General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 1k mmr

Stuck in 1k mmr in General Discussion

    My friend gave me a 1k mmr account because he thinks the trench is real and that I wouldnt be able to push through the trench. I accepted his challenge and started playing on the account today. I know its been done in the past but I thought it'd be fun to do it myself. If you want to follow my progress I think I should be able to hit 4k no problem unless I get bored.


      Isn't it obvious? Trench happen when you reach your skill cap


        why should someone watch 1k playz ?:D

        Palmen aus Plastik

          clickbait title!!

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              clickbait title!!

              Also my team hold me back


                I did this on an account and ended it at 4400~ mmr... what a waste of time.

                I used to think the joy of a smurf was just stomping a bunch of 2-3k players into the dirt, ending the game in 15 minutes and feel like a god.

                I now realise the true joy of a smurf is to blend in and hide amongst them, play recklessly, walk aimlessly around the map, pick techies and just a be a downright nuisance.

                Tryharding is for your main. I find a lot of joy in trolling with an invis hero setting stupid challenges like 0cs/0denies on riki and just gathering gold through roaming and ganking.


                  I tried that once. Very difficult to get 0cs lul.

                  Story Time

                    Do you go party mmr too?



                      played 1 game on my old 1k account for fun

                      minute 10 i was about to take mid tier 2 tower. after that the ENTIRE enemy team just sat mid fighting me alone and killing me a few times (with me killing half of their team in return)

                      all the while the pudge was afk farming in jungle and the witch doctor just splitpushed to farm his linkens (for whatever reason he needed that item)

                      and i also bought sentries for the riki

                      so i can safely say that as a flat 3k player i pretty much solo won that game buy creating universes worth of space for my team. and im a very bad and untalented mid player honestly

                      if i can win 3v5 then anyone can climb out of there if hes better

                      trench doesnt exist

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                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                        here's same shit done by a much better player


                          how do you get 0cs tho, I should really focus hard to not just auto going for the cs
                          that seems like a really hard thing to do tbh not just because of the habit of going for the cs but because I would need to time the pushing of waves so that I don't hit a last hit


                            How are 1k games like ?