General Discussion

General Discussionis monkey king balanced? will he be nerfed?

is monkey king balanced? will he be nerfed? in General Discussion
mmr scientist



      He will not be nerf but hes pretty strong as melee mid destroyer and aggresive dual offlane


        Jingu fine as it is- no more of that ridiculous one shot potential at level 2.


          Is he good in mid? I never try him mid but I thought he is meat (pun intended) as he has no escape mechanism if a roaming opponent gang up on him.



            hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

            Johnny Rico

              his first needs to be 0.5 sec stun at max

              mmr scientist

                and in my opinion, what makes him "op" is the fact that mk thrives vs teams that aren't well coordinated since they fail to either target him first, swap him out, deal with him while he hasn't reached his power spike, etc.


                  Slark, AM, storm, etc also thrives against uncoordinated teams
                  And they're not even close to being OP right now, so no, I don't think he would get nerfed or it is necessary to, I think IceFrog changes shits based on the pro scene and high level brackets, and I hope it stays that way

                  mmr scientist

                    yeah, i think hes going to be part of that alchemist/meepo/slark/storm tier LOL


                      I spam AM haHAA


                        I think he is good upto mid game...
                        He starts loosing his opness soon when other carries take over :)
                        Too weak if ganked and 48% winrate so not much nerf needed i think..
                        Maybe they might nerf his jingu duration or his 1st jf needed but nkt much at the moment.

                        not arin



                            i think the duration on jingu should be lower


                              The buff from his passive should fade out after like 20-30 sec, and maybe his ult should be forced to be self-centered. Rest is kind of okay.


                                I think this hero is kinda okay. It is something like brood or phantom lancer. When picked correctly - unstoppable. If you see that enemy team doesn't have lockdowns or has weak heroes you can pretty much 1x5 on mk. Also people aren't really used to mk; thus, sometimes it seems like this hero is so strong.


                                  Full damage + attack modifiers on his ulti, a Jinada+Tidebringer+Fissure skill, a passive that allows you to 1x3 before minute 6 with only brown boots. How can this possibly be balanced?
                                  Just compare it to PL, that needs ridiculous amounts of farm to get online and can't even carry games later on...
                                  Regarding his winrate, we're talking about a huge number of inexperienced players picking it and ruining games.

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!