General Discussion

General DiscussionTeach me how to morphling plez

Teach me how to morphling plez in General Discussion



      Agi Morph hits really hard really early but can be burst down pretty easily. If you're laning against hard disablers or supports with strong spells, keep more strength than usual, just in case.

      Your range on morph is really low, so it can be a good idea to draw creep agro back toward your range creep to last hit.

      Max your Q and stat shift first, getting W later on once you have enough stats for the Agility to make the W work well. Usually skip your ult at level 6 as you can't use it to its full potential yet and your other abilites are better.

      Farm a defensive item first - linkens is a popular choice, but against a lot of disable getting a bkb first might be better. after that you can go eth blade (eth blade, W, Q is the combo) or diffusal (if you want to right click harder).

      Using your ult is pretty straight-forward most of the time. Make an illusion, micro it to a safe area (preferably a lane on the opposite side of the map you're on). Push a lane, gank a hero, anything. When it's too dangerous, press R and you're out. Now you can push that lane and repeat. Once you've got the hang of that, you can start doing more intense things like scouting with the illusion for kills and such.

      If you get into a teamfight and your ult is off cooldown, pick the hero that does the most right-click damage (your team or enemy) and create an illusion of it. make it attack anything. it can make a huge difference as Morph illusions do a lot more damage than normal illusions.

      Hope this helps!

      Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

        morphling stun gun is better, he's not that good as a carry imo

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Lvl morph, morph max agi.
          Get Iron Talon, go jungle, kite the neutral creeps to reduce damage taken.
          max adaptive strike
          Once you reach lvl 5, morph max strength.
          Roam and stun.

          The DarKNovA

            Nice advices from iCucked.guala, but have to point out getting a BKB first probably won't cut it, with morphs non-existent int gain (and the mana/int itself nerfed too) he just won't have enough mana pool and regen to be able to do jackshit on lane.


              Morphling is a very shitty hero in potato bRacket. Super shit laning and afk style farming like Am. not as easy to catch up on farm and split push as am. Unlikely to get a team who understand what morph needs to succeed - hence u are unlikely to get any momentum all game with the hero.

              Johnny Dogs

                Diox check my dotabuff to know how I climbed in potato bracket with spamming Morphling. He can easily win game by himself.


                  morph need linkin and Ebalde. other item are free. whatever you need, in that game, with you will see is the most usefull.
                  Best items for starts are aquila, power treads, bottle is good to, I like dragon lance. if you want blink don`t rush him.
                  if you go against silancer, dp, doom, nyx don`t pick morph, riky can be hard too.
                  best to go morph is against low hp heroes, and low mobility heroes.
                  Also don`t go morph if your team has am, spectra, medusa, and other hard farm core, cause all of you need hard farm. xD
                  you can play morph on mid too, but see against who you will be, don`t pick hard oponent.
                  use ulty to farm also while you push lain, like put on small nature camp or other lain, just watch can you save press R.
                  if your team can pick vs, life, io, cm it`s good for you. they are good with morph.


                    @Shōyō then teach me kind sir


                      so far i've never seen a 1-3-1-1 build work, it deals so little dmg with agi why raise it first


                        Brown boots soul ring (bottle for mid) wand -> linken -> eblade -> bots -> whatever you need. Talents go +8 agi, 12% cd reduction, +25 ms and then whatever you need. Generally just split-push and farm until you have eblade, then you can make deep pushes, hide in jungle and kill people who tp to defend. When your team smokes, send smoked replicate with them while you shove sidelanes. Having quick cast on your w and your eblade item slot helps a lot making fast comboes. Fighting with morph is all about knowing the perfect amount of str to morph so you can't be bursted while still doing maximum dps and baiting enemy heroes. You need good mechanics to play this properly but pulling off a waveform->eblade->adaptive replicate out combo into 5 heroes is probably one of the most satisfying things in Dota 2.

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                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          why ms over dmg?

                          The DarKNovA

                            Hermann, to be fair, with the upgraded base damage, and reduced manacost, one level in adaptive can be a surprisingly strong laning harass, if you are up against low regen potential lane.
                            Of course ideally your team makes sure you can focus on farming, but that's wishful thinking on random pubs.


                              You go ms because morphling is a slow piece of shit and you don't actually right click that much in fights compared to the amount of damage you shit out with wave+adaptive+eblade. Vs AM I go +damage and build full right click items (no eblade) but that is situational.


                                Prioritize lane farm and git money.
                                Morph is a super splippery hero and can farm lanes deep with replicate.
                                And btw morph super strong with levels and can fight early against non burst heroes

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Wtf... but you push towers a lot faster with 40 dmg and now with 1.5 BAT Morph's DPS is insane


                                    Stun gun morph is bad. Morph has as terrible mana pool that you’ll end up with no mana after 2 ganks.
                                    Also you have no armor while maxing strength so you still can get fucked.
                                    Go to lane, 2 sets of tangoes, build wand, buy brown boots, then build Aquila.
                                    Some people buy bots, some buy treads, really up to what you think you need that game.
                                    After that linkens is always a safe pick up, and allows you to split push freely.
                                    Then eblade (shotgun morph) after that buy a manta, then anything after that is situational.
                                    Butterfly, eye of skadi, hurricane pike, or bkb if you need it.

                                    Morph gets countered by hex (disables your ability to morph to strength)
                                    Enigma is a good counter to morphling, as well as anti mage.
                                    Morphs biggest counter in my opinion would be riki. When you are farming the jungle you’ll be at low hp hitting creeps, Riki smoke clouds and kills you within 3 or 4 hits.

                                    Morph is a good stomp hero if you get good with him, many people don’t know how to deal with his split push, and with the lvl 25 talent you are able to get away with a lot more than you could before, however, I do not think morph is good this patch.
                                    Morphling has a terrible laning phase, unless you are amazing at last hitting, you’ll be in lane at 400-480 hp for the first 4 minutes.
                                    Morph needs a dedicated support.
                                    If you ever are playing catch-up morphling, go boots of travels and split push what you can, and always have your ult on cooldown and doing something with it.

                                    Axe, and any heroes who buy rad are amazing for morphings ult.

                                    As for support morphling, wand, wards, build into greaves and tank up. 4 second stun the enemy carry, however it is easily dodged. Ult your carry and send it down lanes or try to bait with it.
                                    Good luck with the morph spam

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                      @diox. Morph shits on low mmrs, same way meepo does.
                                      1-2ks don’t know how to stop a morphling, same for meepo.