General Discussion

General DiscussionBest offlane hero for legend

Best offlane hero for legend in General Discussion

    So who is the best offlane hero at the moment for 3k to 4k bracket.

    Machado98 #xatubaking

      can't go wrong with Uberlord
      Enigma is solid without counters to black hole
      Tidehunter also good
      Bonus Hero Nyx assassin, insane regen
      Furion if you know what you are doing
      Anyway, solo offlane meta is dying, dual offlane is better if you can do it, Ogre, Chen, Ench, maybe even Wisp


        Not a 4k but i just recently climbed from 3.4k to 3.7k. And clockwerk seems pretty good for me.

        Note: you have to be able to adapt your games or else you will lose. (Item builds, skill builds, wards, powerspikes)

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        harvard graduate

          I'm Ancient 2 so I'm not too far off I guess. Solo offlane is pretty inefficient right now in my opinion. Ideally you wanna have a dedicated support with you or want your roaming pos 4 to stay with you until you get at least level 3 or so. Good supports from my experience are Lich, Bane, Windrunner (who is likely going semi-core later), Wisp and basically anyone who has a strong laning stage and doesnt die fast. If you go with a roamer then Riki, Tusk, Clock, Pudge, Nightstalker, Bounty all work nicely. As for the actual position 3 hero, I like Beastmaster, Legion, Tide, Void (if the enemy has a somewhat weak lane), Undying, Brew, Enchantress(!), Pango, Underlord(!), Nyx, Bat and so on.

          If you really gotta go solo, then Doom, LC, Bat, Tide, Clock, Underlord would be my top picks.


            Lich or enigma. Deny every ranged creep. Build utility items and adjust to what is needed.

            arrogant adolescent

              Underlord by far.


                Clinkz by far can win a game in any position

                And offlane isn't an exception...

                Harass, dominate laning, gank time to time, get your items, push towers and win

                Gg wp ;-)


                  Underlord, lich or darkseer


                    zeus might be a good offlane hero in some setups

                    boni top fan

                      Visage, itemize like underlord to win


                        Underlord and Axe


                          sustain : LC, Timber, Axe, Underlord, DK
                          escape : Pangolier, Puck, QOP


                            Axe is back I think


                              Dude i'd say heroes dont really matter if u know how to play the game good. But generally u want a hero that can do shit if his team isnt good enough.
                              So heroes like bat are out of option.

                              I like heroes that can do multiple things, and can really do shit that wins games

                              BROOD (dopest one imo)
                              Nature's prophet

                              (But the hero pick wont fix 99% of the issue)



                                very important: dont run around alone with your auras diving towers because you think you are unkillable after you destroyed your lane, then deny your items because "team nub". group up instead