General Discussion

General DiscussionMassive loss streak at 1k

Massive loss streak at 1k in General Discussion

    Hey guys, first post. I need help in how to win dota 1v9. Recently, I had my mmr calibrated at 900, which is super low given that Ive won a couple of games at 2k, and won a majority of the 1k games that were my calibration. Since then, I have been constantly having teammates who are very poor mechanically and at decision making, and have been having lots of trouble winning due to this. As somebody who play support a vast majority of the time this problem is even harder to overcome. Regardless of how good an early game I as an often solo support set up for my team, they end up pretty much throwing. I am confident that if I was behind every of the five keyboards I would win at least half of the last 20 matches I lost. Coordinating with the team makes them offended at me, as was my last game where Bristleback not only refused to cooperate but specifically went against team strategy after I apparently ruined his mood, by not constantly auto attacking creeps in lane and going for last hits and denies instead. So yeah, I need help on how to raise my mmr if my team are doing very poorly and refusing to cooperate.


      accept the fact u are dogshit then improve
      in 1k u need to do very little to carry 1v9

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        Would you care to tell me how? Look at my last game, went Naga, had to buy wards while teammates constantly fed.

        TheDoctor (HTPG)

          Forgive me for saying this
          if you are truly good and sure u are more than 900 MMR go make new accnt
          and use it
          if you want the hard way , try to pick carry and grind
          dont flame
          try to make ur team cooperate


            naga support? manta radiance. lol

            just pick easy heroes that can have a bigger impact. and just learn to farm. seriously. there's no such thing as supporting in 1k


              ^manta radiance was after I saw my team getting rekkd. Doctor, I wasn't given any games above 1k during my calibration for whatever reason. I've played group 2k before and won fairly easily.

              Is there really no way to play as support at 1k? I don't have fun as a carry, godlike rampage or not.


                Lul i calibrt 650 MMR and I stll noob


                  Pick a carry go on a empty lobby and do the cookie challange
                  Then spam the hero afterwards


                    Or you can just pick hero with high farming capability can just hit jungle and lane. Dont forget to ignore your enemy and teammate. End the game as soon as your hero had its core item


                      I've been doing the cookie challenge a bit, progressing towards achieving it. The problem again is that I don't like carry at all.


                        So you pick a late game carry and hope to win the game? There's your 1k decision making. Spot on volvo.
                        P.s At your last naga game you are 4th in Hero dmg on your team. You were actually the useless one. 0 impact on the game. Just hoping your team makes you space for 30 minutes and then you shit on them? If you have that mindset then no ma'am no ham.

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                          No, I tried to coordinate ganks and what not, team wouldn't listen. At no point have I flamed my team. Went into the jungle after team kept losing teamfights as lanes were lost. 1k decision making was me expecting Lina to try to support as well. How was I meant to have impact on the game and not die if the enemy was fed?


                            u dont have to coordinate anything in 1k. lol. youre not supposed to. everyone is so bad it is pointless. you just focus on improving yourself and learn how to create space by yourself. tell me what was your plan as a support naga in 1k?


                              Ring of Aquila, Poor Mans Shield -> manta, crest -> aghs, buy wards and use my e in conjunction with crest to remove armour, set up easy kills and counterinitiate with song of the siren

                              Baba Yaga

                                Ok buddy listen. It's very easy to carry 1k games. Just pick some super late shit (spec/terror/jugg/pa etc.) Enemy team never ganks you, no one play objective. no one farming, just running around and some mexican duel shit at T1 that lasts 5 minutes. I started from 1.7k . Im 3,5 now and going to get 4 in about 2 week.s Just farm your core items. Dont pick supp in that bracket. It never works. Or yo ucan spam some heroes which break that bracket. 1-2k slark, they dont know how to counter slark. 2.5-3 Axe, underlord, Centaur, timbersaw. Raping enemy carry in that brracker is auto win . also I upped 500 mmr when monkey was out and imbalanced like shit XD


                                  you see, song is compeltely and utter fucking useless in 1k. lol. there's no song set up, theres not song disengage, there's no counter initation or initiation. its fucking CHAOS i tell ya! pointless. start trying to strategize and coordinate shit like that only in high 2k.


                                    Your hero choice is bad. From stats KDA and dmg I see you actually failed at what you insist on saying you tried. Lina is actually the reason the game held so long. Bad item item composition. 0 tower dmg. Honestly , I don't know how you don't see the fault in yourself. Download your replay. If you think playing a core is your call then sure - by all means carry on. But you might wanna try the support. Impact is all that matters. MMR means how much impact and how well you can carry games.


                                      you are approaching the problem in the wrong way. so if you are 1k, you just farm in an empty lobby, and pick a hero that can hit towers and carry late, and you take objectives and win. very simple.


                                        Naga didn't work, got ganked, team actually all started farming at one point :(

                                        Ill look at the meta then, but damn, carry isnt the dota I signed up for...


                                          listen you can still play support heroes, and buy wards. except you'll be playing more like a core. you must be greedy in 1k. there's just way too much efficiency loss. and you can play support eventually, but it just doesnt exist in 1k. you can pick strong supports, like crystal maiden. she's stupidly broken in 1k. just spam that hero. go blink bkb aghs damage style maiden (still need 1 positioning tool). hell right click maiden might even work.

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            Saint, I claim I tried, you claim I failed. Tell me why then. I see the fault in myself only calibrating that low. Replay downloaded and rewatched, no value gained, I don't see glaring mistakes like 'I should've pushed here and not farmed'. Hero choice being bad I can agree with, again. Bristle specifically bought radiance after I'd asked him not to since I already had it. Idk what you mean by playing a core being my call, I asked the team prior to the game as to what support they wanted to see. I got no response. Look at my recent CM game. 4/0/5 at the beginning of the game, won all lanes for team, we still lost.

                                            Jacked I've been doing the cookie challenge, but I don't think I'll be able to play carry for long, it's just not fun at all.

                                            And yeah I have been playing Maiden, to no success as well because the enemy team quickly learns to focus me first, after which my team loses the teamfight, or don't push despite me politely asking for them to do so.

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                                              every position is essentially the same. because theres no such thing as position 1-5 in 1k. unless you're mid. otherwise every1 is just contesting each other. you dont win lanes to win games in 1k too. again,you are approaching the problem in the wrong way. just cuz you play a hero like maiden in 1k is no excuse to be underfarmed and underleveld. that will just lose you the game. you can do cookie challenge as maiden too. you have to not die as a support. its not just about the early game. you have to win late too. you have a really strong ultimate. winning the early game does not excuse you from any fault in the late game ("my carries couldnt win late"). you have to recognize that. otherwise you can't improve your gameplay.

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                                                it's good if they focus you and you bait them. learn to outplay them with defensive items. usually ppl in 1k run in blindly to fights, so if u can bait them in and survive you win the fight usually.

                                                hell i would probably just farm a lot of big items on cm. kill everyone with aghs ultimate while invis. get shivas, hex, blink, shadowblades/glimmer, ghost scepters, eblade, dagons.


                                                  Well I'm only 3k buttt.... You only had ~200 cs in a 51 minute game as naga with a radiance. A lot of that blame is on you. I'm not saying that to sound like a dick but if you had actually killed creeps and got items you could have won that game. Even if you played support, the game lasted an hour. Also, this isnt TI. Dont pick naga support at 1k and expect your team to do anything with it, you need to be realistic about the games. Im sure an Ogre with a stun and bloodlust would have done more for your right click carries then you sleeping the enemies once every 100 seconds. Also your profile indicates you "support" 85% of the time in the offlane. Unless you're running dual lanes that benefit from that try to urge your team to play the offlane correctly and support your safe lane better, pull large camps, smoke into mid early every game. Your legion game I can only assume you went jungle, or someone on your team did, meaning that the enemy jugg, tree, dark seer and weaver could do literally whatever they wanted for the first 15 minutes because the only support you guys had was an omni who aside from healing cant do much to relieve pressure. You need to factor in small advantages like that, they add up quickly. Also from a quick glance i see youre dying 10-15 times almost every second game if not more, work on positioning as youre just giving your enemies more gold and momentum. One match you purchased like 17 wards and literally zero sentries versus a team with two silver edges meanwhile a shadow demon buying ~50 obs and sents in an hour and five minute game, Vision wins games..

                                                  This has been a little 5 minute blurb from what I see at a glance. From what I can tell you need to A) Pick stronger, self sufficient and reliable supports who excel in the early game and can turn early aggresion around (Ogre, Lion, Lich, Bane). 2) You need to die like A LOT less. 3) Hit more creeps.

                                                  That or learn how to offlane and abba/timber spam your way out of 1k because if you truly think youre better then your teammates thats the lane to win and take over the rest of the game. but what do i know. gl


                                                    But late I just get melted because no items because no space. I'll try going for the big items though. Problem is that team farms instead of pushing after a won fight. So I need to learn somebody like SS and just push lanes solo. This is really a sad state of affairs because this will force me to learn bad habits that I'll have to eventually unlearn. Thanks for the tips though.


                                                      I'm not expert but im pretty sure one of the reasons dota players dont push their advantage after a fight is because "theyre scared" and want to maintain a lead they may have just got. I'm sure you've played games where youre absolutly shit rolling the enemies and pushing highground at 15-20 minutes and nobody is backing off.. thats because your teammates know they're ahead and are comfortable doing that. The trick is trying to get that feeling going in your team more often then you dont so that means buying smokes at minute 3 killing and tilting the mid and doing it again 30 seconds later. Your mid will feel unstoppable and want to keep killing shit. Same goes for the safe lane, if your carry feels stronger and ahead he will not back off i promise you. 80% of the game is in your and your enemies heads.


                                                        Thanks for the tips Release, my average deaths have only been this high recently, and all of those games we've been getting stomped or coming back. Last ‘good' game I hat was KotL with no deaths whatsoever. My positioning can improve, but I'm reliant on my team for that as well. I have a 75% winrate with Abbadon but don't like to play him too often.

                                                        My legion game was horrid, the entire team just demanded ‘jungle legion'.

                                                        I will try to purchase more sentries, that's a very good point thank you.

                                                        The heroes you described are exactly the heroes I hate the most. I try not to play them since I know how annoying they are to deal with (golden rule and what not), and while I'm willing to learn the game, as in not going offlane support or buying more sentries, I'm not willing to pick easy win heroes just to win.

                                                        Thank you very much for detailed feedback.


                                                          Ah yeah and tilting the enemy too, thank you. So smoke add smoke ganks on my bucket list to learn skills, thanks!


                                                            Trust nobody
                                                            Farm more efficiently
                                                            Only take good fights
                                                            If you want to support in the trench, roaming is a good way to do so


                                                              watch some pros and analyze what they do learn why they do what they do, assume they do everything correctly/better than you

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                                                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                My story is much the same as yours. I calibrated 900 as well. Spent a lot of time 600-1.1k without really knowing how to play the game (in hindsight) but made a few threads and generally felt that I was better than my MMR and that my teammates were holding me back. I know how <1k works. I started to watch replays, read guides and understand roles, farming and positions within a team. I tried to fight endlessly to get out but got frustred with the amount of meme builds, griefing and intentional feeding that goes on that I felt that even if I played my best, It would never be enough.

                                                                I made a smurf, calibrated at 1.9 and have been between 1.7-2.4 ever since. I feel as though I am where I belong.

                                                                if you prefer not to play hard carry, I can offer you this advice: dont pick soft, position 5 supports since there are really no positions in <1k dota. Everyone picks what they want, ends up in a lane (or fighting over it) and right clicks creeps without trying to properly CS. Pick a "Support" where buying wards, courier and smokes wont put you into poverty but where you can actuallly have game impact. I'll offer 3 heroes and people can agree or disagree. Pick early, tell your team you're supporting and buy support items early. just get it out of the way. Inevitably, you'll get Treants or liche's who call 'carry' and dont buy anything because they saw some youtube video of a meme build where someone got 3 rampages in a game with lich ults and want to duplicate it.

                                                                Mirana (roam or play wherever you're needed): you get nice early levels by arrowing big creeps and have 2 nice escapes, 2 initiating spells and an AOE nuke. She also transitions into a good right clicker late game with talent tree. she's a consensus jack of all trades hero whenver that type of thread comes up. If your natural safelane carry is balling out of control great.. keep buying wards keep initiating fights with your ult and arrows and let them go win. If they arent or are struggling, you can transition into that role since at <1k, there's so much available farm on the map that you can get items easily

                                                                Necro: Same sort of deal, you have an escape, a stun, and a team heal. Greaves is a great team item and it fits him naturally. If people bitch at you for KS'ing with your ult, just explain that the extra time the enemy is dead is more time they can farm, take towers and have space. For not having any right click, you can farm decently fast with your Q if you use it to finish off lane creeps and camps. You can build to be tanky as hell and near unkillable. you do need to lane somewhere early so i suggest mid or offlane since a level 1 necro cant farm all that well on his own but you can also spend time in any lane and pretty easily zone the opponent out which helps whoever is in that lane trying to CS they best they can. Once you get 6 though, get a smoke, look for a kill and ping your team. 4 seconds in your heartstopper, plus 2 death pulses, a couple right clicks from you, a couple right clicks from your buddies, a little creep aggro maybe as a bonus and the enemy which had full HP is now prime target for your ult. He has a high win rate at <3k and really fits into any lineup.

                                                                Weaver: I usually play him offlane but the key here is staying alive since when you're dead, you cant farm and buy items. once rotations start to happen, you can easily find yourself an empty lane, cut the enemy creep lane and swarm it, then let your own creeps bash down the tower. With new armor mechanics, the tower melts pretty fast and you have just created space for yourself pretty easily. Weaver farms decently well and is a nice fit for every lineup. you can play and build him like a hard carry with big damage items or as a utility player with a linkens, gem and ags. If you have cores on your team who are constantly out of position, your Ags ult can be game winning especially late game

                                                                Dota is a team game but each of the heroes above can have a lot of game impact, have a variety of different play styles (unlike some heroes that are mindlessly boring (Wk, Dusa, Sniper) and can have different item builds depending on how the game is going. Good luck.


                                                                  borrow me ur acc i get bored often with playing solo mm

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                                                                  mentally handicapped

                                                                    calibrated 1.4k and thru dotabuff i found a coach who got me to 2.4k. then i stagnated bcs ive got a child on the way because my parents thought dota and video games were the devils work


                                                                      Follow that CM guide that Cookie made or if you don't like it you could just do this as CM for starting item buy Courier, 2 wards, Tangoes, and the remaining gold for Clarities and Iron Wood Branch.

                                                                      Then give 1 ward and 2 Tangoes to your Mid laner, the remaining ward is up to you if you want to give it to your offlaner or you could keep it for your self and put an offensive ward in the safe lane, get skill 2 as a starting skill then skill 1 when you're lvl 2 and don't forget to harass the enemy offlaner.

                                                                      If you only have 1 enemy in safe lane don't pull the creeps and just keep harassing him, you could also Frostbite big neutral creep near the safe lane and the one near the rune since you have your Clarities so mana wont be a problem, If you think your safelane carry can handle your solo enemy laner then leave him and proceed to gank mid and also don't forget to steal enemy bounty runes.

                                                                      If you have two enemies in safe lane don't leave that lane and just proceed in baby sitting your safelane carry, pull creeps and if you could double pull much better, also you could still Frosbite those big neutral creeps that is near the safe lane and the rune, although it would be a little bit harder now to leave safe lane and gank mid or steal runes since you have 2 enemies on your lane but if you feel you can then do it.

                                                                      If you want you could also buy Midas for CM but skip it if it's already 20 min mark and you still don't have that Midas recipe, also don't forget to look at the timer so that you could steal enemy bounty runes, always have tp's and don't forget to look at map so that you could respond quickly if you can,also buy wards but don't just mindlessly put wards you need to look at the current situation of your team, if your enemies dewards your wards don't put a ward on that same spot again and just deward those enemy wards, if you want to put deep offensive wards on your enemy jungle buy SOD(this is important).

                                                                      CM item build ehhhh the usual one.

                                                                      mentally handicapped

                                                                        Deso CM and try to trick your teammate into giving you a Moon Shard


                                                                          Summoning raj


                                                                            just play an independent hero, not smth like naga.
                                                                            something like sf, or lina, or tinker, or in supports smth like cm or tree.
                                                                            if u r actually a good support u wud win every lane for ur team easily and win by 30 min.


                                                                              ive recently started winning a lot more in 1k, in the past week my winrate has increased 1.5% and is still increasing, I haven't figured out why, but I'm pretty sure its mainly cuz as a carry/mid I hit 600 gpm when we win, which honestly isn't even good. but in 1k, ull get the enemy carry hitting smth like 400 gpm with freefarm, so I wud just farm more efficiently and win off of it. people wud flame why rnt u ganking as a mid hero, but mute them and play ur own game. just play someone who can carry decently and push buildings. sf with sb, slark, void even tho he is bad rn. u can just farm a lot and take all their objectives by split pushing and ull be ahead enough to then just go hg and win. its hard to hg this patch but in 1k u can stomp hard.

                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                                In 1k you can hit 50 creeps, kill the enemy mid 3 times and knock down the tower and someone will bitch and moan "gg mid doesnt help gank"


                                                                                  You just laugh and carry on


                                                                                    Mid ganks are the meta in 1k because no one has map awareness and no one knows how to use tps


                                                                                      if u r actually a good support u wud win every lane for ur team easily and win by 30 min.

                                                                                      You can even make dimwits like apoop to go like 14-0


                                                                                        if u rlly want mmr just do cookies cm, but that's the boring cookie cutter (see what I did there) way of climbing cuz rather than rlly seeing what ur doing wrong in ur own playstyle ur just adopting someone elses. by all means its a gr8 way of winning games, but I want to develop my own way of winning games and the only way to do that is to git gud.


                                                                                          Thanks for all the tips guys, if you can keep them coming! Treant, Abaddon, CM and Enchantress are my most played heroes, just not in ranked.

                                                                                          Winning lanes wasn't enough (git gud is hard), and I don't want MMR, I want teammates that don't tell at me for NOT auto attacking constantly.

                                                                                          mentally handicapped

                                                                                            play your own game. that bracket is shit but it is easy to become shit as well if you become stay there and look at the gameplay of your peers. focus on what you want to play and win with it, fuc kwhat other people say


                                                                                              soooo haaard at this bracket.

                                                                                              edit:try to spam 1 hero that can push fast and farm.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                Just as a little tip since I was in your place once, first find some heroes you can play which you have but I also suggest offlane riki because hes in a very good spot right now, But the main thing is jsut to keep grinding because eventually even if that account doesnt ever raise you yourself may be getting better so if you made a new account you could possibly calibrate to higher place with better teamates, I will say this from experience there is definitely a hug difference between sub 1k games and 1.6k games the willingness of team mates to play as a team and smartly increases a lot. Just keep your head and do your best to improve one thing at a time alright?

                                                                                                Last Hit
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                                                                                                    I want teammates that don't tell at me for NOT auto attacking constantly.

                                                                                                    Then don't
                                                                                                    I would walk down mid if I play pos 1 and get a "support" who autoattack constantly pushing the wave for no reason and proceeds to single pull easy camp 24 7 making the enemy offlane lvl 6 5 minutes in while sucking xp and ruining my farm


                                                                                                      You probably are not seeing things clearly
                                                                                                      I've been through 1.2 to 2k and the only difference I can find is that people farm slightly better, slightly higher chance of non fucked up draft, and occasional support pick although they're incompetent as fuck and buy random items any support would never need in a real game
                                                                                                      Everyone is still stuck up on "kills = skill" and never end the game asap even if you put victory under their nose

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                                                                                                        Support Spec = ez MMR!