General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on spectre

Tips on spectre in General Discussion

    Currently i have 69% winrate with spectre. I usually go vanguard>brown boot>radiance>pt>diffu>tarras/manta/bm. I always max dispersion then desolate first. Why does people build urn and aquila on spec? She isnt a hitter right?.am i using this hero wrong? What should i do to improve on this hero? Thanks




        Urn is really good on spec. It's for the regen. U always get charges when u haunt in for kills. I like it more than van


          You go bm last????


            go for core items first (suggested by valve) then radience if situational buy blademail that girl is strong.

            Savvy Cat


              In that order?


                @jacked i went bm if there's a lot of hitters on enemy like pa sniper etc.

                @secretqueen yes


                  69% winrate, wants advice.
                  like Trump asking advice on how to piss the news anchors off.


                    If i could do something to get better then why not?


                      Go phase. Go manta before heart


                        Phase for fighting and mobility
                        Treads for farming
                        VG too expensive and too one dimensional to get early
                        Urn PMS is enough for farm sustain
                        Usually its
                        Boots of choice + urn (order up to preference) -> urn (slip in talon/raindrops/stick if you like) -> radi or diffusal -> manta/diffu (slip in vitality booster if u need hp, and maybe BM against AoE memes or you really need a way to not get removed asap in teamfight like against meepo)
                        Spectre deals damage by giving the enemy no choice to hit her and kill himself or run away and being chased to death
                        Add up raw hp against teamfight oriented lineup
                        Add up agi/AS against solo wandering heroes

                        Potato Marshal

                          Your skill build is all wrong, you're suppose to max dagger first, and there's no point in having 3 levels of dispersion by 5.

                          Mr. Jin

                            Spectre is dam strong now. Strongest carry imo. stronger than troll.


                              No she isn't
                              She just fits the lategame slow siege meta and that's about it


                                I noticed you don't like getting Manta early. I too used to prefer early HOT but with Desolate each illusion almost deals as much damage as you. plus it gives you a decent survivability and more confusion for enemy. and you already get 20 Strength at level 20 so you're tanky enough. not having Manta on Spectre is like not having Manta on AntiMage.

                                And unless the game is really going great, try to get that Hand of Midas. it's designed for heroes who cant farm fast, and guess who's the slowest farming carry in Dota2 -.- you can sell it anytime to complete your recipes if you found yourself cornered in one last fight.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  @potato i think it will be good to max desolate or dispersion first. But why would you want to max dagger first? Spec has a very low mana pool early game

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    You're suppose to snipe kills with haunt and dagger once you get 6. Dispersion only reflects 4% more damage each level, and that's only when you're in range. Its awful early game.

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      30 extra mana for 150 more damage
                                      You're squishy and hits like a snail in the early game
                                      How much desolate are you going to proc? What the fuck are you going to reflect?
                                      4111 is basically set in stone and the go to buils 99.99% of the time