General Discussion

General DiscussionName

Name in General Discussion

    Do you guys also think that having simpler and less toxic name make your team play better and trust you more? I mean, the last time I tried stupid names like "TRASH AFK CARRY" I had a 3 losestreak on ranked with bunch of toxic weirdos, the longest one I ever have on ranked until now, went back to "bws" and breezed through games easily with rather cooperative teammates again
    Maybe its just my luck, and s a m p l e s i z e due to my inactivity, share your thoughts

    doc joferlyn simp

      I think setting my name to a pro player will magically grant me their skill.


        i think it affects alot

        i neve trust ,,only midd ,, name players or safe carry

        i love names like Original ( example mine ) or funny or somehing which nothing to do with dota or mmr


          People who use names of pro players are mostly trash tbh


            never noticed it having any impact on game quality.

            on the other hand, names like PMA, allchat muted,m1v9 etc. usually indicate retards. the name itself doesnt affect anything, but its a sign that the person using it is toxic, and it will indeed have negaive impact on communication inside the team.

            Negative Mental Attitude

              1. what does bws even mean
              2. Im actually employing psychological warfare on the enemies when i have toxic name. When they see they are losing to an enemy carry called "1v9 everygame" they get tilted, thus reducing the chances of a comeback by HUGE amounts
              3. When my supports see "1v9everygame" is their hard carry they expect me to play like shit and are less inclined to help me in lane, little do they know that THEY are shit and them not "helping" me in lane is actually game winning

              TLDR im a dota god and ill be 10k before summer

              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                I prefer my teammates have a mic in 2017 and know how to communicate. Whether he's Peruvian or not as long as he can speak a few words we all understand that's better then the average dota player who has a mic but doesn't talk because of insecurity issues


                  When my name is daddy people defer to my parental wisdom thus allowing me to lead properly.


                    if they have a spanish name u know u can trigger theem ez. makes for fun gaem


                      Just use normal names. Basic, Bland Names. My alt accounts just have names like Light, Yellow, and June. Just simple words.

                      It doesn't impact your teammates, but if you choose a name like LOWPRIORITYKING you may just end up psyching yourself out.

                      Honestly your name just doesn't matter, if you have a lose streak and you correlate that with your name of all things you're just ignoring what went wrong those games.

                      disgusting weebs

                        no fucking shit u can usually tell how a person will likely behave just from their nickname, sometimes avatars too

                        props to ppl with big boobs/ass or overly sexualized women on their profile picks, almost always they are legit retards

                        disgusting weebs

                          somehow it only applies to actual photos and not art, having hentai babes on ur profile pic is a whole different mental condition


                            i have never ever changed my name, but i believe if your name is something like pu.ssy destroyer you should pay at least 200 mmr above level


                              I at least enjoy the overly sexualized women profiles

                              disgusting weebs

                                yea i bet u also enjoy ur spicy ainsley harriot and other garbage from 2014 dota meme vids

                                not too fond of ur kind either, usually ppl with such avatars are passive-aggressive insufferable сunts, especially if the game doesn't go their way

                                disgusting weebs

                                  man im such a fucking psychotherapist wonder what shitty kind of dota players i am

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    People with an edgy/weeaboo name and pic are the worst and think theyre good

                                    Johnny Rico

                                      I can see a retatd just by the name, like daddy lul gid shit. 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌


                                        my name is usernamenumber 1000 so I will climb 1k mmr then cap out???


                                          It does have a clear impact. I get flamed from min 0 when using benao, when i was using skyrim blabla i barely got told shit

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            ^I wonder why that would be!


                                              Tbh weeb kinda nailed me rlly well. Wp man. I get rlly triggered, then calm down so one second im yelling, then i realize im not helping and try to diffuse the situation i created. Tho i never noticed this in other memers.
                                              I dont enjoy stale memes, i used to, but i havent been able to change my steam acct in over 5 months soooo.
                                              Also @cuck and roll, ur calling me a retard, but ur the one with the impact font cat face meme profile so we can settle that we r both equally autistic


                                                Well, I just put (boosting) in my name and now I can suddenly get the carry role. So far I have not lost a game where I have played carry in the 4 out of 20 games I have recently played. :^)

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  Whenever I see "boosting" or "booster" in the name of a player asking for carry and when I check the stats and they aren't both above 700, I automatically assume he's dogshit and no way is he carrying.


                                                    Well most people are dumbfcks like me who's not even sure what the average GPM/XPM for a core is. I don't even play carry usually too, I just felt like it.

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      When you put "boosting" in your name, you're setting yourself above the other players in the match. This means that the average GPM/XPM for carries does not mean squat. It means that every game, you should be dominating whether you are playing Rubick mid Dagon build. More so when you play traditional carries, you should be reaching 900 GPM/XPM or some shit.

                                                      322 is a must

                                                        I use whatever name that i want and i dominate every games


                                                          Name: Dondo the Supamida = Instant Dondo skills.
                                                          Name: Miracle = You're a 2k fangay
                                                          Name: 2ez4rtz = Babyrage.


                                                            IDK I don't really give a F**K what's my teammates names, as far as I'm concerned they are strangers to me.


                                                              If you play in SEA and teamed up with a name like this

                                                              (iY0t and Ot3n) do not let them mid these players are pinoys and retarded.

                                                              Picking sf and not having sb <13 mins triggers me a lot.


                                                                Its ok
                                                                First picking SF already triggers me


                                                                  What abt against slardar?
                                                                  Or when u have a bh?
                                                                  Or when they have a lot of gank potential so u need lance/pike?
                                                                  Sb is not an every game item on sf.


                                                                    Sb is not an every game item on sf.



                                                                      Guys my mmr is 2k and I play from SEA.

                                                                      No ganks in mid,barely wards and buy detections,and when there is slardar and bh I hunt them instead of them hunting me.

                                                                      2k analysis.


                                                                        Well back in source 1 I dont usually build sb on sf I go for the old style blink and euls.But since SE was reworked I started picking it in every game.That break is insane to some heroes that rely on their buffs such as pa and timber.

                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                          i used to dodge people with gigatard names


                                                                            U know what is better than silver edge against a hero like timber?
                                                                            B K B

                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              The Katz 11 hours ago
                                                                              i think it affects alot
                                                                              i neve trust ,,only midd ,, name players or safe carry
                                                                              i love names like Original ( example mine ) or funny or somehing which nothing to do with dota or mmr

                                                                              :thinking: What do you think of mine? :thinking:


                                                                                Yah bkb.But that break remove timber's passive armor and regen so I'll still go for the SE.It makes him squishy.


                                                                                  ^sf cant burst timber thru break before timber can burst him, thus fast lance, then bkb, then silver edge.


                                                                                    Timber can then just chain away too, no point in breaking without disable, it also sucks if he has armor stacks prepared before hand cuz it doesnt get rid of existing stacks just his ability to aquire new ones.


                                                                                      sf sb is always a must

                                                                                      pike is not and is shit item better go lance bkb butter sata then if u need extra mobility go pike
                                                                                      i almsot lost today cause of first item pike sf tortal trash


                                                                                        ^thats just stupid, pike and skadi together r so good.


                                                                                          ^So if timber has already stacks and I break him it the stacks are still there?
                                                                                          Didnt know that shit tho.


                                                                                            ^^ listen what 1k sf player tell u , hes right


                                                                                              ^also agree with daddy sf with pike and skadi is good and +150 range.Sf's range might be the same as Lina or any other hero that's range is in the tip if the towers range attack.


                                                                                                skadi sf is shit too pike too
                                                                                                buttter make u farm next big item in 4 min pike doesnt
                                                                                                butter bkb satanic monkey is farm more better than skadi
                                                                                                skadi is shit on sf


                                                                                                  i said lance is enough its still same range

                                                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                                                    Also @cuck and roll, ur calling me a retard, but ur the one with the impact font cat face meme profile so we can settle that we r both equally autistic



                                                                                                      i go sb-dl-se-manta-skadi-mkb/bf


                                                                                                        I get recognized in a fair amount of my games now as "that guy from dotabuff"

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!