General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless void

Faceless void in General Discussion

    I see voids win rate went down past 50% is he dead again ?


      i think its a comnsequence of increase in popularity. also, more ppl try to play him as carry now (I dont mean carry void is bad, but it definetely requires a certain level of understanding).


        No its not , People dont know how to play him
        I have 80% winrate mostly playing offlane but it definately can work as a carry if u have good farm


          Void is good and items to him are pretty situational. He is decent with good escape, high base damage, pseudorandom bash and spell-cooldown lockdown. A good offlaner and has a potential to be a carry with right items that follow.


            Can offlane voids afford radiance ?

            Fee Too Pee

              depends, if u go vanguard and pt , and their support is weak ( u can block the harras and click creeps) saving up for radiance is viable

              Story Time

                i think it is just a sign that enemy players have learned the right counter picks for void, or finally understood the use of orchid/hex


                  Baumi and other well known dota youtubers hate radiance void. They say that only the pros can make it work and that you shouldnt do it. I know that mask of madness in chrono is very good and other items that crit and bash do well in chrono and that if you can consistently get two to three of the other teams heroes in a chrono then you will most likely win teamfight and carry.

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                  Dire Wolf

                    I think the issue is who does he combo chrono with anymore? All the ranged carries got nerfed or dropped in popularity. Invoker and od and zeus are all not what they once were, and trying to combo void with like pa, slark, lc doesn't work so well.


                      Can offlane voids afford radiance?

                      it depends on the skill bracket. I do it and it sorta works for me but I play in potato bracket.

                      a friend of mine told me about the vanguard+radiance build but he didn't tell me it was a safelane build. Thinking "oh void is an offlaner now" I ran it in the offlane about a dozen times with moderate success before finding out that "it's a safelane build and doesn't work in offlane", which was surprising to me because it was working fine for me in the offlane.

                      Turns out there's sorta a meta pattern here: in low mmr, the farming rate of a safelane carry and an offlane carry are very similar. In high mmr, those farming rates have much larger differences. In the <2k bracket, void averages 30 last hits in the first ten minutes when played in the offlane, versus 34 in the safelane. In the 5k+ bracket, void averages 37 last hits in the first ten minutes when played in the offlane, versus 59 in the safelane. So the difference of "offlane void" and "safelane void" is "4 last hits in the first ten minutes" at <2k, and "22 last hits in the first ten minutes" in the 5k+ bracket. What builds work in what lane changes a lot based on skill bracket.

                      Waga, for example, has said that the vanguard+radiance build that he likes is strictly for safelane and doesn't work at all in the offlane, but consider that he's playing in all 5k+ games. For him the difference is huge; for me it's tiny.

                      Anyway your games are mostly High Skill games so I would say no, since in your bracket void gets 33 lh@10m in the offlane versus 49 lh@10m in the safelane; you probably won't be able to afford a timely radiance in the offlane in your bracket in most games. vlads, treads, blink, aghs, not necessarily in that order is probably a more workable option for your bracket.

                      but wtf do i know i'm just a normal skill scrub

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                      Swap Commends

                        Perhaps some ppl tried to mimic miracle build as carry & they failed.
                        Usually happens after every tournaments.

                        Johnny Rico

                          probably the radiance build, people try to carry with that and just lose


                            His win rate decreased because he increased in popularity and people dont understand that FV is meant to tank some damage....without an item like vangaurd, voids hp is extremely low, if he gets silenced or stunned, enjoy your death. If yougetlife steal, its not half as reliable for keeping your hp full as vangaurd is, ESPECIALLY after vangaurd just got a regen buff this patch.

                            Vangaurd on void allows you to be aggressive,

                            Idiots do shit like build Mom blink maelstorm,

                            Void is much better when he is difficult to kill, it allows him to be in your face bashing you instead of running away trying totime walk damage because you have absolutely no hp or reliable hp regen, also alot o people forget that radiancemakes him tankier , and harder to kill

                            Void is almost impossible to kill, with vangaurd radiance he has 3 sources of protection against damage,

                            Time walk, damage block from vangaurd, and evasion from radiance, once you begin getting your moon shard daedelus type items , you become very scary as void.

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                              Makes sense ,thanks for looking into it for me guys / scraps . Radiance just seemed too expensive for offlane void but if it's supposed to be for sAfelane void makes more sense.


                                When I run void in offlane , usually I build dag and vlad/vanguard for survivability.
                                I built radiance -vanguard one time on safelane and it's effective.

                                Hatsune Miku

                                  manta diffusal jsut so good right now

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