General Discussion

General Discussionheart

heart in General Discussion

    is it good yet? lol

    pl is broken at least, and it’s core on him now im pretty certain

    really low impact item in concept, but its been consecutively buffed for 2 years


      Tinker heart when?


        never ever

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Really nice on CK
          EZ 5k HP with the talent's stats
          People gets discouraged to try you just by looking at the number of lines you have in your HP bar


            PL isn't broken
            Pick heroes with A R E A D A M A G E


              basic game knowledge is nice, but hero winrate is the only stat that matters

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                It's not an item for all heroes really it's good on heroes who can take a beating then escape and reengage like PL or spec, Am? ...
                Cyka Knight is diffrent through he only gets it for his illusion damage


                  If pl gets that 25 talent life just becomes hell if you don't have proper disable or aoe for him. But yeah aoe damage exists so he's not broken

                  Dire Wolf

                    heart's the same, good on heroes it was good on before, I wouldn't buy on anyone else. It's ok on tanky strength heroes like wk, pudge, dk, bb, core on ck and cent, good on pl and spectre. That's probably it.

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                    the better spidey

                      I feel like if you're anything below Ancient, a 30-minute Heart is super good and can end games on its own on heroes like AM, PL, Spec, CK, Bristle, even Sven.

                      You know that feel, when your teammate pings the enemy carry's Heart; ".... has a Heart of Tarrasque" and you're just like, welp gg.

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