General Discussion

General DiscussionSo this happened...

So this happened... in General Discussion
    Jakiro flamed Qop whole game and throws the game because the guild qop belonged to kicked Jakiro. I can't even process this. Latest reason to throw games?
    Feels like I got pranked. LUL

    Тази тема била редактирана

      dota 2 player = fucking animal


        lmao that qop shit was 5-14 on mid and you blame Jakiro ??
        Its always ease to pick one player and put the blame on him ,its never you or your friends.
        Jakiro had less deaths than qop


          did u really compared a 0-13-5 jakiro with 5-14-14 qop?


            @reha, some facts for you.
            1) Jakiro sat afk top for 5 mins against a solo Dk, while spec was getting tri-laned and fucked.
            2) Qop died once, Jakiro started flaming her.(literally first death)
            3) Qop came to gank bot(reminder it's still a tri lane), won the gank. But ember went top(at the same time) and killed jakiro. Jakiro started flaming qop again for not rotating. (seemed weird)
            4) All 3 of us asked him to calm down and play(Qop probalby muted him), but after reviving he right clked on qop and stayed afk.
            5) The whole time he was typing, all his insults were towards Qop and her guild. (Who flames a guild because the player died 2 times in lane?)
            6) Later I checked and found that he was kicked from that guild.
            7) It was strict solo queue game. not sure where you got the friend part from.
            8) "Jakiro had less deaths than qop" That is the most bullshit argument. That guy was afk typing shit for most part, while we were playing 4v5. Just open the match and see the dmg dealt. 39 mins game, Jakiro has 8k dmg while AA has 23.8k dmg. Does that make sense?- This is the reason why jungle players think they are good. Whole team plays 4v5 for 25 mins and then the jungle guy says "I lose cause my team is feeding". Also, Notice how jakiro is only lvl 13? Or are you too dumb to even notice that, cause he has less deaths?
            9) Please next time collect facts (or atleast ask for them) before you write dumb shit. This is just embarrassing.


              I didn't make this post to blame or stuff, I know animals exist.
              It's just the reason caught me off guard. LUL