General Discussion

General DiscussionAgressive dual offlane against you as a safelane carry

Agressive dual offlane against you as a safelane carry in General Discussion

    Say im playing faceless void or AM etc in the safelane. I am paired against a roam mirana that is sticking around and harassing me while leeching the experience of a offlane necrophos( consider heartstopper aura). I am being constantly harassed. This is 2k. I can't be guaranteed a support to help out. This is basically why I miss out on alot of last hits in the early game. Can someone help recommend a solution to this problem please.

    My last hits in EU server double the last hits I get by ten min mark in SEA server. Simply because of this dual offlane stuff.

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      void is probably one of the better heroes to run against this. You want a strong laner with good sustain or a good escape. Something like lifestealer works well. weaver is not bad. You also just need to accept the fact that you aren't going to have great farm and the lane is going to be tough. Don't die and get as much as you can.


        PMS, lots of regen, and learn to pull creeps to you and minimize the harass you take by just having better timing on when u go for last hits, and which creeps you go for.

        what u think is an aggressive lane in 2k is actually not. they make a lot of mistakes. the harass u get is because of your own mistakes too.


          tip is if u really need more regen go for a quick headdress


            Are you for real man. I was tower hugging and that wasn't enough. Especially with 2 sets of tangos. You cant first skill away heartstopper aura XD


              I meant @bearcat0611 for above comment


                if u are tower hugging how do they harass u? curious. use all ur regen for first few cs so u can get like a quick regen item like headdress or roh


                  Can't agree less @jacked. Sometimes it feels like I could've avoided the harassment.


                    if its just a solo necro at lvl 1 who skil heartstopper, i hope u r smacking that fuck out of lane rather than letting yourself slowly dwindle down and not understanding the range of that spell, or that regen exist


                      Low mmrs are really bad at laning, if you play properly and buy lots of regen and pull creeps to yourself and don't miss unnecessary lasthits I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to get at least ring of health before you run out of regen, and at that point you are fine.

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                        They push the lane quick especially in early levels. They were autoattacking but managed to get 2-3 denies off their waves. My creepwave wouldnt be on time to tank the attacks of enemy creep wave. So I stayed under tower. And that necro was some next level shit man! Hahaha. Just right clicking me whenever possible. But we managed to comeback and win :)

                        That particular match was 3k avg


                          Okay, so I should work on aggro and trying to make the best out of my lane while they are still low leveled. And upgrade my regen items. Thanks guys! :) Love you dotabuff.


                            yea what usually happens in an agro lane (in 4k and under) is that if u can avoid the harass, u usually win the lane because they will constantly push under tower. so i hope u know how to last hit under tower.

                            if u learn to pull aggro, maybe they get 1 less deny on you, compared to if you just waited under tower and let them control the wave.

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                              Problem of dual offlanes are that they are vulnerable to ganks/smoke ganks/rotations. Patience is what u need, last hit under tower.

                              On 2k u can also give the tower up, and farm under t2. Its very likely your enemies will either die, trying to harass u near t2 or clear their own jungle making their cores starve. At the same time u are like 3 minutes behind in your farm, but can still catch up easily. Keep cold blooded and fight till the end.

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                                ^he's right. they probably wont take your jungle. and then u win.


                                  at 2.9k and i avoid picking weak laners. most of the time supports dont harrass the offlaner by trading with him behind the creeps and dont know how to pull.

                                  basically stuff like AM or morph i dont play at all.

                                  strong laners that need low farm. atm huskar and CK, i have to learn lifestealer


                                    lifestealer used to be so strong with his high base dmg, like void. now he's meh in normal skill. you've been warned.

                                    learning how to lane weak laners in high 2k is actually what u need to learn to go over to the next tier my friend.

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      Problem of dual offlanes are that they are vulnerable to ganks/smoke ganks/rotations. Patience is what u need, last hit under tower.

                                      True. I remember a lot of game where it has a very difficult laning stage in safelane. Just secure those last hit on tower and maybe let them destroy the tower.

                                      I have a game where I am a Faceless Void facing a timbersaw, and a TB again timbersaw. Both game lane phase are very hard but I manage to outfarmed the timbersaw.

                                      Remember, dota is a 5v5 game. Hopefully, your teammate create you space later in the game for you to catch up the net worth.

                                      Savvy Cat

                                        I once received an Ogre Magi and Weaver in the off lane versus my safe lane carry. Suffice to say, my safe lane died many deaths, many moons ago.


                                          worse is when your ally is taking lh from you. i was medusa safelane against a slark offlane and sb was on our team. Slark and I didnt get much farm while the sb due to his higher dmg was takiing mine and slarks farm too.


                                            IMO when faced with the lane you have two options leech xp and last hit when you can or go full jungle, but I doubt that is an option since you mentioned that it is 2k you will have LC or WK farming away which is why you are in that position in the 1st place, so use option 1 and wait until they rotate to start racking up your farm.

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                                              Suppose Slark is always a great option, once you hit 6 you won't care about HSA and can also purge off arrows etc. I mean its tough getting to lvl 6 but if your solo it shouldn't take too long.

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                                                ^are you on drugs? slark is one of the worst carrys in 3vs2 or 2vs2 lanes. he needs a lot of xp and when he plays vs a dual lane he either needs to share it with 1 or 2 supps or he tells them to leave the lane to get solo xp but he gets 0 cs then. so don´t pick slark vs dual lanes. the only lanes where slark is decent in are 3vs1 and 2vs1 lanes.

                                                to op´s question:pms, lots of regen and hero´s with sustain or good escape to get atleast a bit out of the lane (naix, jugg, pa(you can cs with dagger a bit), lc, void (sucks atm), timber), you can also try to swap the lane with your offlane because most of the time it is way easier to lane vs their carry+supp. you also have your shrine there so you can play agressiv in the 1st 2-3 min and use your mana and healt to get trades->shrine up and you´ll have a hugh regen advantage over the enemy.


                                                  ive been having trouble drawing agro, isn't the range like 600 or smth. cuz I attack move the enemy, but the creeps will sometimes not attack me, even if I'm constantly attack moving multiple times between the 2 seconds window. I'm confused. maybe I don't understand the mechanic like I think I do.


                                                    It's like 500 or so. Just stand in range First, And then right click the enemy. And move back. Don't right click the enemy from 1000 range away.

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                                                      play league of legends they have split push also.

                                                      btw that's their role dingus.


                                                        Pick ursa


                                                          Don't copy my hero pool except for jugg