General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking to do some actual research on behavior score

Looking to do some actual research on behavior score in General Discussion
Story Time

    pick NatureProf jungle or do smth triggering and see how soon people get triggered :)

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        this has nothing to do with whether they win the game or not. This has to do with how many toxic people like you there are at each bs

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          死の恐怖 Haseo

            @SemDrengr but why you only have below 60% winrate this month ? you said 2k is easy and you can 1v9?

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                  can you provide links to your evidence please. And yes I see no reason that it is for more than just low prio, which is a method of punishment for people who ruin others games either through flaming or just straight up not playing the game.

                  死の恐怖 Haseo


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                        also it's been ten games since i can look at your stats and say you played better than just solid.

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                          Dire Wolf

                            4 games won't be enough to observers anything. Cus just cus someone was toxic in one game they might not be in next or might be muted or maybe they aren't toxic and all and just dc a lot. Unless you can go into games and get everyone to list their behavior score I don't see how you can draw any conclusions beyond anecdotal small sample stuff. Which being only available via console is probably not something you can get players to provide during like planning phase.

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                                you have no unbiased evidence for your argument. All you have is your claim that after getting reported you get bad players. but seeing as you have already admitted yourself that you are an extremely toxic flamer and think that most of your teammates are mentally ill, I'm going to guess that you would think that you had bad players every game whether you were reported recently or not.


                                  my 5k avg game says the 2.1k mmr player with a long list of narmal skill games. :thinking:

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                                        um yes literally all of those scientists had to back up their theories with proof. It's a little something called the scientific revolution, where instead of just making claims, science was done through observing and doing exprements.


                                          when einstein comes up with the theory relativity, you think he looked at evidence then created the theory? or how about hawkings with his black hole theories, did he stand in front of a black hole see what it was then write his famous paper?

                                          NO they fucking used their brains to creatively think BEYOND what was right in front of them to come up with what was the MOST LIKELY outcome of what they already knew, creating new knowledge from patterns things around them, and then set out to prove their hypothesis.

                                          You'll never be anything if you can only learn from fucking proof.


                                            valve doesn't match people based on what roles they normally play, it's just that higher skilled players understand the game better and realize that their opponents know how to punish a five carry lineup and that if they don't play support they are seriously gimping their chances of winning.


                                              there is a reason those are theories and thats because we cannot prove them 100 percent but we have looked at the data and evidence, the proof if you will, and decided that from that evidence this is the most likely outcome.

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                                                    i found a 5k+ player that doesn't play either role more significantly than the other.

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                                                        "developer 1" into console, then "dota_game_account_debug"

                                                        instant ban just like in Overwatch but they forgive them because they pity them because they just wanted to play the game.


                                                          all those deleted comments. Did he finally realize how stupid he sounded or did he just give up on the rest of us. :thinking:

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            Xaxaxxaxaxaxax SemKruger best dotabuffer !


                                                              what's with sam deleting all of his posts


                                                                we may have gotten into an argument, and he may have been in flamer mode th entire time.

                                                                < blank >

                                                                  I'm just wondering how long it will take you
                                                                  until you find out that the behavior score is the report treshold for LPQ

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    I think it matters on your most recent few games behavior, similar to that guy who made a thread on win loss streaks this weak about UP and DOWN theory, that's just conjecture though. I've just had too many experiences that line up with that. I don't think the actual behavior score number itself means anything.


                                                                      with all this useless speculation being thrown left and right with no evidance

                                                                      can we just get some accounts already

                                                                      account id:
                                                                      behavior score:


                                                                        i want to do some actual research on the corelation of sexual satisfaction and penis size.

                                                                        please post in this format:

                                                                        penis size:
                                                                        length of coitus:
                                                                        type of sex (homo-, bi-, heterosexual):
                                                                        rating (1-10):

                                                                        actually heteros dont need to comment, I know enough hetero people including myself. I just figured there are lots of homosexuals here that might help me.

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          type of sex (homo-, bi-, heterosexual):

                                                                          actually heteros dont need to comment



                                                                            Penis size : masadonic
                                                                            Lenght of Coitus : 10000000000 Minutes
                                                                            Type of sex : Any will do
                                                                            Rating : 4400 , just like my MMR

                                                                            1 MMR SOLO

                                                                              It is 4am local time.

                                                                              I am so sleeply and i thought i accidentally went to some sex forum instead of dotabuff...


                                                                                Im so interested with this topic. The reason is as stated, i wanna know why i have good teammates, the other time bad, sometimes both. The problem is, isnt there many risks in doing this. Especially if multiple analyzer playing the same account, what if one of them decided to rob the account, who will be responsible for this?


                                                                                  Too many ppl bring their subjective anecdotal experiences to prove this. Which is why it is unreliable especially considering the profile of the people who claim it's true (tend to be delusional and toxic). To really prove it would require a lot of effort and data


                                                                                    its not possible to rob the account


                                                                                      There are so many holes in this "research" that im certain this isn't to prove anything.


                                                                                        40 to 160 matches is a small set of data, true

                                                                                        but overall if it's true it will show SOME SIGNS of an effect

                                                                                        all that i'm trying to test here is if it's effects EXIST.

                                                                                        it's not made to see how it exactly works, just to see if it has any effect, for that we'd need a better research method and with someone who's actually good with data.


                                                                                          U need at least 10-20 games per group or u risk your research denounced before it even hits the panel. For the advancement of dota community I'm sure prof cuki can manage

                                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                            That is an interesting one. In party games I notice more toxicity among randoms.

                                                                                            My solo games are actually pretty chill despite my low behavior score. Again, 6kBS is a hit or miss.

                                                                                            Actually, in a game, I had a void who instantly began to flame me because I did not buy wards. I was playing Pitlord, and picked second, and was tabbed out until the start game. He said I "HAVE to buy wards". And I responded with "Well... I don't havvvee toooo, but not sure why none of you sucked it up and picked a supp."

                                                                                            Then he was trying to argue with me via voice chat, and I said "Look at that. I am muting you and the game has not even started yet, so enjoy talking to yourself. I don't like to argue, man."

                                                                                            Then about 20 minutes into the game he had another play tell me to unmute him and that he would not flame. I unmuted him, and we communicated well, and despite the loss, me and him gave each other our condolences for giving it our best.

                                                                                            Shit like that needs to happen more often.

                                                                                            basement :)

                                                                                              I have been from 3k to 9k behaviour score, and I am fairly sure it does impact gameplay. I am currently at an all time low of 2425, so you can borrow my account if you want. From experience: 3k–4k—decent players, 4k–5k—varies, and 5k–7k—unbearable cancer.