General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Demon

Shadow Demon in General Discussion

    I found this hero is quite annoying in lane with 3rd skill, and also it stack can make it farm faster with any creepwave
    Is it good to play him as him in solo lane?
    What skill should I maxed out first? And is it a must to built aghanim on him?

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        ^what qxz said


          ^ I think he has the right tools to solo que
          Proper Disables x2 with proper nuke to clear waves.
          Yes, the meta isn't right for him, however game still runs objective-wise for the most part.


            A realy situational hero. If you voice comunicate with the your carry he can make good impact.


              Hes actually very good vs troll right now just like bane, ult goes though bkb for better control of a troll with bkb.

              Dire Wolf

                He's only good at coordinating kills with his banish thingy with another stunner like mirana, or idk tiny combos, ck combos etc. Otherwise he kinda sucks. No point in solo laning him.

                plz do

                  ive seen him in pro games being played to counterinitiate a gank or safe a teammate w disruption - thats his most useful skill he has - if ur opponent has bkb u can still use it on urself/teammate. so its an effective way to crowd control in fights - but yeah, hard to coordinate i guess. disruption should get 0s cast point xd