General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you even mic?

Do you even mic? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    When do u usually use it? or use it at all? I think it should be a must since its faster than typing stuff right? thoughts pls tnx


      i dont, even though i have... I use just when playing with friends, but them its a game for fun.


        Only with friends because usually random people won't communicate with mic anyway

        Oh and also SEA players tend to play at netcafe and their mic is godawfully loud, with peoples playing beside them being louder than the one who plays with you so....

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        Rogue Knight

          Nope,and if there are loud teammate,then I just adjust the mic volume and turn it to 0


            I don't think it would really matter much in 5k below mmr if you use mic or not.


              when i see someone ganking mid

              or ask teammates to smoke up

              when i go to gank a lane, stuff like this.

              if you type you loose too much time


                I only mic when in party


                  I use the mic when other people usse their mic. If no one else uses it I'll every once in a while use it to make a call out or ask someone to build or do something.


                    Nope never


                      I only mic if I have positive teammates or with friends. If not I don't use and just mute anyone if they say anything that's not positive.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I have one, only use with friends in a group.

                        It is useful but it's also annoying to wear headphones for me. It's useful cus you can explain stuff like hey guys I think we should push top cus our lineup is weaker late. Normal stuff like ganks can be communicated fine with pings.

                        зачем я начал поиск

                          Very rarely.
                          Usually you don't want to hear me, unless we're in a party, because if I am to say anything in a pub game, it's not due to something good.

                          Chao Vritra

                            i would rather play on a team of peruvians. Whenever I am on a team of 5 english speakers bad things happen.

                            Dark Hunter

                              I use it when we got no shot callers and people just derping around not achieving shit. But yeah. Not that often, usually i'm listening to music anyway.

                              Bad Intentions

                                @chao, kindly elaborate..