General Discussion

General DiscussionRanked MM

Ranked MM in General Discussion

    As you may know Im the greatest low bracket/low mmr player this world has ever fucking seen.
    About a month ago I stopped playing ranked, because noobs started to disgust me the more I carry them to victory and also the compendium quest/wagering thingie had an huge impact on that.
    I was destroying noobs in unranked doing quests and shit as an form of training in the mean time.
    I had an enlighting moment after all those matches I realised that I could play any hero almost perfectly and counter the enemy team like a champ.
    I always play 1v9 games so I need more hero recommendations I can't carry hard enough with slark which is weird tho since I like 1v9 hard carry heroes

    Тази тема била редактирана

      I doubt you're carrying your games properly with 6/10 heroes on your top played being <50% winrate.


        I doubt you're carrying your games properly with 6/10 heroes on your top played being <50% winrate.


          Hmm, captain, requesting K-bomb on this very site. All units pls respond.


            terrorblade. recently came back to dota for the compendium shit and rose from 1800 to 2400 in a week.
            MMR is simple: pick juggernaut/tb, destroy towers, get resources, win the game.


              Fucking garbage, what a fucking joke... Is that some stupid NASA expirement or what? No there's no way, complete fucking garbage, this is dogshit trash. What a fucking joke.


                I don't understand why people want to know how to "carry" their team 1v9.
                If you are that much better than those you are playing with, you will win no matter what role you are playing.
                You just have to use your brain and lead your team instead of AFK farming for 40 minutes.


                  NORMAL SKILL .... KAPPA




                      You guys know how it is....stomps one game, proceeds to think that game is indicative of his current skill, plays ten more games and feeds comes onto dotabuff whine and cry about losing teammates blah blah blah....the cycle repeats itself

                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!