General Discussion

General Discussionhow can i win(need help)

how can i win(need help) in General Discussion
team animal

    I need guidance, boys help a brother out, losing a lot, not feeling my carrying possibilites, getting matched with people that look like they dont belong in this shitole of a bracket

    im usually a saflaner or a midlaner, and try my best to win, but cant.

    Help me


      best stuff to win a game is that,you choose a hero,watch good replays on that hero(
      and spam that hero

      or maybe i just copypaste wat i copied before,it seems good for general basic practice if i'm not wrong

      wat are you struggling at?

      do you know how to use creep aggro? (section 4)


      farming?(do 1vs0 hit creeps lobby)

      doing smokeganks?
      push lane,put a smoke on your inventory always,after your core gets a strong item smoke together aftre you saw someone,put ward while you do smoke at enemy jungle and let the one who has a stun goes 1st

      watch high people replays,youtube,see wat they do
      at early fights,hitting people with rightclick after your stun spell is really good

      at lanes,play with the jungle and try to hit people from trees if you support range. if melee try to learn to lasthit by not standing close to a creep,but far away and then move and then hit and go away again(so not get harrased)
      at fights,if you support just cast a spell and run away( go back) immediately
      if you stuff that has dagger like enigma/axe you wait enemy for clump up,stay very very far away from the fight(dont get hit)
      if you initiating a gank,and enemy is gonna die anyway after you blink+stun get away from that place immediately
      if you carry/mid,wait enemy casts their stuns on your friends unless you have bkb and you can rambo
      after bkb duration almost out,go run away and wait your friends get stunned then u go
      if you pushing,if carry hit tower
      support no need hit tower,you can either be in front of the tower and try zone enemy or usually the better one,be in really behind of your carry and cover with stuns
      if you offlane like tide u go front of barracks or at barracks,no need hit tower so your carry is safe

      itembuilds? hero mastery? specific role/laning skill?
      watch replays
      don't get hit by a creep,buy alot of consumables like salve/clarity/mango

      raising mmr?
      check the meta,learn op heroes,watch the replays of those op heroes,spam a hero
      check behavior score,if not normal raise it to normal
      developer 1
      dota_game_account_cilent debug
      type that on console dota2

      so,er for watching replays
      for example your last game is wk
      and you want to know wat the hell you do wrong
      check the one where it goes the same lane as you

      go to view match-copy match id-watch-replays-search match id-download

      if download isnt working,library steam-dota2-properties-check integrity game cache to fix it

      those all references for self practice i guess

      team animal

        thank you alot, i will make sure to put everything you wrote to good use <3

        if anyone has anything else to say let me hear your opinion


          yes you should take my stuff with salt
          i bad playa


            Or maybe youre just... you know, bad carry/midlaner? Dont force yourself playing a role youre not good at


              its easy to be good in all kinds of bracket so dont giveu p

              chicken spook,,,,

                its easy to be good in all kinds of bracket





                    except pro playa braket

                    Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

                      try LC Woods

                      Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                        Do you play support in this bracket?
                        Play support, then you'll be a better carry.

                        you'll know when your support creates good opportunity, or make mistake, opportunity is false and should just leave him and farm instead.


                          Dude here is what i can say about your skill bracket.
                          No one really plays supp right?
                          Most of the time wards dont even exist
                          Make the most out of it by playing invi heroes like riki.
                          He can win u games easily cuz he doesnt need a lot of farm to win and u can gank on the enemy easily.
                          Try it dude i think it helps a lot.


                            that virtus pro warding article is cool, hadn't seen that before


                              i agree with @Send bob and Vagene . I became a better core knowing how to support ; it really enhances my surroundings and map awareness.


                                it's really cool actually,it understands me how to actually at least put a ward

                                team animal


                                  actually i play ranked roles so 2 supports are a must, but still people arent that dumb in the bracket, most of the time they can buy detection

                                  and @everyone who suggest playing supp il try that