General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick

Rubick in General Discussion

    Amazing hero,fun to play.
    Do we have some spamner here?
    I wondering for some advices from player who pick him often.
    Or do you have a friend who have good winrate on him?
    I realised even a "good" Rubbick players have a winrate under 50% sometimes.

    Atleast db link would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance


      *playing ancient tribe music to summon yoshi*

      Pale Mannie


        зачем я начал поиск

          I realised even a "good" Rubbick players have a winrate under 50% sometimes.

          I wonder why.

          Riguma Borusu

            speaking of yoshi where is he


              Rubick's one of my most played heroes and one of my favourite supports for sure. I used to have around 51% winrate with him but now it dropped to 46%. Leaving the 'I'm in the hidden pool so I lose more games than I win no matter what' thing aside, the other reason why it dropped is because Rubick is a situational pick, good vs lineups that rely heavily on magic but really weak vs lineups that rely on physical dmg and right-clickers. Also, being him a defensive support, every Rubick+weak early game carry safelane will be extremely exploitable by the solo offlaner and you'll get easily crushed most of the times (think of Rubick+Spectre vs Axe). So, if he's not put in a trilane in scenarios like this one, and maybe even forced to play pos 6 as solo supp the hero will be completely trash pretty early in the game. This is also the reason why my winrate dropped so much, since I like him a lot I picked him against very bad drafts or as solo supp. And I guarantee you I make plays after plays, to just be 1 shotted by the enemy PA 40 minutes into the game 'cause the ghost scepter I had to use for Sniper was on cd. My suggestion is to not pick him in these bad scenarios, and also to focus on positioning yourself extremely well in fights 'cause that's crucial for every support and especially for him. That's why he needs AT LEAST one mobility item.

              casual gamer

                pick rubick when u have high magic damage and leave your damage amp on forever

                casual gamer

                  = high winrate im sure




                      the null field as an amp is so good actually
                      pretty sure with the amp and aghs u can one shot people with huskar ulti and ur nuke
                      maybe with veil u can one shot only with lifebreak

                      주 롄양

                        u dont pick rubick against 5 man carry tho, something quiet often in SEA

                        casual gamer

                          u don’t need veil

                          Just amp, talent, and aghs is more than 100% damage


                            I have 62.50% winrate on Rubick.


                            I had a match yesterday where I spent 5k gold on support items. LC and Pudge were holding and placing a lot of sentry wards together, but I just kept dewarding, even though I was clearly way way more poor than them. Ursa was feeding early game and he was disconnected.

                            First of all, don't pick Rubick when you have enemy heroes that rely more on their passive abilities and auto-attacks (take PA for an example, her 1st and 2nd skills are useless for Rubick, even her ult is passive). I almost always take him just for Pudge just for the hooks. CM is also an easy target for Spell Steal.

                            All in all, to play Rubick all you have to do is just support (ward, buy dust, etc.), no matter how poor you are, money will come sooner or later if you support properly. I think, on this match, I hadn't gotten my Arcane Boots until the 10th minute.

                            Most people go 1-2-3-2-2-4-2-1-1-1-3-4-3-3-4 (for damage and damage reduction/actually for ks .jk), but I always maximise 1st before 2nd skill just for the stun duration. It's really just up to you though. Your skill combo is going to be either 1-2-6 or 1-6-2 (pls dont ks hehe).

                            Your first item is going to be Arcane, obviously. Next is always followed by Dagger. For survivability go Force/Ghost depending on your enemy. If you have these items already, you've pretty much had won the game already, so go buy whatever you want next.

                            Get Aghs only if you think your enemy will get Agh as well (check their items frequently) as it is not worth it if you're getting a 4.2k item just to reduce your ult's cooldown and increase its cast range. I actually very very rarely build Aghs on Rubick, I don't find it very useful.

                            Oh yeah, Rubick has 3 skills with short cooldowns. It is very useful to break Linken. If your enemies have it, go break it so your carry/disablers can tear him down.

                            And please, please, pleasee go first blood (if possible) if your lane is 1-1-3. Telekinesis is a really strong skill early game, go gank other lanes, especially mid if you reallyyyyy want to win.

                            *Also, if you didn't know, now Null Field can be toggled to be offensive or defensive (Reduce the enemies' magic resistance or increase your team's). Be sure to pay attention to your ally and enemy heroes.

                            That's pretty much it, Rubick is one of my favourite heroes even though I don't use him that much anymore. The first time I used him, I was spamming him all the time and I kept talking to my party members about how OP he was.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран



                                well, from all my games i have played, i encountered one rubick, who was like really really good, so i suppose your chance of become such is zero bro


                                  pos 5 Rubick is like pos 4 MK.

                                  It's good on paper, poop in practice.

                                  casual gamer

                                    u have to be a good support player and a good dota player before u can be a good rubick player


                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      yeah who thought perma veil would be balanced? tho people keep turning it offensive for no real reason, especially when their team has low magic damage.

                                      casual gamer

                                        people keep turning it offensive for no real reason, especially when their team has low magic damage.

                                        its me ur rubick player


                                          passive now gives spell amp instead of magic resist?


                                            ^it can be switched to either amp or resist

                                            also i didnt know there was a talent


                                              that's pretty neat