General Discussion

General Discussionquas-wex vs exort/quas-exort

quas-wex vs exort/quas-exort in General Discussion

    thoughts? opinions? advice? quas-wex is more fun, but very unproductive if enemies know how to avoid ganks on them

    Giff me Wingman

      gank vs teamfight

      Pale Mannie

        Buy urn if youre going quas-wex


          both are op

          mostly the wexort invoker where you get one early wex for alacrity so you have FUCKING 200 DMG PER HIT ON LEVEL 6

          D the Superior
            Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
            I Hanter I

              quas wex is fun as fuck with urn, good for team fighting.

              Most people that go q-e in lower brackets only do it for the euls combo, so basically they only use 3 spells.


                I do it also, check my fricking Winrate, me and Triple keep discussing the way how to play Invoker


                  Quas wex is good. Exort is nice to get solo kills. But teamfight>solo kills


                    the only person who's in the league of top invoker players besides me and aimstrong, is Skim.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      I don't really like skilling Invoke as it lowers my right click time.


                        what's the reasoning behind an urn when going quas wex?


                          urn charges proc cold snap

                          quas wex is also ganking so ez kills = ez urn

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            I don't care as long as they cast Alacrity on me.

                            lm ao

                              guys why dont mid invokers buy bottle


                                ^because quas provides enuf health regen and u dont rli need mana regen - u harrass with right clicks, not with spells, and then kill with combo


                                  quas wex, way to go. more utility with those ice wall, cold snap, blast, tornado, emp, and alacrity. don't forget u can invis while at 500++ speed


                                    actually some invokers do buy bottles
                                    i'm not sure how to decide whether i should buy it or not
                                    probably when you're spending mana often with QW? idk

                                    yung griphook

                                      i thought quas wex was the meta build right now, but i see Dondo go exort invoker a lot on stream so.....

                                      do what dondo does. clear eyes full hearts cant lose


                                        Quas Wex
                                        I cant even play exort quas or exort wex properly in early <3


                                          Tornado burn mana mini stun and slow with ghostwalk r just great than meteor ss deafening,imo


                                            It is completely situational, all builds are viable and are usually preference to what playstyle you like.
                                            4-1-4 book or 2-1-7 euls is the fastest farming, as you eul combo kill someone, get alacrity and farm the jungle till your cd's are back.

                                            Are you in a lane that you need the extra damage to get last hits, Does alacrity help you.
                                            Are summons useful this game, then 4-1-4 by 10 and forge spirits own.
                                            is mana burn useful this game
                                            does your team benifit from sunstrikes, eg. Spirit breaker, earthshaker, nyx, bh
                                            do you need more aoe control.
                                            Are there heros i can easily solo kil,
                                            Does this hero have an escape,


                                              @Aimstrong lel 37%winrate


                                                I would say 2-1-7 build. Since it's the most reliable and can kill any hero.
                                                My invoker win rate is at 47.06% at 153 matches