General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for making a smurf

Tips for making a smurf in General Discussion
mabasag sana pc mo detoor

    I'm planning to make a new account coz I want to climb my badges to divine. Any tips?


      Git Gud like me .

      Lruce Bee

        Try to make an account with a pro player name. Sometimes they think you are pro so they give you higher starting mmr.


          Max calibration is supposed to be at 3500k and if ure so pro just play with this acc changing accs doesn't suddenly make u good not to mention u need lots of games to unlock ranked in the first place


            Try to make an account with a pro player name. Sometimes they think you are pro so they give you higher starting mmr.

            Rofl hi Miracle- is that you?


              You don't need to create a smurf you subhuman with <50% win rate. You can't fool the system.


                Get rich IRL and buy divine account.

                chat banned :)

                  buy acc the best way for u there is no shortcut to divine and if u dont play like one u will drop and destroy the games

                  Story Time

                    why u need divine stay where you are, it is less stressful


                      actually its not less stressful


                        should try playing in normal skill and compare it to vhs


                          it is less stressful for normal players, most of you people might have the time to become divine, what you lack is the nerves to endure the masses of account buyers and one sided games and perform above expectations at all times - this is what makes a true divine player


                            and you are also bad af

                            Story Time

                              should try playing in normal skill and compare it to vhs

                              I do play in NS and HS and VHS, depending on my smurf, I find NS games more fun and less stressful


                                You are in normal skill dude... u need a lot of practice to even begin with...
                       my normal skill game was playing with friends.
                                I think u ll get whats the idea ... if u are divine and in ns game u ll get 30+ kills every game, and from ur matches i can see that u r struggling even with those ns players.


                                  GIT GUD XD


                                    Play more dota, sleep play dota, eat, play dota, watch dota, eat, sleep, littel walking(but not to much, you don`t have time for that) watch Meric, and othhers you tube dota guide, paly littel more, practise, sleep, eat, and just 6months like taht, and you will be divine, 100kg, and you will get hart attack, but you WILL BE divine!

                                    boni top fan

                                      Divine :)

                                      casual gamer


                                        mabasag sana pc mo detoor

                                          Thank you for all the comments btw this account way back last year was VHS its just normal skill right now coz I played with my teamates ..
                                          btw this is my new smurf

                                          casual gamer

                                            ur stats are telling me u have a long way to go

                                            chat banned :)

                                              just buy acc dude less time i got legen 3 acc want to buy

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                you are shit and a smurf wont suddenly make you good. focus on actually improving your game instead of playing for retarded and purposeless numbers and medals.


                                                  i see dr.dee and pnoise have good advice LOL
                                                  (i was only joking about the p noise advice the dr dee advice is good)


                                                    Spam Broodmother. Practice her vs. Ranked Match Making AI Unfair bots until you consistently get 1100+ GPM performances on her. Next, create your smurf and you will get in Very High Skill games vs. Ancient+ players in 5 games.

                                                    My Smurf result:


                                                      Take your time to focus on your issues as a player, I made a smurf to only practice mid, about 50 games of nothing but sf, invoker, and a few other mid heroes. It helped me improve in the sense that I didn’t feel like “if I lost I’d lose mmr” I was able to relax and take time learning the role, where after I was done with my smurf I came back to my main and now feel much more comfortable with playing mid.