General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could only play 2-3 heroes per role, no matter what, who would...

If you could only play 2-3 heroes per role, no matter what, who would they be? in General Discussion
yung griphook

    Lets assume that you'll have to play only these heroes until the new patch drops. Feel free to say why as well. Did you choose your heroes because they are who you're best at, they're the strongest in the meta right now, or a combination?

    My list would probably go something like:

    1: AM, Troll, Weaver
    2: QoP, Mirana, Storm
    3: Necro, Veno, Mirana
    4: Jak, Veno, Pudge
    5: Lich, AA, Rubick

    curious as to how these picks will change among and between people of different mmr's, queue regions, play styles, etc.

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      2-3 heroes per role is plenty. Most people playing this game only play around 10 heroes regularly.

      yung griphook

        I'm asking what heroes people would choose and why


          1. Invo,Tinker,Void
          2. Monkey,Ember,OD
          3. Timber,Shaker,Nyx
          4. Riki,NS,Slardar
          5. Warlock


            actually difficult to say lel coz i dont actually play a single 3 or 5 hero lmao

            yung griphook

              @Chiwa invoker, tinker carry? New meta?

              @snake I'm not sure you understand this hypothetical scenario

                Този коментар е изтрит

                  1.Luna , Sniper, AM , TB
                  2. Invoker , SF, Ember
                  3.Axe , Magnus , Necro, BS
                  4.Riki , Bounty , CM, Witch doctor
                  5.Jakiro , Rubick , Winter , Ogre


                    AM TB MK
                    Meepo Visage
                    NP LC
                    Riki Slardar
                    SS CM LICH


                      1. CK, LS, Huskar
                      2. Viper, Necro, Alchemist
                      3. Doom, Beastmaster, Dark Seer
                      4. Spirit Breaker, Slardar, Clockwerk
                      5. AA, Bane, Oracle

                      Sexy Sloth

                        I'm kind of a Supp player, but here it is
                        1. BF Ember Spirit, WK (aka "one button wonder"), Drow Ranger
                        2. Storm Spirit, Lina, Puck
                        3. Elder Titan, Spirit Breaker, Axe
                        4. MK, Earth Spirit, Jakiro
                        5. CM, Witch Doctor, Dazzle


                          1:fuck that shit
                          2:necro,bs,sniper(im sorry)

                          Forget me not

                            1. PA, Spec, Riki
                            2. Wr, QOP, PA
                            3. Riki, Void, Wr/Centa
                            4. Riki, Sky, WR
                            5. Silencer, cm, venge/winter wyven
                            Cause I only play the hero that I like to play and I can't play many hero.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            I r left, u r right

                              dirty riki spammer die in fire! :D

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                1. Void AM
                                2. Storm SF
                                3. Slardar cent
                                4. BH WK
                                5. CM jakiro
                                I'm a lazy moron and don't want to learn anything new


                                  1. Ursa, AM, TB
                                  2. QoP, TA, Veno (don't put me mid)
                                  3. NP, Veno, LC
                                  4. Earth Shaker, Spirit Breaker, Night Stalker
                                  5. Abaddon, CM, Disruptor

                                  lebron james jr

                                    1. AM, Troll, Luna, sven
                                    2. Necro, Brew, Veno, pugna
                                    3. Legion, Earthshaker, enigma, Phoenix, WR
                                    4. Slardar, pudge, sven
                                    5. Lich, jak


                                      @OP ?

                                      Hatsune Miku

                                        1 is for spector, snipper and void
                                        2 is for zeus, snipper and viper
                                        3 is for centaur, legion and enigma
                                        4 is for treent, distruptor and earthshaker
                                        5 is for aa, wyvern and lich


                                          1 pl jug pa
                                          2 storm tinker ember
                                          3 lc timber puck
                                          4 sky shaker rubick
                                          5 sky wyvern jakiro

                                          Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                            1. CM chen IO
                                            2. KOTL techies SB
                                            3. AM TB meepo
                                            4. Juggernaut SF sven
                                            5. Invoker brood slark

                                            🐉 Phoenix Frost 🐉

                                              Ez lane: terrorblade, spectre, chaos knight
                                              Mid lane: obsidian destroyer, medusa, bone fletcher
                                              Hard lane: phoenix, nyx, spirit breaker
                                              Roaming: sand king, weaver, night stalker
                                              Supports: disruptor, bane, skywrath mage
                                              Greetings from russian girl, boyz!

                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                              Optimus Drip



                                                  1. AM, Spectre, Dusa
                                                  2. Sniper, Drow, Viper
                                                  3. Necro, Necro, Necro
                                                  4. Riki, BH
                                                  5. Dazzle, CM

                                                  I'll give some reasoning for my picks because idk it was asked?

                                                  1. AM is good hero and can farm fast even when your team is being stupid. Also very fun. Same with spectre, but not as fun IMO. But a shit early game for spectre (at least for me) usually means nothing ever's going to change around. I also enjoy playing medusa but usually need the right circumstances or else team rages because dusa isn't out ganking at the 8 minute mark.

                                                  2. Except for drow early, it's easier to secure last hits early game and be able to push tower down when enemy leaves mid. Same applies when a bit later on and ganking side lanes (if applicable) to push down or damage enemy tower. Plus, they're fun.

                                                  3. Necro is OP. Durable and doesn't need to regen up later in long as he doesn't die, he doesn't need to return to base or get regen courier'd out to him.

                                                  4. Because people rarely get sentry wards and it's fun to f*** around with enemy and harrass them early. And if the enemy has a jungler, just follow him around and make him tilt. Bounty hunter is fun for the same reasons, but if your team starts getting killed and you're there (using his track), you and your team get a bunch of extra gold, making the snowball game real.

                                                  5. I don't really like playing CM but it's a strong support for mana and disable early (obviously). I like playing dazzle because he has some awesome saves....unless your ally doesn't realize what his W does so he keeps running when he could have TP'd out because no enemy had a stun.

                                                  Necro is the only hero I started playing right now because he's in the meta.

                                                  #1-3's, if you have a bad early game you can often hit the jungle or afk in lane for a little while (while keeping creep equilibrium near your tower FFS!), and catch up a fair amount, assuming you're unmolested....which happens frequently enough, since oftentimes enemy won't react to you farming if the creeps aren't pushing up to their tower.


                                                    1. Monkey King, Antimage, Slark
                                                    2. Storm, Tinker, Arc Warden, Monkey King
                                                    3. Enchantress, Void, Monkey King
                                                    4. Riki, Monkey King
                                                    5. Oracle, Dazzle, Disruptor

                                                    I don't care much about other heroes.

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                      qop mirana storm ?
                                                      so you got counter by orchid or anytype of silence easily

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        1: Bs Am Axe (yes, I am willing to play pos 1 axe)
                                                        2: Qop SF Brood
                                                        3: Axe Sb Abaddon
                                                        4: Bh Wyvern Sb
                                                        5: Wyvern Oracle Jakiro


                                                          am jugg morph.


                                                            1. jugg invo kunkka
                                                            2. actually im never know what pos 2 (because my farm is around 1 or 3 never 2
                                                            3. mk riki
                                                            4. bara mk riki
                                                            5. kunkka ogre mk riki

                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                            Friendly Gaming Community <3

                                                              1. AM, Luna, Spec (signature Heroes)
                                                              2. Storm, SF, QoP hate midlane tho
                                                              3.WR, Necro, Magnus Personal preference
                                                              4. Pudge, mirana, rubick
                                                              5. Lion, WD, disruptor


                                                                1: sven luna and ld, those can farm quick and recover from a bad lane with just levels
                                                                2: viper, i suck mid and this still wins lanes
                                                                3: legion underlord abaddon, these guys can still deny farm from the carry in 1v3 lanes and retire to the jungle
                                                                4: bara sk nyx, tanky roamers with alot of utility and combo potential
                                                                5: lich venge ogre, each of them has abilities to stay relevant in the lategame with only like a forcestaff or a glimmer

                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                  1) TB, AM, Weaver
                                                                  2) SF, Viper, Alch
                                                                  3) Cent, Necro, Bristle (So many more)
                                                                  4) BH, SB, Sand King
                                                                  5) Dazzle, Phoenix, Witch Doctor

                                                                  Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                    1Drow clinkz
                                                                    3. Cent nyx sk
                                                                    4 . Sb riki aa
                                                                    5 lich ogre
                                                                    I pretty much avoid playing mid cuz mid is rly tilty role. Imo mid players have worst mental attitude.


                                                                      I play pos 2, 4, 5. So not really used to 1,3. I dont really care which of those three i am.

                                                                      1 - tb, pa, drow
                                                                      2 - wind is enough. Back up is Dusa (with drow), alch
                                                                      3 - axe, tide?
                                                                      4 - riki, pudge, dusa(jungle, with drow)
                                                                      5 - wd, cm... ogre


                                                                        1. Drow, Void, TB.
                                                                        2. Pls no don't make me do this pls. I can't make myself understand mid even after tutorials and pro games.
                                                                        3. Wr, Pitlord, Doom.
                                                                        4. BH, Ogre, SB.
                                                                        5. Oracle (especially him), Lich, SD.

                                                                        I'm not a core player. That's not something i'm good at, so i just picked heroes i enjoyed most for pos 1 and 3. And avoided pos 2 cuz i'm literally a definition of a lost mid. Even as Viper. And i never really enjoyed it.
                                                                        BH = wasted enemy money on sentries and dusts + money from track for team. Ogre is just tanky at early levels and SB... He is just gud, okay?
                                                                        Lich takes exp from ranged creep on lane, SD is scary with/against right heroes and Oracle... I just enjoy my Oracle. Very versatile, always useful with just a lens and an urn. I really want to git gud with this hero.

                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                          1. Luna sven sniper
                                                                          2. Tinker alch sniper
                                                                          3. I dont play offlane too often but tidehunter gets the job done quite well for me
                                                                          4. riki bh pugna
                                                                          5. Cm, i dont pick anything else for this role so idk


                                                                            1. AM TB Luna
                                                                            2. SS TA Viper
                                                                            3. Veno Centaur DK
                                                                            4. BH riki Omni
                                                                            5. CM Dazzle kotl


                                                                              1. Slark Sven AM
                                                                              2. Viper Alch TA
                                                                              3. Tidehunter Centaur Slardar
                                                                              4. Riki OrgeMagi Omni
                                                                              5. Lion CM ShadowShaman

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                how about 1 per role? 15 heroes is way too many.

                                                                                1. Troll cus I like troll, doesn't have a ton of counters, fits many lineups
                                                                                2. Viper cus he can go mid or off or safe
                                                                                3. Tide I guess, I don't play a lot of offlane
                                                                                4. Jakiro, does a lot for team, flexible
                                                                                5. Lich just cush


                                                                                  i already do.
                                                                                  1. arc
                                                                                  2. am
                                                                                  3. sk
                                                                                  4. sb
                                                                                  5. cm

                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                  Super Senko-san Time

                                                                                    1. TB/Necro(this meta)
                                                                                    2. SF/Necro(this meta)
                                                                                    3. I hate this role/Necro (this meta)
                                                                                    4. Wyvern
                                                                                    5. Lich

                                                                                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                      1. Invo|Timber|Am


                                                                                        1. am lycan morph
                                                                                        2. invo sf tinker
                                                                                        3. dseer abaddon enigma
                                                                                        4. sk earthspirit earthshaker
                                                                                        5. cm oracle ww


                                                                                          1. AM, Jugg, Sven
                                                                                          2. Tinker, Storm, Ember
                                                                                          3. Faceless Void, Puck, Clockwerk
                                                                                          4. Earth Spirit, Earth Shaker, Visage
                                                                                          5. Rubick, Winter Wyvern, SWM

                                                                                          I love playing the 4 and 5 role. I have a lot more heroes that I can place there, but those would probably be the most fun.

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            1. Safe Lone Druid
                                                                                            2. Mid Lone Druid
                                                                                            3. Offlane Lone Druid
                                                                                            4. Jungle lone druid
                                                                                            5. roaming oov lone druid
                                                                                            7. winter wyvern


                                                                                              SA 3k

                                                                                              1: Tinker Invoker Sniper
                                                                                              2: Necro Venon
                                                                                              3: SK Shaker
                                                                                              4: Shaker Barathrun
                                                                                              5: Lich Jakiro


                                                                                                1. CK, Ursa, Alchemist
                                                                                                2. Invoker, Shadow Fiend, Night Stalker
                                                                                                3. Axe, Spirit Breaker, Slardar
                                                                                                4. Undying, Earth Spirit, Pudge
                                                                                                5. Jakiro, Rubick, Earthshaker

                                                                                                Did not choose them 'cause of the meta of course (NS mid and Slardar offlane lmao, that's how I used to stomp with them tho), but 'cause I'm goot at them and/or I think they're fun to play. If I had to play only the heroes I can play well it'd be boring, so I thought "let's throw my wonderful 45% wr Voker and 38% wr ES in there too" o/


                                                                                                  2.Silencer Necro
                                                                                                  3.Faceless Voi
                                                                                                  4.Earth Spirit,Pudge


                                                                                                    1.Lone Druid, Arc Warden, Morph
                                                                                                    2.TA, Invoker, Shadow Fiend
                                                                                                    3. Void, Clock, Timber
                                                                                                    4. Earth Spirit, Chen, Enchantress
                                                                                                    5. Oracle, AA, Rubick


                                                                                                      1 - Spectre, Luna, PA
                                                                                                      2 - TA, SF, Ember
                                                                                                      3 - Shaker, LC, Axe
                                                                                                      4 - Shaker, Clockwerk, Rubick
                                                                                                      5 - No thanks. The whole point of playing a game is to have a good time and I'd rather not play a role I don't enjoy.

                                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                        Chen, Chen and hmm Chen. This hero is really op if you play him daily.