General Discussion

General Discussion[TERRORBLADE] Question

[TERRORBLADE] Question in General Discussion

    Zenoth, Matrice, or anyone willing to give input. I am a decent Terrorblade but was wondering if your lane is being hampered do you consider early travels a good idea to make space and farm for yourself if your safelane and jungle is being camped preventing you from farming? What other options or things would you do, if the opposition is hell bent on stopping your farm and your hero is extensively farm reliant.

    There are obvious answers to this but I am curious if there's anything I am overlooking. Game in question

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Russia wtf?


        Isn't it WB, WB, RoA, Yasha, BoT? I think, you can swap Yasha and BoT.


          @Sam Eu West servers were giving me the "No steam login" disconnect issue, so I was playing Russia for the night as it's the next best ping wise for me.

          @Epsik That may usually be the case, but that is in a game where you don't have people consistently in your jungle or safe lane and you're unable to catch farm. I feel I did the right thing in getting fast travels but am looking for validation or simple alternatives.


            Depends on playstyle and lineup, as always.

            BoTs is the greedier option but less ideal against heroes capable of picking you off easily or wearing you down when split pushing (think pos 3/4 riki, clinkz, qw invoker etc). Half of its strength is in giving you access to lanes too far out for your team to farm under normal circumstances.

            BoTs has an inherent risk factor as well since you're committing to a more split-push style of playing, which can backfire easily depending on the player. Treads are generally safer, and lets you contribute more to fights if your team has good lockdown/teamfight control.


              Well it kinda payed off in the end cause they tried to race me which ended badly for them for obvious reasons but do you not go BoT's regardless of how you're playing or do you go treads if you're doing a "carry" oriented build?

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                BoT is just a waste of 2k gold if you can't actually do anything with it be it farming or splitpushing.


                  ^ what he said, BoT is always a greedy item which is a guaranteed payoff due to savings on tp scrolls and lower cooldown, but it comes at a significant opportunity cost

                  it's always good if you have the confidence to find farm, but that won't necessarily always be the case.

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                      I think we all know boots of travel is op on terror-blade. Move-speed is more important, period.


                        If team sucks and cant fight without you, travels late. if team is good and can fight or at least hold without you, travels early. but i think you always need them on tb, because if the other team fucks up and pushes without tps you can always port to another lane and level their towers fast

                        i read that one guide based on zenoth's gameplay once and my bff irl is a 5k terrorblade


                          do an envy

                          max illusions over meta with bottle, poor mans, quel and go jungle


                            If you read the topic the jungle and lane were being covered, I know how to terror pretty well was just looking for other options.