General Discussion

General DiscussionDamm NOOB I AM CARRYING AS ZEUS!!!!!!!!

Damm NOOB I AM CARRYING AS ZEUS!!!!!!!! in General Discussion

    Cant get a kill blame you steal kill no matter what you do unti before the enemy die so carry got kill noob waste of unti i got him , unti after the enemy manage to escape fuck you noob steal kill , sooooo retared WTF .And why people keep passive zeus unti? the way i see it this unti was meant to kill enemy that escape that it am i missing something ???????

    Тази тема била редактирана

      from now on i am done helping carry get kill with my unti and used it for what it meant for

      I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

        mute sub 4ks, acquire mmr


          DAMM NOOB
          I AM CARRYING AS ZEUS!!!!!!!!

          Normal Skill

          It ends there.


            ^ rofl


              Unti unti unti


                did you know zues does more damage if you use it straight away instead of taking kills last minute


                  they should make normal skills as ,,worst skill,, hahha its not wrong


                    Sir swirl i know ty to the 3th passive it deal damg base on the hero current heath so if you unti from the start you will deal out more damg, but just spam skill 1 and 2 those cool down are fast and deal good nuke damg .And not think about BKB ,usually when they go in teamfight they will throw down a BKB i only unti first if i had a refresher, the way i see it used the unti to cut down escape hero it better and yes it the last minute why waste a unti and give them a change to run when you can cut them down at the last minute of the fight ?and steal deal damg with other good nuke spells

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Zeus cant carry okkkkkkkkkkkkk you must die a lot playing this hero and dont get any of you item up H


                        Bottom 60% of playerbase -> Low Skill
                        60% - 80% of playerbase -> Normal Skill
                        80% - 95% of playerbase -> High Skill
                        95% - 100% of playerbase -> Very High Skill

                        does this sound right?


                          Bottom 99% of playerbase -> No Skill
                          99.01% - 99.50% of playerbase -> Normal Skill
                          99.51% - 99.75% of playerbase -> High Skill
                          99.76% - 100% of playerbase -> Very High Skill

                          Seems more like it


                            Thats harsh, everyone below 5k is no skill...

                            i like it :)