General Discussion

General DiscussionHow are your games after calibration going?

How are your games after calibration going? in General Discussion

    During the first 2 days after the new system came out games were very chaotic.

    I thought they'd eventually get normal again but I keep getting the most braindead and toxic teammates in the history of Dota. Every game is a stomp for the other team, flamers everywhere. Last game I had a 1-6 SK who flamed nonstop, a 1-8 afk LC and a 5-10 midder, the game before a braindead Juggernaut and a Troll mid who went 0-4 and then abandoned, and so on. And I wanna make clear again that these are supposed to be normal behavior score games. After calibration it seems like normal bhs = D bhs and it's very weird actually.

    The enviroiment just keeps getting more and more ridiculous so fuck climbing, from now on mmr will be just a medal for me, but I wanna know how your games are going. Do you get normal teammates, play normal, quiet games? Or is it hell on earth for you too?

    Forgot to add that even my turbo games are shitshows resulting almost always in stomps for the other team. Another thing is that it's been 3-4 conduct summaries since I've had no reports to use instead of the usual 3, just like when you have really low bhs. I checked my bhs 6 times and it still says normal but it's too strange. Did Volvo change something about it with the update? Did they forget to update it with every conduct summary? 'Cause games like these don't feel normal at all but on the contrary they're the typical low bhs games.

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      First ranked party queue: dual jungle Doom+Necro in team, unplayable. Bought Amulet @ 15 min, throne fell @ 20-ish minutes.
      First ranked solo queue: a very easy win, just like my last month of normal games.

      You're crying for nothing.

      Livin' Real Good


        First game I supported as Shaman, played pretty well, but cores played awful, even had a heart on my SF so he did like no damage, needless to say, we lost. Both teams were all Ancient level players, and only a few were uncalibrated like me.

        Second game most Ancient level players, both highest mmr players had ancient. Troll Warlord win, decent match from me.

        Third game, Ancient level players with a few Legend 5's, I stomped again as troll for the win, but my stats weren't as high as they could be cause I had to DC for 4 mins to sing happy birthday to my mom, and afk'd a few times in jungle while I cut the cake, ect.

        Starting game 4 soon.

        I'll be happy with getting Ancient badge, cause I feel like that's what I deserve, I was 5.0 in May, but that doesn't really matter anymore cause i'm pretty sure I won't calibrate to divine 1 or even divine 0.

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          @Scfd. who's even crying, I just pointed out that games have been weirdly toxic during and after calibration, and I wanted to know how yours were. I even got muted and received 6 reports during the calibration period and was expecting my bhs to drop, which it didn't on paper, but in reality the enviroiment changed again for the worst. And it's pretty suspicious.

          зачем я начал поиск

            Take a break.
            Then play more.


              Man I'm not even tilted, but I don't understand why I'm being treated like a D behavior score player when it says "normal".

              @York York yea I wouldn't count on Divine either, but who knows. Anyway gl


                All my games were ok. I like how the new matchmaking works.

                Of course I encounter a few toxic players but I just muted them. :)

                For turbo mode, why do you even care if its a stomp or not? I also play turbo mode for fun. I also experiment different skill and item builds there (e.g nuker luna with aganims refresher lens and kaya). Go play mmr if you want a serious game.


                  The point is not "I wanna win turbo games 'cause I take them seriously", the point is "why did matchmaking get back to being absolute dogshit not only in ranked, but even in turbo games where there's not even the excuse that people are calibrating?"


                    Pretty good. my supports actually do something now instead of just standing behind me taking experience

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      @MMR is just a medal.

                      The answer is obvious. Because shit happens. Losestreaks happen, retards happen.
                      I remember having Sand King with Battle Fury, S&Y Morphling, Arc+Drow dual farming jungle, various other kinds of retarded shit in my team. Never did I have any incentive to make a thread about it, because such games always had minimal effect on my overall stats.


                        Maybe your initial thinking about behaviour score was just wrong all along? Like so many people have been trying to tell you. If you had a brain to listen.

                        You form your own fucked up expectation of how Dota should be being the neurotic fuck you are and every game is toxic because you are toxic. Period. It doesn't matter what behaviour score is. It never did. You just thought it was convenient excuse to justify your games in the past. Now you have no excuse and you are still whining that something is wrong.

                        It's you. You are fucked up. Stop your shit posts. Thanks


                          'Cause you get these games when, once every 15 games? 10? 7? Try having them every time and then come tell me they have minimal effect on your stats. Since I got to normal behavior score I immediately felt the difference from low bhs, like you said lose streak happened, retards happened, sometimes we would argue but overall games were enjoyable and there was nothing too crazy going on. But now after the update the situation got ridiculous again wtf.


                            Psycho kid do you even realize that nothing you wrote makes sense and it's just the result of your bad habit to twist facts?

                            Volvo confirmed exactly my idea and when the statement about behavior score officially came out you and the other idiots who wrote "dunning krueger!!!" for months just had to stfu. If you weren't a psycho.

                            "Every game is toxic because you are toxic" makes no sense since I've had good games from when I got to normal bhs to when the new system came out, and I was still the same person. "It never did. You just thought it was convenient excuse to justify your games in the past." excuuuuse because I can't live with the obsessive thought that I'm still not 9k in a game so I go on an online forum to justify myself with strangers. Makes sense psycho, makes sense. And it was confimed by Volvo, what excuse.

                            Spends his time stalking people's profiles and posting the screens of their feeds on a forum and calls others fucked up lmao. Stop replying if my threads annoy you. But you won't 'cause twisting facts and trash talking is life for you, am I right psycho kid? Thanks


                              Lol we all already know you're mind is wired in some
                              Fucked up crazy way and that no one here trusts what you say because you're just full of shit and emotionally packed.


                                Maybe if you think critically and present facts in objective, non-biased manner void of your shitty rambling illogical statements, then people can get to the bottom of whatever it is your positing. Because as usual right now it is a heap of shit.


                                  You play a fuck ton of games Everyday, you're bound to run into retards. Or maybe, normal people are bound to run into retards like you and get mega tilted by you because of how toxic you are. Maybe you have a few bad games in a row. And then u start your usual bullshit about how something is messed up and you're getting feeders every game. Please. You just said yourself that you've had good games. But look at your language. Fuck I don't even know why I bother explaining why you're so retarded.


                                    Idk, am I supposed to cry after this? Was there a reunion of the dotabuff forum where you discussed about this and the crowd said "yes Jacked, we all agree with you about that SLQ!"?

                                    The only fucked up psycho kid here is you btw. I mean stalking people, trash talking for months, offending me for months in threads that weren't even about me lmao. I don't even wanna imagine how you are in real life if you do these things on a forum and for a game. You're just hopeless. And dead inside, like you said.


                                      Try to broaden your mind and expectations of this game. Actual advice I'm giving you. Because you're obviously horridly stuck in your emotional hardon you get after a few bad games


                                        You do know no one here is going to be impressed when you Keep calling me a stalker like it's supposed to mean anything right? Lmao.

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                          1.3k STAlker GET a LIFE Bro !!


                                            Exacty, I just said myself that I've had good games for a month. But by good games I don't mean "hey we were winning 40-0 and everyone was drawing hearts on the map", they were just normal. Decent teammates, some retard, some flamer, but nothing crazy. But the moment the update came out from the first game the shitshow began again. Almost every game is a stomp, there's always someone tilted and flaming, people abandon, in a lot of games there have been intentional ruiners. At first I thought it was because of the calibration, then I saw these things happen in turbo games too. And like I said before, I'm not even getting the 3 reports available after every conduct summary, I'm getting 0, and this happens when your bhs is low. So it's pretty understandable that a person asks wtf is going on and if they changed something regarding bhs again. That's why I asked how other people's games were. And I even said I wasn't even tilted 'cause I've been through this for a long time, it just seems weird 'cause I know how low bhs games are compared to the normal ones.

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              @MMR is just a medal.

                                              I've been in low priority and abandoned in there, got F score, had lots of bad games. Doesn't matter long term.
                                              I've been muted yesterday for 24h, doesn't matter.
                                              My calibration games were abysmal, I played like shit and I had insanely bad teammates in 6/10 games. Doesn't matter.

                                              Still ~55% overall wr and ~60%-ish RMM wr. Idk.

                                              This can happen in streaks, then I would not play for a few days, chill and try again.
                                              This is how it works the way I see it.

                                              Mute all team, play your role, get pleasure from winning/stomping/being impactful/having good KDA/whatever satisfies your inner needs.
                                              Unmute, if you feel like it. Don't unmute, if you don't.

                                              Like, this stuff is too obvious to explain.

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                                                I don't write it so that others see what a bad bad guy you are, I write it 'cause thinking of it actually makes me laugh lmao.

                                                That's true, I do tend to tilt after 3-4 bad games, never denied it. And I don't expect every game to be perfect or anything, just overall decent. I mean like the ones I got when I entered normal bhs, the ones most people get. And when I had low bhs I could understand why I wasn't having such games, I kinda deserved them, bad connection, tilt and so on. But now I'm just.. why again?


                                                  @Scfd. the only difference is that now I got normal bhs, so why tf am I getting these low bhs kind of games from the first calibration game 'till the most recent one? And like Jacked said I play a lot so they're not just 5-6 games. This was my question, why do I get them, not how do I handle them.

                                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                                    Because anyone can get them in a row in a purely random way.
                                                    I have normal BS, but often get junglers. I just don't pay attention.
                                                    Everyone bitches about them.

                                                    You can also get intentional ruiners in a row.
                                                    It's bad luck and nothing else.
                                                    You won't get them forever anyway.

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                                                    Justin Weaver

                                                      How do you know what is your grade on behavior score? It says normal on mine I don't see any letters

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                                                      Mortiest Morty.

                                                        on my last 7 games i encountered 3 throwers and all those games I'am the only support i know i need to improve my game but i think valve should do something about this toxic gamers we need more heavier punishment on this toxic gamers.


                                                          Normal is the highest you can achieve. Enough to give you a 5 cores game and a Mirana who says "I'm roamiiing" and then spends the game afk, rushes midas, takes your tomes, forces you to both roam and get wards alone and goes dagon as first item. from 4325 to 4215 to 4089 now, that's normal behavior score man.


                                                            who the fuck plays dota during a birthday party of his mum, wtf is wrong with you dude?????


                                                              I am wreck all my games now wtf match making


                                                                @Unhealable Damage there's something wrong with the world these days. A clearly mentally ill psycho kid wanders in a online forum offending people for no reason and what do braindead kids do? They support him thinking they seem c00l. You should ask yourself what's wrong with you not with me.


                                                                  Lul, even if I have to get herald after abandoning my games to celebrate every each one of family birthdays, it is still ok to me, it's not like u cant rank up after calibration.


                                                                    Pretty well!
                                                                    So far only 3 games(out of 3) where mid laner either abandoned/fed or support/roamer turned into a core ^^


                                                                      and my games are pretty fine to me, 10 games 5 loses 5 win , no encounter with thrower, only maybr herald lvl mirana who got only maelstrom and lance in 35 mins. still only party mmr and I used mostly supports that doesn't really support.
                                                                      Lul I see my mid get ganked but I still pulling the creep eventhough I have tp, what a jerk supports. Well, that's what they get for asking support like assholes


                                                                        Not to mention matching up with the same asshole for 3 fucking games
                                                                        Why tho :thinking:


                                                                          Cuz matchmaking is trash dude, didn't you know that? :D