy team picks SD luna BS
                  Then they memed too hard and you got carried to victory


                    Why arent you sniping the 2k drem


                      you asking me why I'm not 2k yet?


                        Why not grind and try to get 2k?


                          I just don't like to play a ton of ranked games in one day. Usually I prefer to play like 2 or 3 then switch to all random or single draft so that I don't have to worry about what hero to play. Also I just got stuck for like a week and couldn't break 1.7k so I was a little frustrated an taking a little break from ranked.


                            The real stagnation begins at 1800 tho


                              we'll see. I stopped ranked because I was just like I finally hit 1700 im just going to quit before this becomes like the rest of this week.


                                that momment when you feed the enemy 2000g+ kill worth as meepo but the game has already ended


                                  first pick am, no counter picks, still lose. LUL fml


                                    i think i only get battlefury <16 min 1 in 20 games


                                      Still not as horrendous as my first few games in dota
                                      Sometimes I just feel bad about myself not improving that much then I look back at my first 50 games and forget about it since I was probably legit 400 mmr


                                        i need to see a dota psychologist. i'm mentally stuck in my games. i cant break out of patterns. i'll just sit in lane because im always projecting the ideals i want to happen, which is to outplay the offlaners, secure free farm. i refuse to accept it if anything else happens


                                          I managed to lose to a 19 min battle fury am. Which was fucking stupid.


                                            i've won a lot of 19 min battlefury games. it's normalskill man


                                              19 min BF doesnt get punished
                                              But given the case, you get less space since everyone eats it but your team's greediness rarely got punished
                                              While if I play in 3k I can consistently get min 15 BFs, games are not simply won that way, I still have to outplay and outsmart people because they're not dumb enough to let their carries starve or not utilize some of their gold properly


                                                I went vlad AM like fucking multiple times today smh these "fight me" heroes fuck


                                                  The worst part was that it was a bc game. I got the draft I wanted with drow dusa. I forgot to ban am but the am was so bad it shouldnt have mattered. Supports decided to trilane with me for half the laning phase but neither helped get kills despite having two stuns nor helped when I got ganked. The dusa got caught in two teamfights without mana shield on despite me telling them they should have it on at all times. it was a mess and my teamates were bad and my drow is not great and we should not have lost that game.


                                                    "lesson learned dont mess with the government"

                                                    pretty much!


                                                      hi dota psychologist here whats ur problem sir

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        l m a o the only hero i can farm fast with is AM and its not even that fast


                                                          19 min bf? Ive carried a pa with 30 min bf.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            i cant fucking wait to go to college

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              my grades lowered this quarter, as a result my average grade got dragged down, couldnt get first honors got down to second. in all honesty though we had 14 honor students last quarter and it dropped to 5 (!!!) dont even know why my fam is complaining smh

                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                shs =/= college haha cuck

                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                  tell them it got lower cuz u were unmotivated to try hard because u couldnt play

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    thats what i mean, waiting for college where maybe i can go somewhere i can live in a dorm or smthng

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      tell them it got lower cuz u were unmotivated to try hard because u couldnt play

                                                                      tried to reason it out that my scores got higher when i started playing dota bcs whenever i played dota i would feel bad and start studying. they called it "unhealthy rationalizing" and started berating me to stop being so proud and sure of myself since i was still iving in their roof feelsbadman

                                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                                        tbh if fam stopped me from playing games i think that'll only just make me more lazy and unmotivated since sometimes i treat games like some sort of reward after reviewing


                                                                          ^i havent played dota in 6ish months and my grades have not gone up, in fact theyre down lol. It cud of course be attributed to harder courses but still.

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            being an academic robot is bad btw, i have a friend in HS who was a consistent top 5 but since his parents treated him like how ur parents r treating u his whole life he severly lacks common sense and a bunch of basic stuff

                                                                            i think he's a lot better now tho since hes independently living on his own in baguio for college

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              they wont even let me go on a summer job with our local college (i was the one who wanted to!!!) because apparently im grounded lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Dark Seer
                                                                                Normal Skill
                                                                                13 days ago
                                                                                All Pick

                                                                                fuck it pains me so much to see this

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  thing is i think ppl will always seek rewards out of everything they do, especially tedious ones, and usually that reward is a hobby they rly enjoy doing. thats why i think completely cutting anyone from their hobby (gaming, for us) is counterproductive from the intention of trying to make them do harder in academics/work/etc

                                                                                  im not trying to pick sides here, im just stating what i think but i dont know ur parents and what they know about life so im not rly in the place to question them but still...

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    i dont want to turn into daddy omg

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      ironically, if i would go back to highschool i would try the fuck out of it and get valedictorian

                                                                                      but thats just for the shittons of discounts i can get, i would still play games xd but if i consistently got honors back then i think my fam would treat me like how theyre treating you

                                                                                      story time when we were living in manila i was a consistent top 1-3 from kinder to grade 4, grade 5 we moved here to pangasinan and since its the first time i transferred schools i couldnt adjust to it so my grades suffered. fam got mad at me and grounded several times, this continued till 2nd/3rd year but at that point idc anymore (in fact i was kinda happy that their expectations are much lower so i could play moar games xd) until i think they just gave up and didnt try to do anything anymore

                                                                                      thing is now im college and i can tell you a bunch of stuff u learn in HS is fucking useless outside of major subjects like english science math, im still doing well in college having not failed any subject in an engineering course even tho i barely tried back in highschool


                                                                                        Trihard dota boi is cumming.
                                                                                        I got jugg arcana i will get 13 min bf mom sny arcana made me better at dota


                                                                                          :thinking: or is it BF talon quelling :thinking:


                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              idk why but i like listening to covers much more than the actual songs, maybe ive gotten tired of the actual songs idk the covers still sound great tho


                                                                                                I just hate working cuz school work isnt something im passionate abt. Im lazy i guess, but not rlly, because i do work hard in track, cuz i love track. I cant will myself to work for school which i dont like.


                                                                                                  come, im online in my smruf

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    nice renshin getting active again while im tied down by irl responsibilities gg ez