General Discussion

General Discussion BM solved all my problems

BM solved all my problems in General Discussion

    I was thinking about what was lacking in my games

    No push, no supports with stun, shitty warding by supports, supports ruining my lane.

    Now i have Beastmaster, I can deploy eagle wherever I want, can farm jungle, at lvl 6 can get a guraranteed kill on any lane with followed tower push, auras to make my team play better...and ofc solar crest. perfect for this "never push just afk farm"-bracket


      Thanks for sharing. I may consider it later


        Glad you found your hero. Now spam the hell out of it. Leach those mmr.

        Story Time

          then why beastmaster has so low winrate? :(


            Cuz he's hard to play


              because people at lower bracket just afk farm
              instead of abusing his ulti

              and higher bracket people will punish you if you have a jungler, and offlane he isnt very good

              Dire Wolf

                He's deceptively strong right when he hits 6. If you don't get zoned and hit 6 when enemy safe lane is like 4-5 you can probably kill him cus he'll be too far out and get slowed by boar.


                  The OP played one game of beastmaster where they got carried incredibly hard by a spectre and centaur and barely did more hero damage than the solo support rubick and did less damage than all three of the other cores including spectre despite being very good at dealing building damage with his aura and necro units and boar.

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