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59 коментара



      Leshrac is a monster before, until they nerfed him up XD


        Because ppl are too lazy to train their heroes


          Half of these heroes are super cancer on high mmr ( arc warden , earth spirit, beastmaster and io ) the problem is they are so hard to play for lowest skill people so that's the reason for that winrate

          Svenie Wonder

            Dont really agree that the game should be balanced around how the <0.01% play.

            Although with that many heros and so many different levels of play there will never be true balance.

            Still I would try to balance the game around the average level of play.



              lol wtf

              My Chen winrate is never below 75% lol


                i dont know with most fucking people that hate so much on earth spirit, even in their own team!

                i mean, there is Axe and disabler in enemy and my other team (ALL OF It) picked hitter (first ffs), and wish me to support

                so i picked earth spirit which have everything as support, dmg/scnd, stun, silent, escaper, immune against anything (agha) but my team blame me for fuck sake



                  The problem is with the low skilled players in the pub and not much with the heroes... Like you play 2 matches as chen and you would probably have enough experience to dominate with him. The problem is learning those heroes take some time those heroes have a very high learning curve that would not encourage people to learn them.. But after a while and you get used to them they are fun to play

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!