General Discussion

General DiscussionSurvey

Survey in General Discussion

    What hand did you use to write and do other things? Please answer honestly
    I write with left hand erase with right hand. If i were ask to type with one hand i would choose left hand. Volley with right hand soccer with right foot


      I do it all with my left hand except when playing the guitar.


        I just realized I use my right hand when holding the mouse ofc.


          Righty in all things
          When i fap tho i use right for my dick and so left must go on mouse.


            Idk why i can do things in left and right hand but i cant do both for 1 activity


              Right for everything except fap & smoking


                Everything with right hand except eating and drinking


                  Eating? The spoon should be on the right hand to eat rice(im chinese shit) for righty. Well i use left xD


                    Kidal kys


                      When my parents taught me how to draw and write when I was little I tried to use my left hand. They forced me to use my right hand with the concern most tools are right handed and it's a right handed world. As a result I am right handed, however I am naturally right footed for soccer which I still play recreationally.