General Discussion

General Discussionofflane np laning phase

offlane np laning phase in General Discussion

    how to play dis pliz help magical forums and my internet is fucked so cant download replays or even watch youtube atm.


      use treants to prevent pulls, farm, rotate to ganks only when you are aure it will result in a kill, keep a tp


        what @TripleSteal said,

        you can also use trees to scout, you can grab enemy creeps n lead them to you to guarantee exp/farm

        i would def try to block their creep camps with ward to guarantee lvl 2 and stuff

        walk up there quickly, maybe EVEN tp to secure you can put the ward n that you are not seen ETC

        do not feed Tree EXP/Gold

        don't die trying to last hit or you can accelerate enemy farm, focus more on EXP

        if you're not getting zoned by a trilane or something, try to mess with enemy carry's farm

        always try to have a little of health and mana to GANK mid / safe lane,

        ALWAYS look for potential kills with teleport + sprout!!!!!!! Can help you win games and get that much need exp/farm

        if you get zoned by enemy trilane , go to jungle,

        besides that i have absolutely no idea


          it's garbage saw a pro match that the safe laner (i guess sven) freefarmed and they losed the game....

          Optimus Drip

            My friend does np offlane and it works pretty good. he maxes trees and gets blightstone pretty fast


              thanks but what about treant wave pull? or should this be only done with the first wave.

              Avida Dollars

                Depends on the situation

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