General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Medusa broken?

Is Medusa broken? in General Discussion

    Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

    Sanft & Sorgfältig

      Its obviously Not my Main bratan


        Stop it guys ...
        Clearly this guy is trolling.
        I even think that this guy is the same guy in the newer am post.


          Lmao, kid has no life so comes to dotabuff to "troll"


            @KingY, please record and post the video of yourself destroying this kid with no raze kthx

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Try spamming dusa yourself for the free mmr


                There's no 1v1 sf stream guys, it's not gonna happen. Tbh I don't think @KingY stands a chance without leveling Raze. This post was meant to be just a discussion on medusa. Stop debating guys. Let's all be humble and enjoy Dota 2. Good luck y'all.


                  Lol this post


                    @Tim You said a few hours ago you'll take him in an EU server and now you backtrack because you know you're going to get trounced. Classic.


                      I say I'll take him no raze and I will. He won't hit lvl 3 anyways so not like it matters.


                        @KingY You keep insisting your arrogance when you know yourself it's not possible to win with that condition. Be humble, you might actually get somewhere in life.


                          why don't you two just date and prove which is right already,what's the use of denial


                            Because Tim is a little kid who won't put his money where his mouth is. He wants to theorycraft that he'll win when he won't


                              You all getting trolled by a copypasta kek

                              Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                holy fuck this shit continues to page 2

                                3k enjoyer

                                  @KingY You dont really justify SEA server right? All of you EU server dont know how hard and competitive SEA region is. 6k and 5k players in EU is like 4k in SEA so dont be so proud. Try me KingY ill stomp your ass 1v1 SF. BTW medusa is so easy to counter no need for mana burner heroes Crowd control matter and how you kite it and position yourself.


                                    KingY is a coward, hes not going to 1v1 sf anyone because he knows he's going to lose with that condition. His offer has been accepted by numerous players here, yet he doesn't acknowledge them. KingY is all talk, arrogant and a coward.


                                      ^^where did u get this "6k eu is 4k sea"? So based on that do you think inyourdream (top 1 sea) would win against miracle, noone, midone etc? Delusional fuck

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      3k enjoyer

                                        Yeah why not? Do you think top tier solo players cant lose 1v1?? Do you have even have the guts to play in SEA dumbtard??


                                          I don't really think 6k eu is 4k sea, that's usually an exaggeration made by SEA players and I'm a SEA player myself. But SEA is actually the hardest region, a fair comparison would be 5.3k eu = 4.4k SEA.


                                            Yeah i play in sea and only sea, but thingking "boo hoo im playing on the wrong server if i lived on eu i would be 6k by now" is retarded. Why would u think sea players are more superior than eu

                                            3k enjoyer

                                              BTW peenoise stomp miracle's dream on TI6 just so you know thats when you underestimate your opponent. Now he have all the respect from filipinos. So if your saying we are the cancer region think of how can you win wth 5 hero carry late game 6 pack items 40 minute game against your so called built it team with POS 1 to 5. thats how we play here in SEA im talking like Jugg AM medusa naix PL tell me how youd stop that even if they are brainless.

                                              3k enjoyer

                                                why not try so?? I ask my friend from EU and NA server that previously from SEA server. They say its quite easy to play there because less toxic people know how to play with their role and they stick to their role no flaming and people were kind 4k players here in SEA are good and skilled but so toxic.


                                                  If you cant win against 5 cores lineup then theres something wrong about you. And if you think sea is more toxic than other server youre wrong. Because i havent meet player picking 2 carries in 1 match for a while, and maybe its because youre also toxic player so you get matched with other toxic players


                                                    ^You're ancient 4 though, that's probably why you don't get 2 carries. Players start to get pretty good at ancient 4.


                                                      Im still 4k and he said 4k players in sea are so toxic


                                                        I agree that kingy is arrogant but i doubt that both of you would win against him 1v1 mid only


                                                          With his stipulation, I think anyone that's not brain-dead can beat him 1v1 sf. Raze is a pretty important spell on sf. Without it you have no kill potential.

                                                          3k enjoyer

                                                            Both of us?? I can stomp you too G- fucking zooz were on the same bracket dude. I can literally win against you


                                                              @tim but in 1vs1 match u can build unconventional items on sf, i imagine kingy would build dagon or smth becoz he will out cs u

                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                or maybe blademail? so if I raze him, he just reflects the raze damage back? hmm interesting..


                                                                  Or he can just zone u outside of exp range and u are just doomed, i 1vs1 high mmr player before and he just zone me


                                                                    "KingY is a coward, hes not going to 1v1 sf anyone because he knows he's going to lose with that condition. His offer has been accepted by numerous players here, yet he doesn't acknowledge them. KingY is all talk, arrogant and a coward."

                                                                    You really are delusional. You're the one that's been ducking the challenge kiddo


                                                                      ^I have already accepted the challenge with a condition that we play in a middle server, so if plays in NA and I play in SEA, we can do EU server. I told him he can add me on steam if he's ok with that condition. He hasn't ever replied to that. Never acknowledged it. I'll take that as him dodging my acceptance to his offer.


                                                                        lull this thread is GG

                                                                        Mode : TOPSON

                                                                          is this really true that 2.5 mmr is really that bad?
                                                                          damn im decided to quit dota

                                                                          Soggy Coochie Enthusiast

                                                                            Hey kingy why not just follow tim's conditions for playing 1v1 sf("s t a n d a r d" raze build, playing in a halfway server) so he would have no excuses to decline the game and we can finally see this dumpster diver dive deeper into the dumpster once and for all?


                                                                              Troll aside, I try to play Medusa again after a while

                                                                              She needs tons of farm early-mid, and tons of cc mid-late since she can only deliver damage

                                                                              Not your daily self sustainable carry. Better to play spectre with that amount of farm


                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                              paNightmare mirror

                                                                                She has too low hp grow nowdays. Clearly needs little buff.


                                                                                  I don't mind playing no raze on SEA. This kid has never played against people who outcs/deny hard -- he'll be 1 still on 3th/4th creepwave & maybe more.


                                                                                    This is troll


                                                                                      Holy moly this is incredible.
                                                                                      it's a well known fact that 1k on Aus server = 6k on Sea.
                                                                                      Jebaited seatards.


                                                                                        2 mistakes were made.
                                                                                        1. medusa isnt broken
                                                                                        2. if medusa really OP, then u should just play the hero instead of making this thread


                                                                                          @KingY If you want SEA server(which you will get 200 ping) then SEA server it is. Add me, I'll send you to the dumpster.


                                                                                            @KingY btw, make sure to stream it on twitch so everyone can see how delusional(no raze vs raze) you are. maybe even upload it on youtube so it stays on the internet forever.


                                                                                              @kingy teach me tips how to play on lag


                                                                                                @Tim you talk alot of shit for someone who cant play. since you are unwilling to learn from the better players here why bother asking. what a stupid little piece of shit, no wonder you are stuck in your bracket.


                                                                                                  @Tim 46.79% wr normal skill player. you need to accept suggestions. anyone higher ranked than you can teach you, considering you have crap wr and play in normal skill.

                                                                                                  Soggy Coochie Enthusiast

                                                                                                    Nobody wants to take new page? Ok then