General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your favorite windranger build?

What is your favorite windranger build? in General Discussion
For the horde

    I love euls on her cuz it stacks with talent and she moves so fast with phase boots, beside of that i've been trying many builds but she just dont seem strong to carry a game, exept when i tryed armlet on her, so brutal item for her

    Story Time

      eul? armlet?`wtf is this normal skill thinking about :D

      For the horde

        So? Topic?

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          I always try to build Diffusal, not good.

          Is Euls good, that it can replace Force or Blink?

          For the horde

            No way but it gives you little on survivability and also you can eul you or enemy while waiting for cooldown on spells


              I mostly use phase-maelstrom-aghs-desolator. I like being able to take down a tower whenever the opportunity arises. I keep trying to buy a blink because I see that's what people that can actually play do, but it never happens.


                Before the change to talents i used to go mael blink aghs, now with invis i swaped to mael-aghs-crits. And I do blink when we have other invis heroes and I need other ways to iniciate.
                Usually game is over by the time i have this. Either i.dominate early and carry team or i am shit and need to get carried.

                But I play her only mid. For support euls can work well. Extra removal, with slowing talent instead mana...

                Riguma Borusu

                  if she was an agi hero diffusal would be 1000% core on her


                    There are not many games a diffusial blade wouldn't be good for her. Implying you already have the aghs tho.
                    Eul and armlet are the most tryhard itembuild I have ever heard of on any hero besides maybe manta + radience puck.


                      Well diffus is good, but as 3rd item after maelstrom and aghs and against certain heroes. You will be better of with deso/orchid/blink/daedelus/mkb. And bkb after.

                      For most games, with core (mael+aghs) you kill person during shackles. Later with one of above items as well. It is better to kill off person than drain mana.

                      Diffus against likes of medusa, sven, necro, omni, seer. Where you need to diffus some key buffs/spells. And even than, with daedelus, you take down dusa maybe easier tha. With diffus.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        Eul and armlet are the most tryhard itembuild I have ever heard of on any hero besides maybe manta + radience puck.

                        since when dumb == tryhard?

                        And even than, with daedelus, you take down dusa maybe easier tha. With diffus.

                        except bthorn instead of daedalus

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