General Discussion


I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

    I bought cookies guide and instantly became a god in 1k mmr went straigt up to 1k from 800 mmr in a few hours!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! I can now afk farm whole game till I get 6 items and then I convince my team to end the game! since I've done all the challenges I'm able to get 6 slotted in less than 30 minutes!! YEAH MOTHAFUCKA I'm ready to finally climb the shithole through all the cancer and aids and it's all because of this guide!

    < blank >

      cookie's guide boosted my monkey king to the next level. now i'm able to stomp fo fucking hard the enemy midlaner abandons game in less than 15 min.


        holy shit my eyes, that's green AF


          Cookies guide taught me how to make the best spaghetti bolognese to ever grace my tongue :bc_ok: :bc_100:


            what is the link to it's guide ?
            is it the over 9000 one ?


              no way u played those games

              cuki or some1 else boosted u


                The server winrates are pretty suspicious tbh

                Mlada i Luda

                  hahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhaha, cuki you SOTB , im prety sure he is joking man thats so obvious, an1k player with 6 storm games, suddenly stomping like that with only 1 death lul. it doesnt matter if you know how to get 6 slots before 30 min, an 1k player will fuck up and die a lot with storm even with 10 slots lul.

                  also stomping with invoker too, nice pogchamp nicee. ahahhahahahahhahaha

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                    you need to be a next level tryhard if you want to actually go more than 3k by just guides