General Discussion

General DiscussionI calibrated.. now what?

I calibrated.. now what? in General Discussion
Melancholy LSD

    I calibrated in 2k which was pretty much expected. I've been told that no matter how good you get it is impossible to get out of 2k and this worries me. What can I do to improve my performance?


      What you heard is bullshit. At 2k you really dont understand the game at all (no offense to you, its just the truth, even at low 5k there are still people who dont know current meta skill and item builds). Just practicing to last hit and denie efficently will give you a substantial increase in mmr. Watch pro games and follow their item and skill builds instead of shitty self-creations. Dont over-evaluate kills, theres always the risk that a gank can fail, farming creeps is consistent and more safe.
      Also try to learn some heroes instead of playing everything, you cant just play ember every now and then and be good on the hero for example.
      PS: Stop playing techies.

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        2k means you're basically average like everyone else

        2k is really possible to get out of, but if you just calibrated there what makes you think you got the knowledge to beat everyone else at that bracket?
        Just play pubs. 2k ranked is literal cancer, more so than 4.5

        Your Wife's Boyfriend

          3500 is the average and no, it is possible to get out of 2k even if you are rly bad just play the game


            Avg solo-mmr (according to Yasp) is 3250. There are 11% of players up until 2k, so theres definitely room for easy improvement.


              You have to take those stats with a grain of salt. It's only people who publicly display their MMR on their profile. I'm sure people would be more likely to do so if they had higher MMR. This means the average MMR is probably lower.


                Just watch pro plays and spamm pick 2-4 carry heroes it's important and dont be stupid.......seriously ive seen manny 2k players get to 3-4 k just by spamming carries..learn how to get more cs by lh and stacking....even if you lose the game as long as your gpm is high(500+) then your tbd will be 3-4k but in tbd dont lose a game and dont supp even if you win but your gpm is low your tbd will go down.....i hope this will help you.


                  Whoever said it's impossible to get out of 2k is a brick meant to be in 2k

                  Livin' Real Good

                    no, you can definitely get out, TRUST ME ON THIS ONE, what your friend told you was bull shit, and he's shit at dota, but doesn't want to accept it.


                      2k is eassay lmao.. 4.5k is cancer

                      Eternal Meow

                        People who who don't improve will stay at their current skill level. People who think they are better than 2k will stop trying to improve because they think they are already better than 2k and their team is holding them back so there is no need to improve. Since they think their team is holding them in 2k they will say it's impossible to get out. This happens in all mmr levels. There is nothing special about 2k.

                        I don't think 3250 is average. I think it's the average for people willing to display their mmr. That would mean that it's higher than average. Not many people display their mmr if it's sub 2k. A lot of people display at 4k and higher.


                          3500 is nowhere near average, lul
                          the real average mmr is 2500+-250

                          dont forget that out of all matches played, over 70% are in normal skill. the quantity of players in that bracket is actually higher than 70% of dota playerbase, cause the higher the rating, the more matches each person plays (obvious statemtn is obvious). having 3500 mmor basically means you are higher than 85-90% of players.


                            @Op - u can easily get out of 2k just like me. Just play some meta hero's u pleb.


                              It is not very difficult at all to win like 80% of matches in 2k bracket to eventually get yourself out.

                              Some games in that bracket are 100% unwinnable because of

                              1. noobs
                              2. foreign noobs.
                              3. people who give up to easy and feed / tell enemy where ur team is / feeds courier
                              4. trolls who feed

                              In many situations when I have one of those 4 in my games, i tell my team to stay positive cause if we have a feeder, then we can kill enemy and get that come back gold, push, and we are still in the game

                              BE POSITIVE. DO NOT FLAME.

                              You gain nothing from getting mad

                              If someone one your team is negative, be extremely positive n tell him "All we need to do is out play the enemy, and this is a win"

                              If it's hopeless then mute him, tell your team to ignore him and win as 4

                              Work on your mechanics, make your self better than every one in that bracket.

                              Practice all kinds of heroes but mainly pick carry roles because in that bracket you will secure your carry 100+ cs in first 10 mins then his team fight skills are horrible so you're playing dazzle and you invested time in a carry who will be useless lol.

                              IF you are in hero selection and someone soudns like a good player or u checked their dota profile n they win alot then yeah support them if you feel like it.

                              That's my 2 cents on how to get out of 2k.

                              stay out of low pri, dont get muted, dont flame, be positive, even when playing from behind, if u are playing form behind and have a good state of mind , u will win many more games

                              watch people like purge on

                              or youtube OG's page, OG Dota 2 Team,

                              or watch high mmr games on dota its self

                              a lot of ways to improve and win,

                              it's all in your hands,

                              dont ever Blame your TEAM ever

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                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                Just maintain atleast 50+% winrate and your good. And don't forget to have fun while playing.

                                ASSESS Product

                                  abuse meta


                                    ^meta abuse


                                      Meta abuse is one way.
                                      Get better at Dota in general is a better way. And when you do, pick a good core and win no matter what.
                                      I personally know about a dozen people playing on 2k, and only one of them really understands the game, but doesn't bother playing on cores. All others have no clue what vision means, what positioning does to you, why is it so fucking important to carry a TP scroll with you (it's fucking 50 gold now, c'mon, there is no reason in a world not to carry it). They don't understand when to push and when to back off. Literally that's lack of a basic knowledge and is very easy to fix.

                                      stupid fuck 2000

                                        Impossible to get out of 2k? That's just bullshit spewed by people who suck and blame their team everytime. I calibrated at 2k like 1.5 yrs ago and only recently started to play ranked seriously because I now consider myself a decent player (decent enough to get out of 2k at least lol). I win most of my games in this bracket (75% wr this patch) and i'm already at 2900 from 1850 or something like that by spamming one hero and picking something else only when I can't get midlane (dont care if its considered honorable or not, it's not like im playing last patch OD or current patch armlet carries). Basic answer, get good at a small pool of heroes which are reliable and spam the shit out of them. Also get good at mechanics. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see your safelane carry having free farm because you work your ass off creating space and they still end up with 40 last hits at 10 minutes into the game so you get into the situation of having to carry the game yourself anyway for at least 20 more minutes.

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                                        Melancholy LSD

                                          Okay these replies helped a lot. Honestly when I hop in a ranked game the issues I encounter are usually people who dont speak english or people who can't carry. *cough* 2-10 sven *cough* I accept that it's a team game and that it's not one persons fault for a loss and I have that dank PMA now. But yea I will try to get out of 2k. I heard Chi Long Qua is the best dota teacher is this true ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Learn to use chat wheel


                                              You can do it, it's very possibe, just play more games, and learn more about the game :)

                                              I say, improve on game fundamentals which is map awareness(missing heroes on lane), lane positioning/fog of war/high ground or low ground, last hitting/denies(includes the BAT of hero), creep stacking/pulling(the timing), and of course, skill/item interactions/synergies (example: 2 Vlads on a team is redundant or Chain Frost of Lich has a mini stun that can go through spell immunity or Omniknight Guardian Angel/Repel can be removed w/ Diffusal Blade or Eul's Scepter can get you out of being silenced)

                                              I stopped playing Dota 1 in 2008, came back on 2013, beta Dota 2. I was pretty much terrible at it(and still am), but got out of 2k by playing a lot and learning many new things! (AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HAVING FUN!)

                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!