General Discussion

General DiscussionCLINKZ IN THIS META

CLINKZ IN THIS META in General Discussion

    I just wanna know how good Clinkz is in the current meta and if he could be spammed to push MMR. A little guide would help too. Specifically on itemizing. Thanks in advance. ;-)

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      Very good right now.m not consistent enough to push with.


        Like in 1k to 4k bracket, would he be consistent??

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          pub stomping hero


            i spammed clinkz from 2800 mmr to 4200, it took me 2 or 3 weeks maximum. I usually would go power treads and aquila, then it would take a bit of adaptation: if heroes were tanky, i would go soul ring, deso, bloodthorn, scythe of vyse/nullifier. If i played heroes that relied a lot on their spells (usually is the case), then i would rush power treads, aquila and immediately orchid. Buying BKB is mandatory so buy it whenever you feel like you need it. Remember to always eat a creep before you fight and keep clarities/mangos on you at all times. Always harass the enemy offlaner to zone him out thanks to clinkz's immense damage. Left-click him with your second spell to attack him and avoid dragging the creeps towards you.

            Shoving lanes and pushing towers is game-winning, clinkz is very good at that, use it.

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            boni top fan

              ^basically this but i would like to add that you try to end the game at 20 mins, he still deals a ton of damage late game.

              Just ask your team to play around u


                Clinkz is a pub stompestomper, SPECIALLY in 1-5k, but not AS the typical 1-5k player. In any bracket, if the player is good, he can stomp almost every game with him.

                I just recently started and am still learning, but this is my results:

                As for itemizing, u mainly WANT TO go for aquila > soul ring > boot > medallion > deso > bkb > hex > etc

                But a lot of the times enemy team has a hero that is gonna be a problen if u go thid build, like a pl, or a tinker, and etc. Then u go for aquila > soul ring > boots > orchid > bkb > nullifier > etc