General Discussion

General DiscussionHotkeys

Hotkeys in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    For abilities


    and 19 others for shop, chat, ability and talent, stash items, hero, scan glyph etc

    Can you guys write your abilities and item hotkeys, i kinda feel like mine could be better.
    Gotta learn that tinker man xD



      C 3 Space
      V 2 G

      With alt+key for Auto-cast (with Tinker it's the opposite). I feel comfortable with those because they are all under my thumb or can be easily reached with the other 4 fingers.

      зачем я начал поиск

        I have lots of hotkeys and 2 custom binds.
        I use items with ALT+(A, S, D, Z, X, C).


          qwer + mouse buttons for the extra two

          items: top row : asd
          bottom row: 3 mouse buttons

          attack command : V
          cancel: space

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          Wish I could ping my cold...

            abilities: QWER DF
            items: 1 2 3 4 C and mouse button on the side that i push with my pinky
            Z - show players stats (the thingy with K D A of players in game)
            Tab - quick buy
            X - send courier to me
            A - attack move
            S - stop
            ` - select all units except for my hero
            T - select all controlled units
            Space - select my hero

            F1 - rune spot north
            F2 - rune spot south
            F3 - radiant safe lane T1 tower
            F4 - dire safe lane T1 tower
            Y for chatwheel
            CapsLock for changing controlled group (II don't know how to use that though)
            I have one control group on G

            Player 153433446

              Thx for the feedback


                Abilities QWER 1 2

                Items top row D (quickcast, blink ist here if i have it),f(defensive tools), c (tp)
                Bottom row space and 2 Mouse Buttons in quickcast

                ^ selects all controlled units but the hero, tab for next unit as default

                capslock for ingame voicechat


                  I don't own a keyboard


                    Abilities 1234 CV
                    Items QWERTY

                    Small-handed girl confirmed

                    Player 153433446

                      ^^ thats cute :D


                        Skills: Q W E R extra 2 Z X

                        Pick Skills: D

                        Attributes/Talent tree: T

                        Items: alt+Q alt +W alt+E
                        alt+A SPACE alt+D

                        Shop: B

                        Chat Wheel: C

                        I can't remember the others.


                          Skills: qwer(df)
                          ez tinker


                            mouse1 mouse2 alt+e

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                            Player 153433446

                              Why most have items hotkeys like alt+key
                              Why not have seperate hotkeys instead of using the same ability keys+alt


                                Abilities : qwerdf

                                Item : 123mouse1mouse2space


                                  4 months ago ( i was decent 5k+ tinker player xd) now im shit cause of 2 month break

                                  Skills: QWER

                                  inventory visualization bellow

                                  D 2 V
                                  C X Z ( notice that i used since dota 1 to play with X -> Z instead of Z ->X its backwards while looking the keyboard:P and i setted up my hotkeys like that for the first time by mistake and i never changed them )

                                  also for morph / puck / invoker i use that backwards X--Z for skills XDDDDDDDDD

                                  my brain is used to it

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    skill --- QWER all quickcast

                                    inventory --- CVBN (quickcast)

                                    Inventory2 mousescroll-up mousescroll-down (cast) i always put force staff Eul glimmer cape in this box to self-cast by scrolling it

                                    Player 153433446

                                      ^^much appreciated.
                                      I'll stick to my hotkeys i guess...they sorta kinda work for me so far


                                        I never buy more than 4 active item. Also never pick a 5-active-skill hero.


                                          Courier: 1
                                          Hero: 2
                                          All units: 3
                                          Subgroups: X (illusions or first 2 meepos), C (second two meepos if I'm meepo), and I probably have B and 5 binded but i don't use them that I can think of
                                          Spells: QWER DF
                                          Items: TGV4 + two mouse buttons
                                          Glyph: `
                                          Scoreboard \
                                          Quick buy: N
                                          deliver items: M
                                          Grab stash: ,
                                          Open shop: P
                                          PTT: Z
                                          Chat wheel: Y
                                          Pause: F9
                                          Buy TP: F8 (i really hate this though)
                                          Attack: A
                                          Stop: S
                                          Let people know they're idiots: Alt + Left click (not rly)

                                          Player 153433446



                                              Hero abilities: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1 2 3 being the first 3 abilities being the regular spells, and 6 being all ults, 4 and 5 are extra abilities in between that can appear, like stealing spells on rubick or spells on invoker)
                                              Items: z, x, c, v, b, n
                                              Camera: wasd
                                              center on hero: spacebar
                                              grouping: q, e, r, f, (played meepo for a while, dont really anymore, ` for cycling through the groups)
                                              deny/force attack: T (
                                              stop everything: H
                                              quick buy: K
                                              glyph: J
                                              shop: tab
                                              Mic: G
                                              Chat wheel: Y
                                              Pause: P
                                              scoreboard: F1