General Discussion

General DiscussionSolar Crest = Game Winning Item

Solar Crest = Game Winning Item in General Discussion
    holy shit, i saved axe a ton of times with this item, TA just keep missing her hits toward axe
    this game i saved LC just like that treant game, i was holding 6k+ gold for like last 15 minutes before the game ends.

    Active: Shine - Temporarily removes the armor and evasion from Solar Crest. When cast on an ally it grants them 100 armor and 89% evasion. When cast on an enemy, it removes 50 of their armor and blinds them, causing them to miss 78% of their attacks. Cannot target magic immune enemies.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Yeah, that's why it needs a slight nerf on the armor

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        Best utility item in the game

        Potato Marshal

          They overbuffed it with both the 12 armor and massive talisman cost reduction.


            any item can be gamewinnning


              Dagon XD


                No one has been buying it despite how good it is in my games.


                  yeah me too jacked


                    Icefrog = Game winning item

                    why blame gaben for this? oh yeah icefrog went insane on buffing and nerfing and everyone hates him.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Thats because you don't get me as your teammate jacked


                        dude, you got 600 matches and only bought solar crest 7 times, wht are you talking about xd


                          Lol where do u get such stats?

                          Nvm I'm retarded. I bought it. 63 times

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            Probably because you spammed weaver lol


                              yea. support weaver


                                100 armor ? yea right xD


                                  It's broken on Visage, you just take the enemy's armor and you send your familiars at your enemy.
                                  And he will be dead sooner than you think.