General Discussion

General DiscussionPicking roles before matchmaking.

Picking roles before matchmaking. in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    Enigma is a core. Jakiro is boring af. Turn rate, cast time... kill me plz. I even took Morph from Loda to avoid playing Jakiro. He forced rmk and made me swap heroes.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      I wasn't clear enough. I like damaging towers and raxes while enemies are away. Cannot do that with Jakiro.

      Potato Marshal

        I wish there was at least a way to mark that you're a roamer on the pre-game strategy map.


          Shadow Shaman

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            I wish there was at least a way to mark that you're a roamer on the pre-game strategy map.

            Enemy woods is typical place you mark for roaming.


              thing is someone asked me if I was jungling the enemy jungle LMAO


                Luckily I was playing my trademark offlane Sniper



                  you are a boss sir


                    "Enigma is a core."
                    He can certainly pos. 4. Jakiro is boring, but winning is fun. Therefore Jakiro can be fun.
                    Like someone else said, Shadow Shaman. XD
                    Also, sometimes you have to sacrifice what you like in order to win the game. Maybe your team doesn't NEED more tower push, rather, crowd control, or lockdown.
                    Seriously, its players like you in my MMR that makes life so toxic.

                    Like that idiot who picks a 4th core because he wants to play core - causing your team to have a jungler, weak lanes, lost early game, and eventually lost game.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      @Jacked, here is another offlane Sniper. Again versus Slark. The key to playing offlane Sniper is to play versus Slark. Why would you want that, one my ask?

                      Well... When you obliterate the Slark, a hero who counters you, what kind of rage would burn trough Slark's teammates? Rage of immense intensity. Make sure to write in all chat shit like "Hello it's me, your offlane sniper" or "can you handle my offlane gameplay"?

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        @Snu, even as pos 4, Nigma sucks so much gold away, he's like a 4th core.

                        Maybe your team doesn't NEED more tower push, rather, crowd control, or lockdown.

                        I play offlane Sniper in 5.5k+ avg games. I play offlane Meepo as well. I lost a game versus Storm+Luna dual jungle at almost 6k avarage. There are no rules for position and roles distribution. One fucker just needs to buy the courier (I am willing to do this).


                          I'm just disappointed jacked disrespected core Warlock when it most definitely is a thing. I don't recommend it but I have had many successes with it.

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Core Warlock is called Corlock btw. And it's legit.


                              Well... When you obliterate the Slark, a hero who counters you, what kind of rage would burn trough Slark's teammates? Rage of immense intensity. Make sure to write in all chat shit like "Hello it's me, your offlane sniper" or "can you handle my offlane gameplay"?

                              i hope you're serious. because that is genius. and im always looking for more ideas to add to my arsenal of psychological warfare strats

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                lul when did i disrespect corelock. i was referring to an pro game btw.

                                nothing like aghs refresher golem in a 2k pub game

                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                  I'm dead serious. Can backfire tho if u start losing the game.


                                    ridiculous and abusable idea. The only reason for proposing it is because you want other people to be your support bitch.

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Not to mention there are flexible heroes and playstyle rofl u want this game to become LoL or what


                                        sure gaben brough half of lol in dota anyway. add some gay heroes as well

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          There are no rules for position and roles distribution.

                                          One guy wanted to go jungle terrorblade, so I picked LC jungle. We had 3 solo lanes, two junglers and we won something like 27-2 or shit like that.

                                          But that was a high skill unranked match, it's way more impressive when people pull that shit off in 6k avg ranked games.


                                            Problem is, when your lanes are that atrocious, there is like, a 95% chance that your win wasn't because of how well you performed, but because of how stupid the other team was.
                                            Intelligent players would take those 3 solo lanes + 2 junglers, and win all 3 lanes, as well as gank and kill the junglers once or twice. Pressure, pressure, pressure. But then again, most 1-3k's don't know how to support and roam.


                                              I won solo laning as slark against tink and cm with 2 junglers lmao

                                                Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                  altho how does it get punished if u do things out of ur role? just simply by reporting if ppl ont do the taken role?

                                                    Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                                                      Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                        if they manage to make this an option not the new way i guess it's nice. but thats hard to execute. some ppl rather have lower queue time this is really importtant to a large part of community. quantity over quality for a lot of ppl

                                                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                                                            this actually forces ppl to actually play unranked if theur tryhard isnt tryhard enough for rank to wait the queue. seems legit
                                                            but again leddit is the source of all knowledge and wisdom for OSfrog smh



                                                              This isn't lol you trash (@op)


                                                                As said earlier and I wish it as well. Queue captains mode.


                                                                  Why is this topic is getting discussed again? My opinion is that its stupid to pick roles before matchmaking cause it will make the waiting time longer because everybody will pick mid or safelane carries.

                                                                  The only thing I get from this topic is that because you don't want to be the receiver of the short end of the stick which is the support that is why you're suggesting this.


                                                                    Eh, fun is subjective. I don't find the fun in hitting creeps for 15-20 minutes, I do like whacking enemy offlaners out of the lane tho


                                                                      but @kitrak i just remembered that if we got 1/10 ppl willing to supp and 1/10 play pos4 then there is going to be 8/10 ppl who want core but can only get matched up with those 20% supps so 40% of community can find match while 60% cant since there arent enough supps