General Discussion

General Discussionparty max medal = legend 4?

party max medal = legend 4? in General Discussion

    i calibrated 2 of my accounts in party (this one had 6133 and gave me 6000) and the other one had 6085 and gave me 5983 and they both got legend4. anyway any1 know if its max medal that u can get from party? i thought it was legend 5

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    kädili somsa

      Your performance in both Party and Solo games is considered when evaluating your skill and determining when your Medal gets upgraded, with SOLO GAMES HAVING A BIGGER IMPACT. In order for players to achieve either the Ancient or Divine Medals, only Solo-game performance is considered.

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        yeah we say the same thing. my performance got me 6000 party in 1 account kai 5983 in the 2nd one and gave me legend 4 in both. So i am guessing the max medal u can get from party is legend 4. valve already said u cant reach ancient/divine from party so i thought u can reach legend 5


          It might be a glitch cause some 4k players started getting herald but after playing some matches
          they got their legend medal


            Play 1-3 games it will become legend 5