General Discussion

General Discussion35% winrate ranked, enlighten me.

35% winrate ranked, enlighten me. in General Discussion

    hello ladies and gentleman.

    i am a 27 year old bloke that has loved dota since the age of 15-16 watching my older brother play on the family pc.

    i have played a few years of dota2, thousands of games and recently i find myself wondering why i put myself through so much punishment? recently i have not been as lucky to have a decent winning streak in dota or if i do its immediately followed by a even bigger loosing streak. its just a number and i can understand that, but deep down i am praying for the day of retribution.

    I came to the conclusion that 35% win rate is the lowest i have seen ever for a ranked percentage? i simply cannot explain the level in which this saddens me. sure i play like shit sometimes like all of us. but if you want a laugh i highly recommend you look into these ranked matches and try to piece together how this has come to be. i will like to add that there is no hope for me, i can play at a pretty decent level and still have the shittest team alive and that's at the drafting stage. i know i know '' get good'' etc etc but for the sake of science i want to see if anybody has had this amount of misfortune before?

    here is a link to mu dotabuff :

    enjoy the giggle and even waste your time to watch a game if you wish. some are painful and you'll love watching them

    thanks and bye from ptsd suffering gamer.


      you need your own pc.


        You're playing above your weight class, tbh, simple as. It doesn't matter if you're good or bad, a win rate above 50% means you're playing with people who are generally lower skilled than you, a win rate below means you are playing with people better than you. A win rate of 35% means your calibration was way, way off. There is no such thing as a 300 game losing streak.

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        mom said it's my turn to ...

          You really cant blame anyone but yourself. Sub-30% winrate on your most played hero, Invoker? If you were any decent as you claim to be, you should be carrying these "shittest teams alive". Looks to me you just put on belly fat for the heavyweight class where your lightweight body could not cope up with


            i have my own pc and its a pretty decent one, so i dont think thats the issue.

            yea i guess i must be playing above my weight class because all the games i do play in my parties are high skill or v high skill and by the winrate its obvious that i must not belong there, but i dont understand what more i can do in these games ( admitingly i make misteakes ) but i feel like when i am in a core role my item builds are solid and my hero picking is decent my farm is decent and my overall stats are often better than that of the rest of my team and i have a far better knowledge of mechanic than my team the vast majority of the time. pick a few decent games look at the stats and l,ook at the terrible performances too. some of the situations or lineups that i usually get is unwinable i have a few 4-5k mates that have seen it in action.

            the invoker win rate is a disaster i know that, played a tonne of him when i was new because he was the most fun to me, the winrate on him is terrible im aware of that. but if you look past him theya re decent enough

            thanks for the replies guys.


              Regular GPM on carries?

              You should have 600-800 gpm on average.


                You'll be fine once you drop to low 2k but hopefully you learn some things while your dropping so you can rise again. I took a 6 month break from dota myself and am playing extremely poorly . I am currently very lucky though and breaking even on win / losses hopefully I can get my shit together before I drop a lot . At one point I was about 600 mmr higher than I am now so I can literally see I am playing like dog shit in real time lol. i originally lost he 600 mmr after 6 weeks off so if I manage to keep my current mmr after 6 months illl be set up pretty nicely to climb back once I stop playing like shit .



                  it less than 600. my last hitting has improved recently and my farming, can still be highest net worth in those very high skill games.
                  the losses contribute highly to this average i imagine, simply not safe to farm when behind and such. but have a look for yourself.
                  i feel like a 800gpm average on carries is absurdly high for someone below the 5-6k bracket


                    filthy, i went from 3.2? ish calibrated i am now down to 2.19 so i have dropped over a thousand mmr since the start.
                    because i have played with a high skill bracket of mates for some time and i dont mind watching a bit of pros if its a decent match up
                    unfortunately im now in games where some players just have no clue. even simple things like blink on lion... nope completely neglects wards or dewards buying dust agianst a mirana etc etc and goes for ahgs boots because that wins games apparently. this is were all the frustration stems from.
                    i carry very high skill games with around a 4k average no problems because i can rely on the people around me. the low 2ks is a completely different kettle of fish. and i cant play any pub stompers like meepo tinker etc.

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                      sorry man, u seem to be the reason of this bad winrate , ur pub winrate is terribad too, its cause of u not beeing even decent in general. 3k is low mmr bracket ur pub games are kinda the same bracket as ur ranked u have a lot of most picked heroes that u clearly cant play well and u keep playing them while lacking the skill , and base knowledge to achieve even the 20% of the hero's true potential, its sad to me to hear that u play dota for so long and still cant get the basics, its all about talent , some people are born to be good at dota even if they started like 2 years ago, some people play since wc3 times and suck ballz, but well u can be a lot better in other things i guess


                        it seems to be that way, i cant blame everyone else.
                        but what i am looking for is where is it exactly that, where did i go wrong ? that ''lack of talent'' i dont understand how it is possible to be calibrated at +1000?-1500? more than i am meant to be ? how could dota get it that wrong ? its not like i was boosting or i was just better a year ago? its madness.

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                          Maybe you need some change of pace something like play a support role since what you are doing is clearly failing you, Try other roles it might get better for you.

                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                            Hehe, my dota 1 handle used to be McDodong

                            mr. rabbit

                              i dont believe talent is a thing in dota. cmon its a friggin computer game lmao


                                Talent doesn't matter until 6k I think
                                You probably just spammed find match and reset your brain every time a match is done which happened to alot of people around me


                                  Try to stop playing high skillcap heroes


                                    Lul bro wow. I'd feel so bad if I were you. My Condolences. Just play pubs and don't look at your mmr or stAts.


                                      i tried the support route and it is a painful endevour to watch others play horrendously, although i might just do that. hard top organise russains tho.

                                      and my talent isnt the best obviously but i think because i have such a wide range of shitty heros i try and improve on them hence the shit overall stats.

                                      and i feel bad too bro, its a struggle, might just do the international rating and see if i manage to get a decent bost that way and break the curse or see if i truely do belong in the shitstack.


                                        43% Winrate... ouch. You need a serious change. My #1 advice is stop playing Invoker.


                                          You should probably focus on a smaller variety of heroes and, even if it is a hell of a pain, maybe play support on your ranked games. I'm only 3.1k but I feel like on 2k supports often don't know where to ward if they buy some at all. If you do know where to ward then it might help your team. And make sure you pick supports that can transition into some kind of core like Lina, Venge etc.
                                          Don't rely on your team too much as most of the time calls will probably not work out the way you wanted. Focus on your own game, improve map awareness and so on and you should be able to climb to 3k or at least 2.5k+
                                          Been there myself and improved vastly since then I feel


                                            Yo I checked ut profile and I feel really surprised. I couldn't find a game where u bought the items that u needed in the order u needed to build them.
                                   this build makes no sense to me. The thing is that just watching at the enemy lineup u can say that they want to fight as 5 as soon as their supps get 6 and they have the first items, so u will need early items to fight them. I can understand the vanguard, even if I personally think that it's bad. But it's obvious that u will need ur manta ASAP or u won't be able to do anything, so bad itemization.
                                   First time I see arcanes on qop, pls don't build that item again pls. if u start buying an orchid u can't just buy an eul instead after buying the first staff. If u buy an orchid in the first place, u want to be able to make plays on squishy supps and get farm on heroes. even if u are playing from behind buying an eul in middle way does not make any sense and it's game losing.
                                   u buy a midas first item with a lc jungle, there is no way to win a game, since if u invest 2k gold u will let ur teammates play in 4 for 20 min, losing every lane and ur team's early game. If u really need to go jungle with lc, at least buy a blink.

                                            Just 3 examples, I don't want to go on with this. The thing is that u should play ur best heroes in ranked. before u play an hero, watch pro replays and try to copy their builds. It's about items, timings (what do I need to do at what minute to take an advantage). just studying builds for ur heroes will bring ur winrate at least to 45/50%.

                                            This is what I noticed after 10 min, hope it helps.

                                            commends swapper

                                              The problem with advices for low mmr players is the fact that they basically play different game. Literally everything can be improved when you are 1 or 2k mmr player. I sometimes play with my mates on alt acc in 1-2k mmr and the games are really peculiar.
                                              You can 1v5 every game if you pick strong snowball hero.
                                              You probably should pick 1 hero you are good at and absouletely master it in every way. While mastering it you should get general grasp over how other heroes on that particular position are being played. Or just pick a hero that right clicks harder than your opponent in lane. You will kill them in 95% cases since they will mindlessly trade with you up to at least 3k->profit.
                                              Best of luck.

                                              edit: don't treat yourself loosing as misfortune. When you lose it is, as a tule of thumb, your fault. Regarding loses as misfortune is dangerously close to D-K effect we all know and love.

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                                                youarebeingselfish: i realise that supping a ranked game is probably more effective, so i think i might take that approach, just played 4 international ranked games im tbd now but around the 2.4-2.3 mark and out of the 4 i played 4 mids lost 3 won 1 and the ones i lost were mostly stomps because 0 supports or if they are weak solo supports like warlock so i think i clearly cant carry this type of game ( apart from the fact in every single game so far i have had the most impact win or loose topping dmg farm exp etc ) so ill play supps and let you know how it goes

                                                international ranked warrior : heya thanks for taking the time to watch and send good criticism, the build in the juigger game was because it was 1v9 and everytime past 20ish mins the silence and storm would gank me so thats the manta, diffusal for standard dmg and chase and the vanguard was for surviving because 0 response from team half the time, the rapier was mine because i was going full 1 v 9 and wanting to rax them by myself after the team took a bad teamfight, but i mistakenly too had a stupid death.
                                                the boot on qop was because none had any mana boots that game with mana dependant heros and i was thinking i couild biuld it into a octarine later anyways, but you make a solid point lesson learned
                                                and the lc i have no excuses and its a rare that i rush a midas and know it is wrong but i decided to do it anyways.

                                                sanir: you are completely right, it is nothing like a standard game where you have a general idea of your teams items and win conditions etc its madness that i can seem to beat because i lack the skill. which is why i started the thread and for a bit of a sook XD

                                                cheers guys

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                                                  better yet i will play a game with oneo ne willing to add me, im open to constructive criticism.


                                                    1. Learn how to play with Visage.
                                                    2. Spam Visage (no one know how to counter it).


                                                      Git gud


                                                        You could just learn how to carry with Luna since she can hit multiple enemies and with the right item build should be able to take out the whole enemy team if there aren't any people who know how to properly play. Or some tanky hero that is hard to deal with and build him a radiance, you can just go around tanking all the hits and your team hopefully manages to do some damage while at it.

                                                        But if you really want to improve your play, you should watch some videos/playstreams of how some of the better players play a certain hero and try to pick off some tips from their play. Certainly you'll end up failing with first tries, but that's just part of dota. Hero demo is also a good way to master some combos if there's a need for those.

                                                        Besides that, you need to learn how to focus on certain different aspect that take time 1) learn to read minimap 2) learn when it's better not to fight (and give your opponents gold) 3) teleport around the map/use shrines for your advantage/manage your gpm & xpm depending on the situation. 4) learn to counter enemy heroes with items/last pick counter


                                                          you suck bro, other players are better than you, and you mostly take carry, you are not ruining the game for yourself then, but you ruin the game for team as well, dont do this.