General Discussion

General DiscussionMatch Analysis for Drophar ID:622307459

Match Analysis for Drophar ID:622307459 in General Discussion

    This is my analysis of game 622307459 with you playing mid on the invoker.

    Your starting items are decent but the wait in the fountain takes a little too long and you are obviously waiting to be fed tangos.

    You hit your exort first to give some damage in the lane and you block is decent and you have the advantage from the block and his inability to do it right. I will note in the first 2-3 minutes you guys are playing “mind” games over denies and he leaves himself wide open for at least 2-3 hits with you still being able to deny. With the higher base damage this will seriously hurt his laning phase which you need to win because he will get a bottle and you won’t so this will even out so it is imperative you maximize on your advantage earlier.

    You rightfully spot Jakiro and lay down some harass on him but his presence in lane is keeping you out of farming and levelling but he soon leaves. You queue an early forged spirit which is the right idea if you were using him separately from your main hero but you have both selected and it is pushing your lane into his tower. Perhaps try to practice your micro and have the spirit bother the hero alone out of lane so you can get more control over your middle.

    He is now keeping up in CS with you having pushed the lane twice to his tower and you attempt a last hit uphill which he takes advantage of and drops you, with no creeps to back off to (you are also too far from the tower) he gets a decently close kill but couriers out another item while you have to get a TP and this has already given him the lane advantage.
    Fortunately he is not the best last hitter and you soon catch up. Perhaps he didn’t say anything but clock gets a semi-decent hookshot off but nothing can be done cause you’re too far back to assist or even sunstrike intelligently due to it being ember and already pretty slippery to catch after level 6.

    A stroke of luck and he makes a really bad call on you and the coldsnap takes him low enough to get a VERY lucky sunstrike, like how it even hit I don’t know.

    Ember is already rotating up top 7 minutes in and while you midas a creep Natures Prophet, Bat, and Ember concede a triple kill for the Natures Prophet with bot tower taking massive damage from the searing arrows and Jakiro orb. It would pay to note as well that Jakiro walks back in a straight line with 150hp (enough to kill with a 4 level exort sunstrike) but you don’t have sunstrike queued.

    Throughout the laning phase I think this is one of your biggest let downs is that you leave useless spells or situational spells queued for too long. There are times where a simple correct queue or earlier queue may have conceded kills for you or your team early game e.g. before the triple kill Natures teleported in front of you with half health and you didn’t even right click. Had you had coldsnap queued instead of leaving sunstrike queued you may have been able to get him low enough that he cancelled and walked back to tower. Instead he gets a free triple top and then you go back to farming lane with no one in it queuing coldsnap now so that your sunstrike can’t be used for bot lane. Think ahead with these things.

    Ember makes a stupid jump for you at 8:30 and you have coldsnap queued but don’t use it, this costs you a potential kill cause you were busy looking at what clock hooked when you were about 4-5 steps from a very aggressive ember player. This shouldn’t happen, pay attention to your lane and look on the mini-map more that shifting your focus to the target location as momentary distraction can end up costing you kills or your life.

    Clock is playing a really good game here and fortunately you see him this time and this concedes a kill on the ember along with a follow up solo kill on a Jakiro who really shouldn’t have been there. Again, your attention is drawn to a rubick top, instead of dropping the sunstrike before he dies you wait till he dies and take about 3-4 seconds to guess. You miss the sunstrike and go back to your lane only to realize that you were in tower range and have gotten sprouted by the Natures with Jakiro hot on your heals and you get killed. Rerunning the scenario in my head on looking at the numbers had you dropped the sunstrike while ember was stood still killing the rubick you wouldn’t have gotten the kill but there is a very good chance that rubick would have lived and ember would have at least died and saved you the death mid.

    My thoughts on your 10:00 laning phase:
    You don’t need to wait for the kill as sometimes just dropping the sunstrike will even scare people enough to back off your players they are killing. Someone (forgot who) said that only inexperienced invokers look at their sunstrikes and this is the case because unless you are at base you are leaving yourself wide open to be jumped cause you are obviously aiming which makes you A. Targetable and B. Obviously you don’t have another spell queued.

    Your map awareness is good, but your personal and circumstance awareness could use some work. Know when to queue and what. Perhaps during solo farming have one escape and one assist skill queued just in case you need to run or to help. Having sunstrike and forged spirits constantly queued does nothing for you really if you get ganked but 3 people but try something like tornado or ghost walk when you’re unsure of where people are. Especially with a Ember and Natures they could be on you at any time.

    Watching further strengthens this with your mental refusal to hold anything other than forged spirits and sunstrike, and your micro of your forged spirits needs to be apart from your main hero as that is what really gives you the competitive edge over your laning phase.

    To reinforce the point of good map awareness but bad self awareness look at the picture below. This was a kill on you that cost your team dearly (4 died). As you can see from the mini map they are converging on you, you have no sight in that area but just watched them drop the Lycan at the shop so you can safely assume their next target is mid where you and the rubick are sat. I am in player perspective in this image and look where you are looking and where you have clicked. You basically walk to your death uphill with no vision map wise and no circumference vision.

    Watching through the game there are some odd decisions here and there but your gameplay picks up to a very fun watch and nail-biting end. All over I think the maxing exort helped you get kills a lot more than it helped your team stay alive as it left them lack luster with you going single target builds vs a very pushy group that were very clumped and would have gone down easy with a combo + a chronosphere.

    Good points.
    >Map awareness.
    >Target priority

    Bad points.
    >Personal awareness.
    >Item choice (for this game) no euls or force vs a very controlling team
    >Bad for the team (strong in fights but not useful) they would all die while you pulled a "sniper" from the back lines.
    >Skill build, needed a lot more usage of invokers stronger spells (you still have sunstrike constantly queued 30 minutes in and past

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

      bad starting item build a null talsman + 3 branches will give you like effecitively 3-4 levels in stats over your enemy, but means nothing if he gets bottle. You shoulda went for tango yourself, blades of attack and gg branches would gave u same stuff. Rushing a phase boots in 3 minute like standard extort invoker.

      You were too weary of THD. So you missed last hits. You didn't coordinate with clock there, coulda been kill.

      Your item builds are questionable too. YOu bearly use orchid and and went sceptor? Why when orchid gives you amble damage. Lastly you didn't gank. A good gauge of a good mid invoker who doesn't gank is getting 2nd tower mid at 20 mintue-ish. Without losing yours. Creating space if the enemy team comes for you mid.

      Around 29 mintues you stood in front lines at tier 3 tower with spell off cooldown so stupid. At least have ghost walk channelled. I'm gonna stop it here. Will probably know void carried you etc...

      just look at this example invoker... phase boots, dominator, deadalus 30 mintues in... even tho I lost the game.


        [*] exort*
        [*] null also gives stats over blade of attack - hence why the 3 stat items that give 9 damage for certain attributes is more expensive than blades of attack, due to the extra stats
        [*] phase boots aren't required on QE
        [*] treads work well with midas, a common pickup for QE invoker due to more attack speed synergising with damage better, rather than more damage.
        [*] or simply keep them as browns and go travels later


          @ mahelni or w/e your name it
          It's not a bad starting build, it's the best since you prioritize stats over damge since you go exort. You don't get blades of attack because phase boots are the worst boots for exort invoker. Ofc I was weary of THD, you can't overextend on mid with that guy there since I would've been a free kill for ember. Coordinate what with clock? He needs his offlane xp, not to waste time and come mid for thd lol. Build isn't questionable at all, if you use your brain. As Havoc said, a force staff would've been better against their line up (especially vs furion, to get out of trees) but Orchid is just to good for Ember too lock down, and as expected I forced both ember and clinkz to get a bkb because of orchid. Have ghost walk channelled? LOL. Void and Lycan were both useless until a certain point where they both (well, more void than lycan) got a few items and were able to fight. Too bad void was retarded enough to not get an ealier bkb but whatever.

          The invoker's build you linked (idk if it's you, but that would explain why you're so bad) is the worst shit ever. You waste invoker's teamfight power just because you want to get right click damage. No wonder you have no clue about how invoker works since you have 7 games and 29% winrate with him.

          Just don't bother to analyze my game, you monogloid scrublord.

          Thanks for taking the time to do this. I know my personal awareness kinda 'sucked' that game, usually doesn't happen to me. Maybe I should've gotten an early point into wex and would've been able to escape one gank with ghost walk, but that's all. Afterwards furion almost got necro book lvl 3 and thd would've bought dust, no big deal.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            I think the starting build is just fine there is nothing wrong and I have (in another forum somewhere) discussed the short and long term effect of a null talisman on invoker and it is well worth it.

            I think going qwoker this game would have been a lot better for your team but not for you personally but I would just weigh out the cause and effect of their team picks. All round I think you did a pretty good job but one of the reasons I dislike sunstrike is that you are always looking for sunstrikes which takes focus away from other things.

            P.S. I added you only to alert you that this was done, no need to accept.

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