General Discussion

General Discussionranked game

ranked game in General Discussion

    When im playing normal game. Im in vhs bracket and playing with 4.2k players. But earlier i play my 1st ranked match its avg was 3.5k its ok to me coz i now it will go higher if we win. Ya we win but still stock at 3.5k then 2nd game support winter we won again but 3.3k. Then 3rd we lose 3.2k and lose again. I only played 48games here. Should i stop playing ranked and gain more vhs matches in normal game? Does my 3.2k avg will raise up if u play more than 200 games in normal with vhs? This is my smurf for my brother. Im 4.6k in my main account.


      Dude Ur MMR at calibration games depend on your own skill not win/lose, if u play well u get more MMR like +100 +200 if u do it bad u get -100 -200 and thats what happend to you.focus on your role dude.


        BTW how could you get lvl 50 XP trophy and play ranked just after 39 game?


          My trophy lvl only 23. Maybe the new update.


            Btw thnks

            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!