General Discussion

General DiscussionRemoval of true strike

Removal of true strike in General Discussion

    How much of a buff is that to evasion heroes and items? Butterfly got buffed anyway. The only source of real true strike is ember talents ans bloodthorn.
    Imo yes, mkb is better than before and cheeper aswell.but would you rather buy bloodthorn now on most carries to counter evasion?
    Also, physical ember comeback? Maybe as evasion counter? Bf cheeper, good talents imo. To me ist looks like valve wants him to be played that way.

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      yep now all into physical ember, havent play physical long time


        Mkb seems like a legit item now it was so trashy before for its price .

        Riguma Borusu

          MKB doesn't just counter evasion now, it also counters armor and magic damage resistance/immunity, 45 pure damage can be equivalent to 100 physical damage or 60+ magical damage on average right clicks, the new MKB destroys heroes like DK who get bkb and have tons of armor, but also PA who used to be able to BKB through MKB so at least she does not get ministunned or take any bash proc damage, now she will take fucking pure damage which hurts a high armor hero like her way more.

          I wouldn't even say this is absolutely a buff to evasion heroes in all cases because people will be more inclined to get MKBs now. But if people are competent and they'd get MKB in the right time and space before, you could say it might be a buff to evasion in higher levels of play where people know what they're doing.

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          ur parents r siblings

            Earthsaker totem gives true strike i think

            Riguma Borusu

              doesn't silver edge also give true strike (on the attack that breaks invisibility)?

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              Dire Wolf

                It still counters evasion well enough with completely dumpstering a hero like PA.


                  How would it work against windrunner who has 100% evasion? Seems like everything stacks up VERY nicely for WR this patch...


                    MKB vs PA = 35% raw accuracy gain
                    MKB vs WR = 70% raw accuracy gain
                    But yea the diffu nerf might make her viable

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                      Im very good in math so let me tell you 75% of 100% is 75% chance to hit


                        How does the accuracy system works?