General Discussion

General DiscussionThe legend tells there are acc buyers in 4K mmr bracket

The legend tells there are acc buyers in 4K mmr bracket in General Discussion
fear is the mind killer

    Is it somehow true? I mean for 10$ more you have a 5k acc. Not mentioning the fact that i never encountered an account buyer in all my games in that bracket.

    Who would buy a 4k account anyway in 2016/17 LUL

    Use chatwhell=mute

      Idk. In mongolia 4k accounts worth like ~3$. Ppl would still buy it. But i rly thank the new update.

      Use chatwhell=mute

        and 5k accounts worth exactly 20$

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        Story Time

          people by shit because "my team is holding me back" and they thing they are not the problem. I think many buy 4k and not 5k not for price-issues but for the reason that they are scared to loose constantly in 5k... i mean they are more or less rational - right?


            i can certainly say if they exist or not, or if i played with one or not.. but when i played with a terrorblade who build madness and get killed like 6 times by a supp silencer i definetively believe it

            that before i was like 3.2k and the terroblade was 4,8k

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              ^^ potonator gets it

              Do you see the number of shitty threads (HOW2GITVHS- NOBO TEAM HOLD ME BACK)

              A misconception is that 4k=2k and The only difference is the quality of teammates you get (hur hur see the joke here?)

              If your 2k and your winrate is 55-60% then its only a matter of time until you reach close to 50% wr and that is your actual skill (MMR)
              some people think they are actually 4k but don't want to waste 1000 hours trying to get to 4k with that 53 % WR.

              So they fast track it. If they have a 4k account, grinding up to 5k at a 52% WR is possible.
              Starting at 2K with 60% is alot of time and some poeple would rather drop 30$ to fast track it.

              I get it.
              Unfortunately most players who buy those accounts aren't actually good enough to stay in 4k let alone 5k. So they will be in your game, demanding mid/carry (Cause they were so good in 2k) and end up ruining your game. End up in LP for excessive feeding and then coming onto DB yet again to post such GEMS as " OMG VOLVO LP AGAIN , 5 time in 1 week, FIX SYSTEM "

              Posting such great insight as " I MUTE EVERYONE YET LP , OMG HELP"
              Eventually they will balance out to 50% WR in 3.3k mmr or lower.

              Only to buy another account and repeat the cycle.

              Optimus Drip

                mmr-wise, even if some people do buy accounts, statistically they don't affect your mmr because they have the same chance to be on enemy team. so over then course of 100 games your individual skill will be what's reflected overall. Thats how i look at it anyway, i understand i am 3.5k mmr, but im pretty sure we seee em as they are going back down to thier 2k mmr

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