General Discussion

General DiscussionHonestly, mmr means nothing

Honestly, mmr means nothing in General Discussion

    best mid laners at laning are m1 sumail rtz paparazi

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      1-IceTea 🌟

        Aren't we like how low mmr tryhard player said 'mmr is just a number'


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            1-IceTea 🌟

              @Jacked probably Miracle- gay fan after he watch 1 Miracle- game,he is overrated xD

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              basement :)

                I thought Frank had a terrible win rate outside of Riki.


                  Each game is original and each game you can play as god mmr doesn't matter at all its just number, depends what kind of person you're if you waste your life to get blue star its your choice but doesn't give you anything, blue star literally means 10k hours spent by playing doto playing same game as guy with 10h per week and have same fun as he youre just not doing anything else.

                  basement :)

                    What if someone achieved a blue star easily without hero spamming?

                    The DarKNovA

                      MMR isn't everything but it means something.
                      The "bad performer" against "good performer" player ratio is pretty different in high MMRs, but there are some retards even in 6k+, or good players under 2k.
                      One thing for sure is that the higher the MMR is, the closer people usually stick to the meta, for better or worse.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        *piano plays*

                        "MMR is just a number"

                        play a 3.2k average game and then play a 3.6k average game.

                        You will notice a huge difference.

                        Now compare that 3.6 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.5 average.

                        Now compare 4.5 average to 3.2.

                        Not sure about 5k games, but I have had a few in my solos I feel after a certain point the difference is not noticable. I would mid4k+ means you made it since you actually get 5k games, and I have a few 5k friends that get 6k+ players and 6k average games.

                        Mmr means something, but not everything, but definitely not nothing.



                          mmr is inflated at the ends of EU mmr, as in 9k midone and miracle in EU are of similar skill as 7.5k sumail, EVEN THO SUMAIL DOESNT TRY, he still innately plays at a similarly high level. u cud use other top mmr na players. that isn't to say mmr in EU doesn't matter, or that even 9k in EU doesn't matter. from what ive heard mmr inflation only really affects the edges of the mmr range, cuz there rnt that many people there.

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                              MMR is a bulllshit number that has morphed over time through valves constant gameplay changes. Yet, they never reset the MMRs. So back in the day you got 2x gold, 2x XP, a massive snowball effect, zeus boosting and 5x XP boosters from the store. None of this exsits anymore...yet the MMRs have never yet been reset. My 4k friends tried to recalibrate...and ended up with 3k MMR flat. Did they suddenly get worse? Maybe so, then until Valve implements a seasonal MMR system....MMR does in fact...have no meaning. Babe Ruth batted .342... I highly doubt, and most stats people agree, he would barely be able to hit the ball against modern day pitchers. In every competition on the planet your stats reset given an epoch. The fact that DOTA does not, completely invalidates the interpolation of that number. Anyone whom believes otherwise is simply....stupid. Furthermore, having a hidden MMR / behavior score which melds with your actual MMR is mind blowingly retarded. If baseball adopted that standard than Ty Cobb would have had a zero batting average. Ty would scream curses and racial slurs every game. The NBL didn't only permit him to play in games with other ragers. He played with everyone and you either dealt with it or got tilted and lost. DOTA has the most obscure and demented attempt at an ELO rating system I have ever seen. If you think that your current MMR is an accurate reflection of your DOTA skills than feel free to use the rope I have sitting in my garage to hang yourself.


                                sumail woudl be 9k on na if he tried

                                I agree, which is why its an ass example. idk anyone on na as good as midone or miracle with that much mmr.
                                idek tbh


                                  In every competition on the planet your stats reset given an epoch. The fact that DOTA does not, completely invalidates the interpolation of that number. Anyone whom believes otherwise is simply....stupid

                                  thing is as long as ur constantly playing, it will send u to ur correct mmr.
                                  the elo function just works differently, its ur current status, but if u take a break and have a massive drop in skill it will take a while for it to move u to ur correct position, but if u continue to play games it will eventually.
                                  chess in fact also uses this system, that's what elo was originally invented for.

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    Is chess also a game where you get random teammates in your path to get your ELO?
                                    Also yeah, chess' meta changes all the time too, next patch with current meta overhaul coming out in July, chessmasters brace yourselves!

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                                      MMR inflation exists between servers, there's a reason Midone had to go to EU to get 9k.


                                        Yesterday I saw my 4k friend lose mid to a 1.5k player. It was supposed to be a practice match for me as i was sitting next to him to learn what he does. not sure if weaver vs SF is that unwinnable or 1.5k is the new 4k -.-

                                        Erase Humanity

                                          Nobody could deny that there is a positive correlation between mmr and good performance. But I think as soon as a player reaches 6k+, other factors determine his success in pro scene.

                                          Lets do Science

                                            If a 1.5k beat a 4k that actually played the hero he was facing, I'd be super shocked. Would you mind passing me a replay / match id?


                                              I beat fx LUL
                                              Also @darknova the meta shouldnt change your skill. It can make ur best heroes at the time bad, but ur inherent skill at dota is still at that level, u may just drop for a bit learning a new hero, or just be good enough at ur unmeta hero to stay at ur skill bracket. And again in the long run, everyone has the same random chance to get any random teammate, be it game ruining or game winning teammate, so it is equal to everyone.

                                              basement :)

                                                Mmr shows how good someone is at winning pubs not tournaments.


                                                  it is a well-known fact that stats numbers means nothing because fuck sciences

                                                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                    i can see many pro wanna be here

                                                    Last Hit


                                                      Im just a lowly 1k player, but mmr says something about you in general.

                                                      There are things you have to learn whenever you climb up a number. From solo 6k to 8k, you have to be able to do almost everything yourself (directing people to gank, camp pulling when no one is doing it, etc)

                                                      When you go into a party game, those numbers become somewhat irrelevant due to teammates doing what needed to be done.

                                                      But if u fight solo 1v1 i doubt a 5k can beat an 8k.

                                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                        For 99% of the players out there, whether you are 8k or 800 mmr, that doesnt make a difference in your real life.


                                                          of course it doesnt make a differnece in your life. but that';s not the point of the thread eh? sooper smart dentist

                                                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                            Jacked, you fool, im saying if it doesnt make a difference in your life, why so many here makes it sound like its a life and death issue. omg.. Kiddo, go study.. play when you have free time.


                                                              again, youre just wrong and missing the point completely. lol

                                                              ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                Yes..talking to you is like playing music to bull really..


                                                                  how do u know bulls don't like music?

                                                                  Bosnian Blade

                                                                    mmr is just a number.


                                                                      Recent Activity 97.2 hours past 2 weeks


                                                                        bank account is just a number


                                                                          9000 is just a number, so is 1000
                                                                          We are all the same )))

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                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              *piano plays*

                                                                              "MMR is just a number"

                                                                              play a 3.2k average game and then play a 3.6k average game.

                                                                              You will notice a huge difference.
                                                                              Now compare that 3.6 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.5 average.

                                                                              Now compare 4.5 average to 3.2.
                                                                              Not sure about 5k games, but I have had a few in my solos I feel after a certain point the difference is not noticable. I would say mid4k+ means you made it since you actually get 5k games, and I have a few 5k friends that get 6k+ players and 6k average games.

                                                                              Mmr means something, but not everything, but definitely not nothing.


                                                                              *piano plays*

                                                                              "MMR is just a number"

                                                                              play a 3.2k average game and then play a 3.6k average game.

                                                                              You will notice a huge difference.
                                                                              Now compare that 3.6 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.5 average.

                                                                              Now compare 4.5 average to 3.2.
                                                                              Not sure about 5k games, but I have had a few in my solos I feel after a certain point the difference is not noticable. I would say mid4k+ means you made it since you actually get 5k games, and I have a few 5k friends that get 6k+ players and 6k average games.

                                                                              Mmr means something, but not everything, but definitely not nothing.


                                                                              *piano plays*

                                                                              "MMR is just a number"

                                                                              play a 3.2k average game and then play a 3.6k average game.

                                                                              You will notice a huge difference.
                                                                              Now compare that 3.6 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.5 average.

                                                                              Now compare 4.5 average to 3.2.
                                                                              Not sure about 5k games, but I have had a few in my solos I feel after a certain point the difference is not noticable. I would say mid4k+ means you made it since you actually get 5k games, and I have a few 5k friends that get 6k+ players and 6k average games.

                                                                              Mmr means something, but not everything, but definitely not nothing.


                                                                              *piano plays*

                                                                              "MMR is just a number"

                                                                              play a 3.2k average game and then play a 3.6k average game.

                                                                              You will notice a huge difference.
                                                                              Now compare that 3.6 to 4.1 and 4.1 to 4.5 average.

                                                                              Now compare 4.5 average to 3.2.
                                                                              Not sure about 5k games, but I have had a few in my solos I feel after a certain point the difference is not noticable. I would say mid4k+ means you made it since you actually get 5k games, and I have a few 5k friends that get 6k+ players and 6k average games.

                                                                              Mmr means something, but not everything, but definitely not nothing.



                                                                                Daddy beats me coz i was retarded that day 10match in 1day made me brainlag. Rematch and i will show you my true midlane skills. Btw my mid is horrible

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  if mmr doesnt mean anything then there wouldnt have been paid mmr boosters xddd


                                                                                    Money is just a number


                                                                                      TBH, I think the best mid is either paparazzi or miracle...


                                                                                        Tbh i think bws is the best mid played


                                                                                          It's a fucking opinion, why are you qualified to say anything. He got fucking dumpstered in the 1v1. Sumails flavour of the month. He hasn't played a position outside of mid since he began. Jacked is beginning to sound like one of the 20 yr old dipshits who knows everything cus he did well in science or some shit. Then you gonna mature and realise you were a stupid kid trying to school everyone


                                                                                            Everyone thinks they are qualified in some way to give an opinion. I was just curious why he thought his opinion was correct. Honest to god. U don't know what or why a person thinks something until u hear their underlying reason. Then u can judge an opinion for its worth.

                                                                                            It is an opinion afterall and some ppl think they are qualified to give an opinion on complex things like rocket science. Sure u can have the dumb fuxking mindset that anyone can give an opinion. But there are some things better left to subject matter experts.

                                                                                            Maybe If u weren't a dumb fuxking kid you'd know this


                                                                                              Then shut your mouth cus you know fuck all


                                                                                                sumail best mid lol...paparazi is the best mid player in the world


                                                                                                  literally the most autistic thing ive ever read, id rather hear diox's opinion.
                                                                                                  anyone is ALLOWED to have an opinion, but not just anyone's opinion is valid or even sensible.
                                                                                                  its like how I can have an opinion on the complex politics of west Africa, but I don't know jack shit abt it so my opinion doesn't mean anything.
                                                                                                  if jacked sounds like

                                                                                                  one of the 20 yr old dipshits who knows everything cus he did well in science or some shit.

                                                                                                  then you sound like the autistic kid in this class who doesn't know anything so he flames the smart kids for reasons beyond anyones comprehension.